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Amgine - A Whole New Riddle Walkthrough

Amgine - A Whole New Riddle

Amgine - A Whole New Riddle is another brain teaser online riddle game developed by Amgine. Change URL to give answer, include level number eg 1answer.htm. Spell out any maths symbols. "The" may or may not be used in the start of answers. Colours can be significant, so can file names, source code, titles etc. Some levels may relate to the previous level, others don't. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please don't post exact answers, just give hints for levels!

Update: New levels added.

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stuck again. surprise surprise lol.

On 87, is there a better way then going through this dictionary word by word? :s

looked through unicode nothing there. mkganda . i think most of the answers are posted i will have a look

For 87 I posted
The first picture is probably an aglet.
The second is probably exennium.
The fourth one is probably galeophobia
The last (fifth) one is probably an agraffe.

The third one I didn't find, but it's a D.

Thank you! I did see those earlier, but usually try to get them myself. I got lazy with the dictionary though. Which is odd b/c I love words.

ok thats me done good night

bye @bigtank, i have to go soon too.
I tried substitution cypher but wrong answer.

good night, bigtank! I have to go too. Hope to see you all tomorrow. I'll surely need some help. Bye everyone!

Bye all, have to call it a night too.
Tomorrow, we will surely solve it.

But, will check, ten/twenty minutes, if help is needed on previous levels.

Maybe it is only a weird font with circles.
Bye all !! See you tomorrow.

It actually is a weird font. I just now noticed that each symbol is a highly stylized version of its name. I still have no idea what to do with it though.

For 95: Once more think only in dots and dashes to get an egg.

for 95, after you have the word for the egg, search from which Matoran word it was named after.

Okay on 91 (bingo) and struggling over a 4 letter word. It is 4 letters, right? There are multiple options for some. :s

nvm, I was looking up the wrong #...doh

hi mkganda, yes on 91 it is a four letter word, starts with s...
did you use the source hint? it shows you which four numbers on the bingo you need

@chipsi, thanks, sorry had to go, can't help in 96 now. Just came back to check comments.

@mkganda, if you have found what the clue in source means...
Use this link

I come back later.

Hi all. Yeah, I got it. I wrote down a number wrong. :s

@brian, nvm, I think I will still be on 96 when you come back

ok got 96, think board game s......

ugh...93...I saw the a***** f**** hint, but I'm not getting it. Guessing at this point.

and sorry that was a flying visit as well got to go again

so that hint is 11 letters and I have 12. Which one is wrong? security guard, ultimate goal? :s

mkganda just go to a site with lots of those sayings on it and it is there

nvm...got it.

I´m thinking on the board game all the time! don´t know what to do

My morse isn't working on 95. got "cordak"? What's that? lol

mkganda, thats your egg!!

lol...nvm again...I think. Should I erase that now?

@chipsi what board game do you make words with


hmm...that's not the answer?

lol no @mkganda that would be too easy.on the right track though

nudge me?

ooh...scores and then simple conversion? Don't tell me, I'm going to play with it. :)

I know it is s....! I thought question marks stands for b.... t...., doesn´t work either.

Pow! 97. Feeling good about that one. :)

Hi everybody. On 96 I scored it and thought I had something, but it doesn't work.

@chipsi This site is helpful.

score calculator

Set it to English and then convert your numbers and anagram.

ok not realy looked at 97 so will leave it for u guys

omg, it´s so easy, should learn to count correct, did the same mistake several times!!

Hi guys,
Any idea about the 5th picture on level 97?

And congrats on catching up mkganda.

nvm. I had 2 letters wrong! It's still early here.

@small-tool just got here so...nope. No idea what I'm looking for. Noticed the one above that one has a name though, so am I looking at "starring" roles?

@small and thanks for the gongtats. :)

You all are very helpful.

all I can find for the 5th one is an rpg where you can make celeb characters. hmph.

The fifth pic is an oblivon symbol, but can't find the first pic.

Nvm. got the egg on 97.

I don't know what I'm looking for. :s

the pics on 97 are:
Then it was easy brute forcing.

hmm...who's real name?

for 97 the real name of the character s..... in gladiator

Stuck on the egg. Can't combine it with Russel Crowe.
Also there's a comic book with the name of the previous answer, but there the real name is Kent Allard and it doesn't work?

I never saw that movie and I'm not finding the character on the imdb. :s

Thanks chipsi.
Now on 98 we probably need the names of the kind of challenges.

nvm...series not movie. Got it. POP

russel crow is just a hint for the film: gladiator
you need the actor name of sh....

On 98 are we looking for e********** o*******s?

American or UK?

may be we need the challange names and anagram them, but I can´t find the fourth one

On 99 now.

mkganda, uk.

No anagram.
The fourth is pendulum.

@chipsi Pe*****m I think.

thanks small-tool, didn´t realize theres a uk version

looking on unicode for 99 but nothing yet

any luck? I'm thinking it has to be eastern or middle eastern right? I really wanted it to be arabic. Shows how much I know. :P

I did Exif on the pic and found:

the lost empire


Crap! Like 10 mins ago my husband walked by and said exactly that, and I thought he was joking!

it´s Atlantean alphabet!! thanks small-tool

On level 100 now.

100 too. :D

Thanks, small!

Done. Thank you all.

100 is EASY!!!

100 should be ironicon but it doesn´t work.


You're going to laugh when you get it.
Google "irony mark"

Nvm. it was easier than that.
FInally finished.

oh, and consider the page title...obviously :)

Is it really the end? I don't like the other one. (5 phases) This one was great!

finished!!! hate this mark

Great teamwork guys. Thanks for all the help.
And now gonna take a break and tomorrow back to amgine 5 phases.

Bye @chipsi @small-tool @bigtank @Joe and @brian!

Great riddling! Thanks for all the great hints and teamwork! Looking forward to another riddle with you all soon! :D

Congrats to all who finished!!
Hope there's still someone who can help me on 95.
I found the egg and according to the comments I have to scrabble and convert the score.
Do I have to scrabble C****K ?
And how many letters does the solution have?

Add the points (uk-version) of the letters of every sentence. But that's for 96.
For the egg on 95 google C****K with Matoran.

oh, thank you very much small!!

on 96 now.

Pff reached the end. As always way behind.
I enjoyed this riddle and learned a lot of new things.
Got a great anagram finder from small-tool.
And thanks to mkganda for the site on the gl.......s would never have found the meaning of these pictures without you.
Please someone mail me if another puzzle like this starts. Meanwhile breaking my brains on Last enigma

Yes, made it to the end too!
It was great fun and I keep learning from you all.
Again, thanks for all the help along the way and for all your useful hints!!

Congrats Amazone and Truus.

And ... lvl 100 !!!
Great riddle. I hope angua makes more of these soon and to play them here with you all.

Thanks a lot for the help, and congrats to you all.

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