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Isoball 2 Walkthrough

Isoball 2

Isoball 2 is sequel of Isoball 1 popular isometric tile based physics based puzzle game from Candy Flame. Guide the ball to the hole using the available pieces in 50 new levels and 10 sandboxes. Featuring new pieces, a revised score system and a sleek new look. Good luck and have fun!

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Am I the only one that can't get past 17?

Don't know, I can't do 16.

Ok found 16 now I'm gonna try 17.

Stuck on 18

Hey @Prid, a live one with you, great.
Can you give a hint for 17.

Ok, found 17, gonna try 18.

Walkthrough for Level 17:

On the Tile right under where the Ball is, put 3 BIG BLOCKS. On the top of the Blocks, put a long Slide, so that the upper-part of the Slide is near the Ball!

Put 3 Big Blocks, on the Tile, right-side of the first one. On the top of that pile, put an Arrow Tile facing Bottom-Left.

On the Tile, next to the Pile I was talking about above, put 1 Big Block. Create a Bridge on that Block, and then put 1 Long Slide on the other side, but next to the Bridge. Rotate it so that the Upper-part of the Long Slide is near the Bridge!

Put a Long Slide on the Bridge, and then put a last Big Block, on the empty field next to the Bridge. On that Big Block, put the last Long Slide!

On the other side, put an Arrow facing Bottom-Right!

I hope this helps, but it's hard to explain. If you don't understand, I'll just make some screenshots ;)


Ok found 18.

@SneakSnake: How did you do 18??

stuck on 23 >_<

Level 18

@SneakSnake: THANKS ALOT ^^

       Anonymous  2/17/10, 8:07 AM  

Seems easier than the first Isoball game.

@cricketer9999, or @Sonoka - Marcus,

I'm still stuck on 23, can you give ahint?

sneak, build it to the far left, then over the gap, then just up up up up to the hole.. im stuck on 26

       Anonymous  2/17/10, 8:25 AM  

sneaksnake, sorry, I'm behind you still.

Actually after I posted how easy I thought it was, I got stuck on the very next level for a while.LOL!! A sort of inverse POP situation.

Thanks @Marcus,
here it is;

Stuck hardtime on 29 >_<


@SneakSnake: I know that you have already given us an Image for Level 23 - I tried alot of different ways to complete the level, and finally did it. So, I quickly made a screenshot, uploaded on the internet, and was about to submit it here when I saw that you had already done it. But since I already made a screenshot, I might as well post it :]


No problem @Prid.
stuck on 26 now, that one is impossible.

help on 24

Finally 26


Hehe! Get to 29 fast and help me >_< :P

Level 24

I found that one @Marcus, but thanks anyway, but now I'm stuck on 28.

That's level 28, Sneak!:p

Also, I got 29.. am on 30

I know that I ain't that smart ...


Thanks @Marcus, I was so close, It looked almost the same as what I got, but mine was wrong.

@Prid, here is 27

Sorry making a real link takes me a lot of time.

If anyone need help with 30, let me know.

Still stuck on 29.

And again I was close and thanks again. It seems you don't need help at all, all you did was helping me.
Btw. very quick answer.

Sonoka - Marcus: Thanks alot ^^

Well, I'm here to please!:>

Wow @Marcus, that's a new trick to get that bridge on a low place. I had to put a half block first to put it low and could take that away again because it was now attached on the bottom of the big one.

Yeah, that's why I love this game!:P


Don't know @Prid, I'm stuck on that one as well, but I'm gonna quit (for today that is).
Tomorrow my head will be clear and I'll finish those last 20 levels in no time.
Good luck to both of you.

http://i49.tinypic.com/oky8td.jpg That's what you are doing wrong @Prid :P

Gah >_< Bye Sneak. :P

Thanks for all yer help, Sonoka - Marcus and SneakSnake!

I've been playing this game for hours, for 2 things.

1. Try to solve this game TOGETHER with you all
2. Finally play a live game with SneakSnake

I am just going to try the next level, and I am leaving too :)

Cya tomorrow ^^


Hehe, gnite Prid!:p

WOW! Teleporting is fun ^^


I know that lvl 31 is easy, but I want EVERYONE to make Screenshots/Images for every single level, so that when we complete the game, we can gather all the Images together into 1 post, creating an Image Walkthrough :D


Prid, I have level 29, 30, 33-38.. stuck on 39. but will make pics off all new levels aswell. :)

DAMN, already stuck in 33 - oh well, I am not that good at these game!

Anyways, I am leaving now. Please post pictures of all the levels you finish :D


Will do! Bye Prid!:)

level 33:


btw ive done all 33 levels without help so far! :D aiming to get to the end without help, just like i did on isoball 1 :P

this game is better in a way, the 1st game didnt let you continue at each level, and had a timer, and also made you get every level absolutely perfect to unlock the bonuses... this one is more laid back.

also @marcus, i heard youre trying to be the 1st to finish this game? lol i might catch up, but you did have a huge headstart. i think for avoiding spoilers though its a miracle i even caught up to everyone else, so i think im doing good so far.

well, on to 34, ill be posting screenshots!


level 34:


i love isoball, im probably better at it than escape games.


Okay.. pathetic as this is.. lol. I can;t finish level 2. It won't start my ball...is it supposed to give you as many shapes as you want?? *is a tad slow*

~has already joined the gazzyboycott!!!~

35 was a piece of cake!



You won't like level 49 >_<

okay nevermind. It was just extremely glitchy. i started over and it's working now.

okay. normally love isoball but quitting this time. i can only play 1 level at a time without glitches interfering so bad i have to refresh the page. Not worth it. When the bugs are taken care of i'd love to finish.

Good luck all!!

~Supporter of the Gazzyboycott!!~

36 giving me a LOT of trouble, but im determined not to get help because ive done every level without help so far...

damnit, forgot my slogan on the last post!


k finally got 36, that and 29 were the longest levels for me so far.


btw, havent said it yet, nice to see prid back!


37 was a piece of cake wow!


took me 1 minute, if that.


38 easy again!



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good GOD, 39 was a bloody pain! took me about 20 mins to solve it -_-


but, im proud ive solved the hardest level yet without help at least :D

btw marcus, did i end up solving it before you? lol id be shocked if i did, but last i saw you posted you were stuck with 39, so im just curious.


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lol wow 40 was more than 100 million times easier than 39 was. so easy that i nearly forgot to take a screenshot (as you can see in this pic the ball is already in motion when i took it!)



so i guess youve beaten the game by now huh? guess i had no chance. lol its too bad i didnt start as soon as it came out, people were already up to like 26 when i started.

still, congrats

wow 41 42 43 were easy, i dont even need to do screenshots for those! on 44 now

but, i fear whats coming up ahead because i hate phase bridges >:( having isoball 1 bonus level 5 flashbacks now... i HATED that level, even if it was only optional!


Yeah, I completed it about 5min after Prid left:P
Hehe, gratz to you too, you found the right sulotion. Mine only worked, but it wasn't the correct one. :)

Hehe, you will love 49 and 50 I bet.

44 and 45 were easy too but needed precision timing and may need you to redo the phase bridges if they are not going off at the proper times.


theres the one for 45. you get a TON of blocks which makes it a bit intimidating at 1st, but its not that bad of a level in the end, took me only 1-2 mins.




looked easy compared to 44 and 45 because theres only 1 phase bridge, BUT go figure the phase bridge is the exact tile that the velocity dies out on! >:(

so itll take a few tries to get it right, but aside from that, very easy level.




not that bad of a level. by the way, i hope my screenshots are helping some people!


48 took me a good 6 mins or so, but nothing has been harder than 39 so far. below is the soloution for 48:


wasnt that bad in the end... now to see what the dreaded 49 marcus has been talking about looks like...


what the hell!?!?!? is 49 even possible??? surely this is a bug right?

like... its not PHYSICALLY possible to complete this level, so either the creator screwed up, or theres a trick i havent learned yet. never seen anything like this before...


hey, still here?

You need to put the ramp at ball, then after start VERY QUICKLY erase it, then change side of it 3 times and place it at the far end after all single blocks and the arrow in the corner.. :P
YES, You CAN erase blocks while ball is in motion.

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112,776 score.. I'v been afk for a good time, don't know if I will try to replay levels for higher score tho.. doubt it. >_<

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@Suicune? Don't know if it is you, but hence you said '.. outdone me once again.' Which sadly feels like I'm the reason you left the first time too.
I hope that's not the case, because I can promise you that you have helped me 10s of times more then I'v helped you, I rarly posted in the beginning.
And you did help me alot, you still did when you left to.. please don't leave again. :(
Btw, do you have any mail? For occasional chatting:> Also, would like you to test my new next game when I'm done.. will probably take me a couple of weeks tho. :<

As for last level, to people that will try further.. with this game. http://i49.tinypic.com/14e4502.jpg

Can anyone help someone that is stuck on way back on level 16? there doesn't seem to be enough blocks! Suicune.. is that you? missed your puzzle solutions

here is level 16

Chairman of the Gazzyboycot.. or Suicune..

You really need to see someone and get some counseling, you sound in desperate need of help. I've been there.. please seek some help. Lots of good meds out there. Remember these are games, they don't make us what we are. Just a way to kill sometime..

Thanks Sneak

Holy smokes Sneak.. this is beyond my little pea brain.. time to call it quits!

Thanks for all the your help in all the games, couldn't do it without everyones help.

hi @ all,
please help me with level 9. please....

@chaoskate, level 9.
Put two squares on top of eachother in front of the ball and on it a triangle one.
In front of that again two squares with the arrow to the hole and next to that one (between the squares and the hole) the last triangle one.

thank you sneak, so much.
i m so stupid.....

You're welcome @chaoskate.
And I'm sure you're not stupid.
It's just a game.

IsoBall 2 Picturethrough
Level 1-20
Level 21-40
Level 41-50
By Sonoka - Marcus

On further notice, you don't really need to REBUILD the ramps / bridges after you erase them, you can just hold them on the correct position.
Would have been alot easier if they made shortcuts for "start", "erase" & "clear" tho.

       Anonymous  2/18/10, 3:26 PM  

How in the heck can you attach the bridge halfway on the block on level 29?

@Bartmaniac, place a little thing first on one side and attach the bridge. Put a full size thing on the other side and now you can erase the little thing and the bridge is halfway.


1430 points on Bonuslevel 10
it's fun to notice too fast speed will break the ball as well

Do any of you know how to solve 49?

Help On Lvl 49???

       Anonymous  8/12/10, 3:14 PM  

level 7?

Oh and maybe you didn't know; if you click on the things before you use them, you can rotate them.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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