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Kara One Scene Escape 2 Walkthrough

Kara One Scene Escape 2

Kara One Scene Escape 2 aka One Side Escape 2 is another Japanese point and click type room escape games. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem in this game. Good luck and have fun!

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yes, language barrier is a problem (of course unless u speake that language).

okay, so far, pretty lost. anyone else here?

yeah, but I think I'm gonna bail. not really my kind of game where u just mindlessly click.

found 4 keys & used 2 of them. not sure what happened, didn't see any real results.

I've found and used 5KEYS.
What's next?

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I got it!
And OUT!!!

weird. have two keys that don't appear to go anywhere.

one key is in blue book

it looks like a easy game...only..I think I need some strong coffee :D

still got 2 keys..a number 2, and clues in a book..did I used 3 keys already? lol...cant remember that

       Anonymous  12/1/10, 11:17 PM  

The # for the codepad on the blue desk is found if you first count the number of corners from the 4 shapes in the green book
Than above the shapes in the green book you have the numbers 1 to 6 at the left and at the right.
Start with the first number (5) and go right at the pattern by taking every first corner so you´ll end up with the number 2
Do the same with the 3,6 and 4

       Anonymous  12/1/10, 11:22 PM  

And stuck now with the moon-2, triangles-0, stars-3.
Doesn´t fit at the second codepad though

Greetings from Turkey
Code table 2413

@full, can you explain that to me again?

the 5=2...

I did have 2132...but nothing works :))

aha..think our turkish friend gave me the answer!!


( aha..I got it too!)

And now time for work... =)

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Still haven't opened rug safe, have used all 5 keys, haven't used the ;) ;P clue, haven't used the diary clues.

And haven't used the 2-3-0 clues.

I came back..got some minutes...and now i am in the same position like you @Puzzle :))

Missing something, but must get to bed (it's almost 0100/1am). I tried all combinations of 230 on the "rug" safe, so must be missing a number.

Sure would be nice to know what the orange X key did!

Good morning, alkmar!

If you figure this out, please leave me a nice clue (not just a spoiler, if possible).

I wish i could do that @Puzzle..but I am sure i need help =)

Goodnight for you!! sleep well and have nice dreams , hugs

At 08:00 in the morning at work I've tried to decipher it was 11:00 am but still does not look promising =) I give up!

in the diary we see the date ---the order so sun,moon,star
-in the diary:sun:1 moon:7 star:4
and from the closets we got sun:0 moon:2 star:3
so add them each

197 as the pw for the floor


Look at the diary.
Note the Date ,the Mark and the Number.
Look at 3 ornaments and notes each number.
Add the diary's number and the ornament's number
by each marks.
The diary's date is the order.

Sorry my poor English.

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Shuchun and Crooks Thanks!!!!!!

Could someone please explain ladder code transformation a little better? I found Full's explanation too confusing: "Start with the first number (5)" - does that mean start at one of the 2 fives at either end of the ladder? or start at the top or bottom or somewhere else and count 5 corners? Or just start with the pentagon-derived 5? "and go right at the pattern" - does this mean starting at the left side and go right? Or start at the right side? Or by 'right' does he mean 'immediately'? "by taking every first corner" - each T-junction is a corner, offering 2 directions to turn. How do you know which way to turn? "so you´ll end up with the number 2" - actually, if i start at the left 5 take every first right-hand turn, i end up with 6.

Even knowing the answer, I can't make sense of the explanation!

       Anonymous  12/2/10, 3:26 AM  

@pommygranite, Here´s an example;

Example for the # 5

Thanks @Shuchun and @Crook for help with the diary!
@Full, I'm sure your example of #5 is a great one, but I can't open it. There is a very high possibility my work computer is the problem.

Anyway, if not... @pommygranite,
the puzzle is called Ghost Leg, and you can read more in wikipedia if you like to.
-When moving you start at one number, for example number 1 in the left side.
-Move towards the right side along the horizontal line, until it reaches a vertical bar(pointing up or down).
-Follow that new bar until the next horizontal line, then always move on towards the right side (which means there will be some left and some right turns).
-You'll end up at number 6.
If you start at number 6 in the right side, you'll end at number 1 in the left side, always moving left on the horizontal lines, and going up or down whenever there is a vertical bar.

So: number 1 on the left side is connected to number 6 on the right side, wherever you start. Then it's a matter of knowing if you need to transform 1 into 6 or the other way around, which is different in different games.

@Full: Thanks! I was able to understand how it works from the image you provided.
@Ellie: Thanks for the name of it and other info, I had not heard of this before

       Anonymous  12/2/10, 4:23 AM  


@Suchun & Crook, thanks for the addition tip -- I've tripped up on this before. (Were the smiley faces the clue to add?) And I completely missed the numbers in the middle of the text (just wrote it off as something I couldn't read!)

@Ellie, thanks for the name for the transformation. You explained this once before (Sakura, wasn't it?) I remembered the method but not the name.


Read the books for clues

Green book, top shelf
- ladder code for number transformation ("Ghost Leg" method -- thanks @Ellie!)
Ghost Leg transformation gives 1 <> 6, 2 <> 5, 3 <> 4
- Sun = light switch
- face clue: (star, star in gray circle) :), (X in orange circle, X) :)P
- Pentagram-triangle-hexagram-diamond = 5364 (counting sides) <> 2413

Blue book, bottom shelf is a Diary
"gray circle" month
3 day - stars with 4 in text
2 day - trees and moon with 7 in text
1 day - an 8-pointed orange star (this is a sun) with 1 in text

"X" month
74 day - green dots -- Pick up the pink crab key

Collect remaining keys
- brown flower -- blue cupboard (right)
- orange x -- top door of orange cupboard
- pink star -- right blue blob
Use number code in parallelogram safe on top of blue cupboard to get green dragon key

Open remaining safes
Inside the parallelogram safe is another lock clued by orange stars
Open with pink star key, get 3

Turn off lights -- 2nd blue blob is highlighted
Inside is a lock clued by 3 crescent moons
Open with brown flower key get 2
Turn lights back on.

Open orange cb key with green dragon key
Get pink octagon surrounded by little triangles (this is a sun)
Open with dark pink crab key, and get 0

Open rug/floor safe as follows:
Use the days in the diary for the order (sun,moon,star)
Use the face clue to add the numbers from the diary and the safe.
sun = 1 + 0 = 1
moon = 7 + 2 = 9
stars = 4 + 3 = 7

Open "Orange X" on book case with orange X key -- nothing happens

Thanks again to Shuchun and Crook for cracking the final code.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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