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3 Cats' Oisisou Home Walkthrough

3 Cats' Oisisou Home

3 Cats' Oisisous Home is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Choko-Chai, who is the creator of Operation Escape of Three Cats and Concert game series. In this game, you try to search the around to find some useful things and solve puzzles in order to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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would love to Lizazza but mine STILL wont even load!

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Lizazza - wow thanks loaded. Just have to work out what to do with it now!!!

OOps loads fully lots of writing I don't understand with right arrows then cats go up wall part rip it down and then I am outside again but no cats HELP!!!

yeah i sure need some help now... need a knife :)

the link i posted works for me, I had to click forward two times though.

Knife is behind the blue thing, the page with the fish on the wall

I need a number for the star, and the yellow thing....

wow thanks!! i am armed now :)

now i am where you are nalika :)

Lizazza :)))
Is it a bug, that I'm able to load the other cats on the pink things on the wall, and the littlest is frozen?

Lizazza when loaded cats walk up path to outside of house, white xcreen with one line of writing and right arrow each click of right arrow loads another line of text and eventually into house then more taxt and right arrows but nowhere to click forward. Any help or will jsut give up on this?

you RIGHT click and chose "forward" in the menu that appears... hope it helps.

nalika... am trying to get the cats there again

I don't know how, that the middle cat went up, and I have the blue coin now :)

i got the cats on the pink wall once, they gave me a coin. They won't go there again for me though. Need to open the small door there somehow?

Aaaaand out!! :)

Thanks Lizazza can't get it to work will leave for now til better sorted out

wow nalika, that was fast. how did you figure out the two missing numbers?

sorry that it didn't help, perhaps it's the web browser, i have firefox?

You can quess the number for the star. Finally you have 5 cookies with number, put the cookies on the table, and you have the key

oh, how do i figure out the number for the cookie? hmmmm... tried to count them all ;-)

i mean the round one with chocolate

Have you got the three bags from the machine? Turn them

thanks, i got those... but not the number for the one i found by the door

Look behind the big paper box

aha! thanks! i am so very bad at looking behind stuff... it gets me every time!!

out too... thanks Nalika :)

Lizazza thanks v much I was using firefox as well for this but never mind

Not at all, Lizazza :)

aww hopefully the "right" link will start to work soon too

off to bed... night all *waves*

i don't know the numbers. i have all catffod but totally stuck now. please help me

I can't find the pink coin, any one for help around?

open catfood ( blue and green) with scissors and turn them over for numbers... but missing the pink one

in the shadow of the floor below the panel's code, with two cats
one of them ripping the floor

Thanks, but that's were I found the green one.. the blue one I got from the wall with the pink pipes..

I'm gonne see if I can get the cats back somewhere..

power of posting ;) I found the pink coin

and now the numbers? stuck here :(

Unfortunately, Lizazza, my "forward" link is not highlighted, so that won't work, for me. But, thanks for trying. I guess I'll just have to wait to play another day.

Game wont load for me...Hey Kingman and Full in answer to your question about Mercedes..She is making new games and designing her own apparel..Dont know if Im suppose to do this here but we all know Mercedes so heres her latest websites...Shes been really busy..Mercedes Games and Mercedes Apparel..


I really wanted to play a new game and like just about everybody this game will not load for me no matter what link I use,

       Anonymous  12/7/08, 2:01 PM  

Jessica, try: http://flashgamemania.co.kr/1709

@full, yes! it only works with internetexplorer. not wit firefox.

full what do I do when I am in there?

you CLIK your rigt butom of the your mouse,y clik ON forward 2 times

4_73 x _ = 5 figure includes all

4973 x 8 = 39784

and have a key

lindo I was trying that from previous comments, but I do not get forward as an option when right clicking mouse, only settings and adobe flash player something

well I guess maybe I just need to try later. I have lots of studying to do. Catch y'all in the next game (hopefully that one works!)

or so


thank you @Sisli :-)

Jessica only with this link


Tried numerous of links, is not loading.

thank you all for your help but I give up :(

       Anonymous  12/7/08, 2:20 PM  

Out, not bad after 7 hours (loading), but it was worth it, nice game as always

Tried numerous links, not loading.

This link worked also 4 me,en only IE


       Anonymous  12/7/08, 2:31 PM  

@ Kartoffel, i DO use firefox.

@Jessica, once you are at the URL, the game WILL load, than click the black arrows a couple of times ( 1 of the cats gets crazy and than rightclick FORWARD ( avanzar in my case) You will see the picture that shuchun posted with the game and than use the FORWARD rightclick again.

Sorry for my late reply, i guess you must be studying now ;.))

       Anonymous  12/7/08, 2:36 PM  

Rectification here: if the game is loaded click the yellow letters at the bottom-right ( the scene where you see 3 cats walking away from you) and than rightclick FORWARD

Still cant play!!!!!!

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hey everybody-i´m back from the chrismas fair-(do you already know that in your country?)have had some-i don´t know the word in english:glühwein here in germany-my dictonary said "mulled wine";-)-but the games already doesn´t start for me-is there any other link?

Tull amazing with help from you now loaded in firefox but struggling and guess you all gone now

wtch link do you useed?i have firefox too-but still loading and loading...

Hey Maggie77, sounds like fun,(the Christmas fair)..Game still wont completely load for me with any link... It tries, but never goes further.. Will try again later..

Game loaded for me with no problems, but stuck....lol

on this link you can play the game:


@vbranam nice to see you here.it was fun-but now i have a little problem to write correctly in english;-)

yuhu-the link work...thanks bn...

is anyone still playing?

Hi, Maggie...I'm still playing, but kinda stuck!

LOL Last cat, the chubby one, seems to have some trouble getting out!

Does anyone know what the water is used for?

@Jocelyn - one of the cats gets you a coin from the water

what cats?there are no cats for me...stuck with the scissor-where to use it?

Thanks, DCveR ....I thought so, but when I call the cat he won't come!!!

Maggie...You use the scissors to cut the box of cat food, I think.

Click the water, then click the big fat cat by the hints box

To get the "cats" to come you have to click on the big grey cat and he calls them!

But:get the brown fish.use it with box-and then with blue fish-with blue fish open the catfood box get scissors-and then?

I tried it, but he won't come...Guess he's not thirsty...lol

Maggie....you need to get another food from the dispenser, I think. Been playing this so long, I'm forgetting everything I've done...lol

Click water, call the two cats, click on the grey one. The black and white won't do it.

it didn´t work:-(how have you klicked on water?

i have star and a round thing-where are the others?grrr stuck....

I've tried everything. Even tried putting food in the water to tempt them! Tried both views of water also. Soon giving up, I think!

me too...

hi all!i have no cats either.

The cats helped me with everything else, but not the water. So frustrating!

got them now,didnt notice cat in bottom left hand corner.lol

oh no-not a bug in this game too-i have enough for weeks from yesterdays wow2000-game...

One click on water you get this message:
Then you click the big cat
and the two cats show up
If the message is not being displayed the cats don't come

oh no-not a bug in this game too-i have enough for weeks from yesterdays wow2000-game...

Omg, thank you bn..that link is working...get to play...lol

Maggie...I played the wow2000 game today and had no bugs, but couldn't post to help anyone. I actually got thru it on my own...THAT'S a first!

sorry for double-posting-Idon´t have this messige:-(

you lucky one;-)today i have played it too without bugs...

ok....Hubby stands behind me and the cats show up. Guess I was using the wrong bait!!!...lol. Got the pink coin and used it for last bag of food.

Ah-have the cats-you have to klick on the lila pipes and then the grey cat....the two cats come...

I'm hitting the hay, good luck!

still can't play the game, what link is everybody using?? been trying for some hours to open the game, no luck, and the directions won't help...

The cat food boxes have numbers on the back and pics of the cookies on front..

Im out, this was so cute!
Will stay for a bit if anyone needs a little help..

oh no-they are gone...

leithian, see bn's post @8/12/08 00:33

ok have three coins-but can´t put it into the automat...

yeah vbranam, thanks, been trying that link too, but no luck, even after refreshing the page like a million times!!! ;) no luck with the games today I guess...

From Bn
on this link you can play the game:


and it really works!

hey everyone, i feel like i'm in a completely different game from all your posts. i have no right or left arrows. just one room. with 3 cats. got tack, cat play toy, card from behind cat picture, tube from cat toy. some kind white button looking thing. deflated balloon, now stuck

....and of course for some strange reason the god of escape games finally let's me play the game, yay! ;) gooooood I swear I've tried that link like an hour and kept refreshing the page, but NOW of course it works! just when everybody is off... thanks for your help everybody!

you are in an older game.sorry

Hey Michele, you sure your in the correct game..

hi michele, what link are you in?

Michele...you ARE playing a different game...Here's the link I used with no problems. I'm using the OPERA browser.


hi Jess! , hi Maggie, Hi V1, i'm really confused. there were so many different links posted. i'm in http://choko-chai.haru.gs/game/zansyo08/zansyo08.shtml

I have an "x" and "o" looking pieces of catfood I think, and a box, kinda stuck

that is an old game michele use the link from @Bn it worked for me

thx jocelyn, i'm trying that now, but it's taking forever to load..

hi-take this link it works fine...http://www.doodoo.ru/games/4627-oisisou.html

Yeah Michele, you should be in the one Jocelyn posted..the oisisou instead of zany..

can someone tell me where the scissors are please.

I couldnt play from there though...Went to the doodooru one

in the cat food box.you have to get the blue fish first...

woooooooh this IS a completely different games :0) just starting so i'll have to work fast to catch up, thx for the help all...

@vbranam-can you give me a hint for the code?it´s too late for me thinking...

where are the other coins to get the cat food? can't call the cats anymore to help me...

it wont let me take the blue fish,do i need something to get it?

found box cutters behind cat box, used to open cardboard boxgot brown thing, and used new brown thing on box in inventory but I'm not sure what for

oooh nvm....

jessica and trev, brown thing is to get fish, you need to sharpen it!!

for me you have to klick first on the downer end of the left pink pipes and then the big grey cat

Do any of you use the OPERS browser. I've NEVER had a problem loading any game in Opera...


@jrssica-get blue fish with it...

found paper under flap of cardboard box once it is opened too

The coins are..in the pee stain on floor...call the cats, click on b/w cat..

another coin in the water pan...call the cats

another coin after grey cat goes up the left side purple pipes

Sorry...Should have said "OPERA" browser...Fingers aren't working properly...Been playing to long, but hate to give up on the code!

oh sorry-i mean jessica-

got blue fish thanks

maggie77 for the code..all the cat boxes have a pic of cookie and a number on back...

thanks vbranam, found them after posting of course... ;)

stuck already with the code...any hints?

square cookie is 3
choc chip cookie is 9
white cookie is 7
star is 8
pink cookie is 4

what cat boxes do you mean

Jessica, the ones you got out of the machine...with your 3 coins

oh it is realy too late...i just have to try.actually how easy...

Sorry, should have said cat food box

oh in the machine I'm sure..duh sorry, but how to get them?

still cant get blue fish?

lol.. maggie77, put the cookies in same order I posted above..

trev did you find sharpener? it's a long light brown box!

i don't have 3 coins where did they come from?

thanks a lot for help...i wish i could help you all but it´s 2a.m.here so i have to go to bed now...have a nice day/evening/night...see you

night Maggie!

how do u get numbers from cat food boxes? and do we need to open them, casue my box cutter went away after i used it on the box:(

Trev, did you get that brown thing from the box...and sharpen it....Then maybe you can get the blue fish

thanks vbranam for your help, was a funny game!! hope to see everybody on the next one!

You have to use scissors to open the cat food and get cookie out...click on bottom to turn and see number on back

night maggie, 2am here too!! ;) I'm definitely addicted to these games!

Leithian,i got the box,but dont know how to use it.

if your still interested in a link for this game, Nordinho has a alternate link and i tried every one on this site, works and loads fast

YW,leithian...c ya in the next one!!


trev just click it, the lid should come off and then use the brown thing on it!

Goodnight Maggie77...c ya later

all in the "about item" mode I mean....

scissors from the cat food container on the shelf after you put blue fish on it.

coins anyone? where do they come from, What did I miss?

Thanks for the code hints, vbranam1!!! I'm out...Very cute ending...Wanted to give the last cat a push!...Great game!!!

You gonna stay and help for a while leithian?

Lol..Jocelyn..YW...c ya in the next one!!

sure vbranam, don't have anything to do anyways! ;) well, sleeping maybe...

jessice, see vbranam1's post at 01:51 about the coins!

had to start over maybe a bug?

sorry, i mean jessica....

coin from wet spot on carpet click cats to scratch it out. coin from watch click cats to jump in and knock out coin from purple pipes call cats to climb it for u

leithian,use it on the box thats taped up?if so,i have but nothing happens.

coin from wet spot on carpet click cats to scratch it out. coin from watch click cats to jump in and knock out coin from purple pipes call cats to climb it for u

lol...leithian..K, Im getting on out of here then... It was fun guys...Hope to C yall in the next one!!! Goddnight everbody...

i meant coin from "water"
sorry for double post

trev, I'm talking about the box on the cupboard, where the plant is, take it in your inventory! then open the lid!

see you vbranam! goodnight!

thx V1

ooops, should be "Goodnight everybody"

thank you, these comments are hard to follow because half of them are not for the right game

trev, had any luck with the sharpener? hope you're still there? ;)

you're right jessica, after reading the comments, I just HAD to play the other game as well... ;) did you find all of the coins?

ahem, is someone still there?? feeling lonely... ;)

leithian,sorry for bugging you mate,but it wont let me take that to my inventory.im a bit new to this,probably guessed that already,lol

yes thank you lethian, now have all numbers but star. I know it is 8 but i'm curious as to where it came from?

ok who's left here? got all pieces for code, but anyone have a hint for code, don't ask me to go back and look at other post, cause it's tooooooooooo confusing :)

trial and error?

oh no, not at all trev!!
but it sure is strange that you can't take the box! mine went right into the inventory... gonna restart and look if it's working!

for me it was just trial jess! ;)

yeah michele: the numbers are written on the back of the cat food, and also there's a paper behind the taped box!

but what about value of the star?

sorry michele, think I got you wrong, the correct order of the number is:

square cookie 3
choc chip cookie 9
white cookie 7
star 8
pink cookie 4

ok looked up, but why is star value 8?

well, I just tried all the possible numbers michele (1,2,5,6,8) and 8 was the only possible answer for the star!

finally out, The last two posted games have been so easy, but have caused problems because of bugs and links not working. I don't know about y'all but I am ready for a simple easy game that works the first time around

trev, I can take the box, I'm talking about the one next to the plant, not the taped one!! how about you?

michele if you use 8 to multiple, your answer equals out to use all the numbers we have available to use, that's my guess

I hear you Jessica, never spent so much time for escape games who weren't even that challenging! but hope we have some luck tomorrow! ;)

sorry leithian i thought you meant the cat food box,i got the brown box and took lid off,what now?

is anyone still playing ? the game won't load for me, how did you guys get in ?

now use the brown thing on the box, it should sharpen. then you can take down the fish on the wall!

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