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Cryptex 2 Walkthrough

Cryptex 2

Cryptex 2.0 is sequel of brain teaser and challenging Cryptex 1 online riddle game developed by March Ahead. "A treasure hunt is an activity which is dedicated to testing not only general knowledge, but also your lateral thinking skills. And, in its inimitable style, we have got together to bring you a series of question designed to tickle your grey cells and make u pull your hair out in frustration. But there is also a reward at the end of it all." Good luck and have fun!

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I am now on level 12, cannot identify any picture. Anyone else is playing?

wow...level 12...you are far ahead of me!

Thank you Jon.

I'm stuck back on level 5....but I don't have much time to play :( Good luck, you are 4th on the leaderboard!!!! Well done :)

oh well looks like i will be no help stuck on level one already, tried all the usual stuff for level 2 but nothing , am i changing the url

Hello! Anyone here?

hmm...I know the answer to 1, but I can't find where to enter it lol. Looks like I'll be a whole bunch of help to everyone here. :P

good to see you m-k not liking the rules much for this game but hey always emails right

Hi @bigtank! We don't care about the prize anyway, right? Where to enter the answer to 1?

tried to change the url got the clue from the source but nothing yet

Well, I feel better that I'm not the only one. I saw in the rules that sometimes we'd have to find the answer box. I'm not seeing it...:s

lvl 1...change the URL

lvl 2...find the godfather 2!! actor name...no spaces!

For level 1, change the url, what game are you playing?

I had a feeling that was the way. Thanks :)

level two...

i am on the screen with the forum on and the rules,do i change the url there, and does it need to be htlm at the end

lvl 2....despite the source code clue....it's not Govinda!! Look further!

@bigtank Yes, the links to the forum and rules and such appear to be on every level. @faltu's hint is very helpful.

also, not htm, php

ok got it now thanks

I don't get 2. Find Godfather II, actor,Indian gov't? What exactly am I looking for here?

look for the actor, it's a hindi film adopted from godfather. The title means govt in hindi.

got the film and the actors not sure wigh one to use though

okay, on the right track now. Don't know why I was confused, makes sense.

@bigtank the equivalent role to the man in the pic.

@bigtank on 3 with me? need a push. with google I got a*******y, but what with the name?

The obvious connection doesn't seem to work?

look for a three letter song of the band.

okay, I'm alone. I'll come back later, I guess.

Oh yay, @faltu :) Thanks

hi mk. is it a....... b.......

ok spent the last half hour trying to chnage the url of 2. still not working in the answer box though

bigtank use answer box from 2 onwards. you are right it's b******* jr.

well, I got it, but don't understand what would have lead me there from the source. Oh well on 4. Thanks for that. :)

@bigtank Are you over this one?

lol...REALLY need to refresh before posting. Happy you're still here :)

ok got it now the site i used was missing an h from the name

@bigtank check your mail

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ok onto 4 you with me mk

@bigtank yes, I'm still here. On 4

What are we looking for?

ok onto 5 . finaly got 4 looking through the forum
maverick 12.29

How do you change the URL in 1? Leave the .php and just change the alpha? Or change it all to something else?

okay, thanks bigtank :)

@Skot Hi! change alpha

Thanks mkganda.

Hmmm. I must not have the right answer then.

Okay, so the source hint + image title leads me to believe we need a b***, but the forum suggests that the answer is not in letters, but in all special characters.

@Skot faltu gave a great hint earlier, "what game are you playing?" So instead of variations of l***l 2, try something else

@bigtank Who's the guy in the pic?

This is ridiculous. On the forum I got that the first pic should lead me to mardo ki shaan. How exactly? Anyway, f**?

famous for his mustache? :s

huh...I think I know it now, actually. Am I alone again?

okay on 6 now

@Mkganda, I am playing with you, on 14 now, come fast and help me.

I believe 6 is referring to one of my favorite books. Am I on the right track?

May be.. easier way to find the math const and link with India.

okay, so to answer my ?, yes. So I have my number. working it out...

thanks faltu. I know I'm not much help here.

Still playing too. Stuck on #4. I have no clue where to start on this one.

You will surely help, once you catch up, I've started earlier.

@Skot 3 letter distress signal-google with "audio equivalent" to get a word. :)

What to calculate? Truly lost on this one and thought it would be the first that I actually "got" on my own. Not likely. :s

thanks m-k now for lvl 5

ok back now stuck on five

@mkganda you know the famous const. just relate it with India.

Well, these are really throwing me for a loop. I have no clue of the correlation in these images on lvl 5.

Okay @Skot and @bigtank for 5 look for a way other than words to express something while chatting. there are a few animals, one of which is not represented in the pic. The first one is not an animal. Hitler was also famous for one of these, though a much smaller one. So google together that, 2nd pic's animal, and 3rd pic animal to find what you need. The answer is in special characters.

@faltu Yes, and I got a person, though he is not the answer. Am I actually calculating something or is that a hint for **?

got the m...... ages ago but did not use the symbols as i thought u could not use symbols oh well onto 6 ty mk

@bigtank That stuck out like a sore thumb to me in the rules. May have special characters, numbers, etc...Totally new for riddlers like us who are used to everythingalwaysansweredlikethis lol.

m... c... and p...? But you say there is another animal. hmmm.

@faltu the h*****y maybe?

That was the hint nothing to calculate, find the person who first calculated **.

ok i know who first calculated ** but it is not a.......s. . why are they talking about indians

@Skot if you google those 3 together you should get a list of "special characters". Of the animals in that list, there are a c*** a p** and a m*****. How do you type it?

@faltu S******** R******** not working though. Been trying variant spellings all this time.

omg i got 6 woo hoo onto 7

A*******a not working either.

I know how to type those. Only see one other animal but its not taking it.

seriously??? I know I have the right guy. What am I doing wrong? Clearly misspelling :s

never mind. I got it using copy and paste. :) Not sure how to make that certain symbol.

just his last name mk b.........
stuck on 7 iknow the film and that i need to change the url for another picture, but not sure to what , do i need another date, it says the film is english.


ok. now on 7.

ok onto 8 . can only get these reading through the forum nothing makes sense

@m-k: google helped me by looking for what was in the url and the other information we know. Then used bigtank's last clue to determine which one.

FINALLY!!! On 7 now

Thanks for your patience you guys. :)

trying url changes on 7 and not getting it yet...

ok. Got the name of the movie in 7. Now what? Also know the country? for the image.

Guess I don't know the country. Argh.

u need to remember osama's broadcast.thats from the forum. its not the bbc or cnn!now come help me on 8

use name of movie with source hint :)

got it with tineye

on 8...

tineye? I am still stuck trying to change the url. Can't find a GIF for that movie.

@Skot I opened the image in a new tab and changed the url from p*****.jpg to t**i*****.gif then copied image url and went to tineye.com to figure out what it was.

something's wrong. can't access the game anymore. :(

Anyone else having problems with the cryptex site loading? Keeps timing out on me.

Yep, game down. Thought I found somebody for 8, but the reference to Delhi was throwing it off.

i am having problems too i think i have the answer to 8 too

got 7. on to 8.

What's so great about a riddle you have to register for? AUTOSAVE!! Nice! Didn't bookmark levels, so logging in is sweet. :D

onto 9

what is up with the Indian theme?

@bigtank a push on 8? I had the wrong guy, I think.

lol skot must be an indian maker

level 8 take the capital letters and google

ok think i have the cipher for level 9 but not getting anything

I like the theme. Learning, though it does make it super tough.
on 9 now...

btw, @bigtank, you and @faltu are ruling this one here. I feel completely hopeless lol.

stuck on 9 now and going out soon. what is the key for the cipher

finally. on to lvl 9.

ok onot 10; this looks hard lots of comments

ok got to go , lots of good hints please

seeya bigtank. Anyone got some hints for lvl 9?

hmm...v******* cipher?

thanks m-k. that was it. On to 10.

@Skot lol...I don't have it yet. Good site?

you had the right kind of ciper. just look for a cipher solver for that kind.

Okay, thanks @Skot :)

Sinus headache and bored children getting the best of me, so I'll come back later. Leave me hints please! :)

Aww. All by myself.

When you come back M-K, Sharky's is a good one to use.

I think I am almost done with 10. Hard to say for sure. Pretty sure I've skipped a couple of steps too.

I can't figure out who the guy in the middle is on #10. I feel like this is all that's holding me up to solve this one.

I am going to take a break I think and come back later. Hopefully, others will be back and able to help out.

skot stuck with you not got the middle one either ,

What to do with these people on 10? don't have middle guy either.

@20, no need to search for middle guy. google other four and find what they are specialist at, apply that to image name and search each separately.

And what with their image titles?

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with image names like bkrmh I'm not getting anywhere. :s

google the names of the cricketers not the piname.

:s I'm really trying to enjoy this riddle, but I'm just not. I need too much help on each level.

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@mkganda, this level was hard, too much googling needed, they are specialist at a certain kind of delivery in bowling, they are all first bowlers, find that delivery, otherwise I can email you.

Okay, thank you. I'm going in...

as in which arm, fast-medium, etc.?

Okay, gotta go for a while. Thanks for your help. Hope to have an AHA moment when I come back later.

ok gonna give 10 another go anyone here to help

Sorry, my net was down, was not here. the delivery is r*****e s***g. apply that to image name.

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Got it. On to #11. Finally. Thanks for the help faltu.

@Skot have you r******d the image names? Each name after googling separately will give you names, may be 3rd or fourth hit in the page but it's there.

Still working on #11. I know what the right image signifies and I think I know what the last image signifies (before applying numbers) but the first one I don't have a clue for.

ok, for two of the images I have h**v*n, h***, and I can't think what the third one is supposed to be.

@skot I've forgot which was 11, can you remind me, then I can help.

hi to all, seems that I have missed the start of this one, but I´m trying to catch up

I still can't get 10 :( sdmpd re*****d is dpmds...nothing. What am I not doing?

lol been waiting for you mk to email me the answer.

omg you're here?! I keep checking back and haven't seen you, but feeling really pathetic on this one. Can't figure out how turning gibberish backwards into new gibberish gets me anywhere lol. :s

sry m-k not had time to have a good look. new riddle on nord, zodiac, but i can not even get the first one

ooh...I'm in, lets play! See you on Nord?

lol...1st question "Are you stupid?" My answer, "apparently, yes, I am." Can't pass 1 either.

lol lets see if we can get it posted on here . can not show how stupid i am on nord

@bigtank, sent you an email.

Hi @bigtank. I just wrote you back on Nord. :)

Okay, can't stay, good luck and have fun! :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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