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Escape from the Cottage by the Sea Walkthrough

Escape from the Cottage by the Sea

Escape from the Cottage by the Sea is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Springdays. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. There are two possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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Luvly lots code clues in the desk....

hi @Leroy

oh, dear, it's after 2 am here and i've had a drink or two (ahem! maybe three) and now it looks like we're going to be facing binary puzzles??? I may not be any help at all!

computer ID - look at the window in day
computer pass - look at the window at night

use binoculars on sailboat...

Red=1 Binary for 50 is 110010

Hello Guys, Loading...

has anyone figured out what to do with the semi-transparent sheet? tried getting total sum for each letter; starting at arrow and trying to spell something...???

Have a sleep Zoz..then look out the window and use the sheet on the stars...like Megi said ^^^

well, clearly I do need to have a sleep @ Martin :D! Thanks for bringing me back into the game.

Hello all!
I used elevator and in floor B1 now

There are two endings...going to look for the other (not normal) end.

Finally I can comment again.... Something glitched on my eg24 page! Anyway I got with a normal end some time ago so if you need help just ask but the game is fairly straight forward!
Just replaying to spot the other end!

Please. How many crabs are there? I'm very bad in math.

Had to be turtles of course.

There are spoisixtythreeoir crabs ;)

Ok, I'm out with a normal ending. Don't want to play it again now.

I got knocked off the site somehow... every time I tried to refresh I just got a blank screen :( Anyway, nice game, and now I'm going to bed!

how do you know the fish math - can`t see any fish anywhere...and where is the third circle with letter, got only e & a?

For the happy end, use the remote on the machine where you set the letters.

I don't understand the star password...should I check the English name of that constellation?

@Daf_schon. Have another sleep so it's day and have another look where the numbers were.

MissPepy...just follow the order of the letters starting with the arrow.

Thank you martin!
Now I'm stuck with the red&blue code :D

Ok I now see that martin already posted the answer...

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 2:23 AM  

Hi there, I don't understand the machine code. On the right I have the fish code, but what's with the left side? Sun+star+tree/plant?

Where to use the spanner/wrench? Totally stuck with fish code too.

Got fish code, look back out one of the windows


Hello All,

where there is a screwdriver and wrench for gray machine?
for specific code I was given 47x9, I can not enter the code but.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 3:45 AM  

Sylli: you get the crewdriver form the crab cb after entering code. (how many turtles)
Still don't get the left code for the machine.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 3:54 AM  

Well...I'm out of here. I only see people who say it's easy, comming in and going out without helping.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 4:04 AM  

@Catqueen - Left code comes from view of fish tank at night.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 4:18 AM  

@Moogle: thx, I thought that was the code for the right. Got is now. But where is the key for the drawer with the goldfish? Also missing last coiny thing.

I have solved the binary code, and now I have only a remote and 2 tokens with letters A and E.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 4:24 AM  

@Pascale: did you use the remote yet? (on bookcase)

Thank you for your answer, Catqueen. No, I didn't use it. The bookcase was the only thing where I didn't try the remote, I think (:

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 4:33 AM  

Pascale: I'm a bit further than you in the game, but still stuck and feeling so foolish.
It seems some people are having trouble to write comments. The 'post comment' box disappeared

Hello Catqueen, I've just found the number of turtles, I've realized that I need a wrench... I'm stuck now.

Wrench after puting code (47 x 9)

What is wrong with fish code (3x2= ?)

I am doing this walkthrough as i am playing this game


1) Collect everything from the drawers, notice that the PC id and password are on the green boat and the star
2)Move right, open the yellow box, collect binoculars , click on windows curtain. Now zoom on the green boat using binoculars (you will see "Vacation" written on it)
3)Now move right and sleep on bed. Then again look out from the window , now use that semi transparent sheet.
You will get the code ,aquaria.
4) Now type the code on computer (N.B- use small case while typing). On the computer screen you will get hint for the red and blue button box. Here red represents 1 and blue 0. You need to find the binary code for 50
(50=110010). Use this code on box and collect the key.
5)Use this key on the safe located above the bed and collect a remote.
6)Use this remote on the bookshelf, a secret door will open. Move left and and open the cupboard. Solve the riddle given in the book (answer 89 turtles and 63 crabs)
5)Now use the lift , go right , you will see an aquarium with a turtle , use the code 89 on the cupboard to unlock it. Collect the SD . Go left and use it on the machine (you will see two places to insert code).
6)For the code with fishes > Move right, and enter the door (with red carpet), look in the aquarium and count the number of fishes. go back and enter the code(216).
and collect the letter "S".
7) Okey something strange happened, i went back in the room with fishes and got a code on the wall 47*9 , i used it on the other puzzle (on the left of the fish puzzle).
and got the spanner.
(I am not sure about this , but i think this happened because i went back and slept once again to shift to night time).
8)Now go again through the corridor with red carpet , you will see the code screen , move left and use the spanner on the machine(first click on the right side of the machine to get to the view where you can use the spanner)
9) After using the spanner i see three slots, use the letters you collected before to form "SEA". zoom out from this view and recuperate the key.
10) Get back to the initial floor and use the key on the white drawer under the fish bowl. you will find another key. Go left and use remote again to close the secret door and use the key on the door to escape.
I got a normal end. It says theres another end

I am doing this walkthrough as i am playing this game


1) Collect everything from the drawers, notice that the PC id and password are on the green boat and the star
2)Move right, open the yellow box, collect binoculars , click on windows curtain. Now zoom on the green boat using binoculars (you will see "Vacation" written on it)
3)Now move right and sleep on bed. Then again look out from the window , now use that semi transparent sheet.
You will get the code ,aquaria.
4) Now type the code on computer (N.B- use small case while typing). On the computer screen you will get hint for the red and blue button box. Here red represents 1 and blue 0. You need to find the binary code for 50
(50=110010). Use this code on box and collect the key.
5)Use this key on the safe located above the bed and collect a remote.
6)Use this remote on the bookshelf, a secret door will open. Move left and and open the cupboard. Solve the riddle given in the book (answer 89 turtles and 63 crabs)
5)Now use the lift , go right , you will see an aquarium with a turtle , use the code 89 on the cupboard to unlock it. Collect the SD . Go left and use it on the machine (you will see two places to insert code).
6)For the code with fishes > Move right, and enter the door (with red carpet), look in the aquarium and count the number of fishes. go back and enter the code(216).
and collect the letter "S".
7) Okey something strange happened, i went back in the room with fishes and got a code on the wall 47*9 , i used it on the other puzzle (on the left of the fish puzzle).
and got the spanner.
(I am not sure about this , but i think this happened because i went back and slept once again to shift to night time).
8)Now go again through the corridor with red carpet , you will see the code screen , move left and use the spanner on the machine(first click on the right side of the machine to get to the view where you can use the spanner)
9) After using the spanner i see three slots, use the letters you collected before to form "SEA". zoom out from this view and recuperate the key.
10) Get back to the initial floor and use the key on the white drawer under the fish bowl. you will find another key. Go left and use remote again to close the secret door and use the key on the door to escape.
I got a normal end. It says theres another end

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 5:31 AM  

Bani Singh and all who helped, thank you, I have no math ability. Wasn't a great game for me because I had to cheat on the maths. But then I am addicted to escape games so it was better then nothing.

@bani singh: Thank you! I was stuck at the turtle code...couldn't figure out the riddle in the book. Great WT for normal end.

@alice: me too - I even had a calculator up, but I didn't understand the riddle - but then, again, I'm not good w/math either. But as you, I am addicted to eg24!!!

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 5:35 AM  

Hint: Happy End involves using the Remote on something else which helps you get an item from one of the fish tanks. I'm stuck there at the moment.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 5:44 AM  

@zoe, I too tried to use the calculator, but to no avail.
Where this game is not my cup of tea, I feel certain that edgar and smalltool, those math wizards, will love it. Different stokes for different escapees.

I don't see the aquarium where we are supposed to count the fishes !

Great little game...even though I needed the WT...I enjoyed it!
TY @Bani Singh for making it as you play...I wish I had that talent!
Now...for the other ending!

POP, I had to "sleep".

It is down the red hallway...@pascale right of the turtle, down the elevator.

The crab gave me a red key, but I don't know where to use it.

Well, I had to sleep one more time to get the remote to work for the other ending...

then, finally got the red key from the crab!

Motorboat end!!!

Oh, @pascale...the blue door is right of machine you use the remote on , change the letters, and push the red button...

Thank you Nokra, but I've already done that... I don't know where to use the red key that the crab gave to me.

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 6:57 AM  

I'm having trouble using Blogger, so maybe this will work... (from Ellie)

A nice game! I started it earlier but couldn't finish until now. Thanks for the WT @Bani Singh!

More specific instructions for the HAPPY END:
After placing the letters SEA, use the remote on the upper front part of the same machine. Get a message telling you to change the place.
Go to the letters again and take them back.
Trial and error made me find the order: ESA
From this you will get CRAB FOOD.
Go to the crab and give the food to him for a RED KEY.
Go back down to the letter machine and press the red button where you found the crab food.
Now, you see a blue door to the very far right in this view.
Click on the door to zoom and use the red key to escape (with a key to a motorboat).

If anyone is interested, this is how I solved the crab/turtle riddle:
First, assume the crab has no legs :) (only count claws and turtle legs within the given 482).

If all animals would be crabs, that would mean: 152x2 claws = 304 totally
How many more claws/legs do we actually have? 482-304= 178 extra.
So, some of these 152 animals have to be turtles.
These 178 extra has to be splitted among the animals we have to make some turtles instead of crabs (and will therefor be all legs).

They need 2 more legs each to be a turtle and not a crab, so the extra 178 has to be splitted in groups of 2.
That makes 178/2 groups = 89
So, we have 89 animals with 4 legs = turtles

Great walkthroughs guys.
Just a minor thing I think the letter A wasn't mentioned, but it's very easy to find (behind the bin), so that shouldn't be a problem.

Had a lot of problems with Blogger too. What worked for me was;
- Cleaning the cache and sign in again and then...
- When signing in 'uncheck' the box with 'stay logged in' (or stay signed in).

Thanks @st! It didn't help just cleaning the cache, but I had to cookies too.
Then, I could stay logged in.
(Lol, that was a nice name I got there though... a bit longer than this :))

@ bani singh: ty for the WT! and all the other geniuses for ur comments! dang! :)

Hi, I'm no math "wizard" myself, but yes I have to say I did enjoy the math puzzle. If only it was not my weakest ability in math, + and - !! I always get out decimal numbers because I got out 124 instead of 126...


a ... Number of legs
b ... Number of claws

K ... number of "k"rabs
T ... number of turtles

* We know that we have 482 *extremities*, not specified whether legs or claws.


(I) T * a + K * b = 482

* We know too that we have 152 animals. So we can derive from that, that we have T * a legs (as crabs cannot have legs).
So as each turtle has 4 legs, we have (T * a) / 4 turtles!


(II) (T * a) / 4 + (K * b) / 2 = 152

Let's get rid of the ugly fractions:

(II*) (T * a) + 2 * K * b = 608

We transform (I) and get (I*):

(I) T * a + K * b = 482
(I*) T * a = 482 - K * b

We transform (II*) and get (II**):

(II*) (T * a) + 2 * K * b = 608
(II**) (T * a) = 608 - 2 * K * b

Now we equate the right sides of both (I*) and (II**)

482 - K*b = 608 - 2*K*b || + 2*K*b

K*b = 126

(III) into (I):

T * a = 482 - 126 = 356

We want to know how many turtles, so we divide 356 by the number of legs

356 / 4 = 89 !! HEUREKA :P

I like this solution better, simply because you do not need to assume anything.

Thank you Ellie !

Lol @arbeitslooser! Great explanation. Though... I didn't assume anything in my way of doing it either, just that crabs have no legs (which you had to assume as well).
Two different ways of solving the same thing that both worked out fine. I agree yours is way more mathematical than mine.
Well done!

@Ellie Oh, I was not specific enough I see.
Well, I was pointing out to that guy with the cryptic "username" above who said "If all animals WERE crabs, then..."

It's these sorts of assumptions which I mean which are no longer necessary if you solve the riddle via equation.

Before I forget: if you did the puzzles in different order (because you wanted to solve everything by yourself, without walking thru it) you might already see the "47 X 9" code.

So, to find out about the numbers of fish, SLEEP AGAIN! :) It will again turn day and you can see the fish tank. Took me quite awhile until I remembered to do that.

It's a very well programmed game because you cn do things in different order. In some others (Medieval 7 anyone?) you have to obey a certain order otherwise the game will run into a bug.

Lol @arbeitslooser! Sorry, but I'm the "cryptic username" above... I couldn't post with my own name for a while.
Well, I get your point. I still think my way of solving it is easier (for me) but it's not as mathematical, I sure agree to that.
I think it's great to have both ways to solve it here... something for every taste :)

out with help. The site I used for the 50 binary gave me the wrong answer.

Thanks for the happy end, @a0c3f9ce-a320-11e0-b643-000bcdcb5194 (glad you go by Ellie normally. That name is a pain lol)

@kkf, I got the "wrong" answer too... that is, it gave me: 00110010, but since 00 at the beginning is counted for nothing it's the same as 110010, and both ones work for the code.

And, yes... I did like a0c3f9ce-a320-11e0-b643-000bcdcb5194, but being Ellie is more practical...

Algebra equation for turtles and crabs

crabs = 2 claws, turtles = 4 legs, 152 total crabs and turtles, 482 total claws and legs

X is unknown turtles, 152-X is unknown crabs

4(X) + 2(152-X) = 482
4X + 304 - 2X = 482
2X + 304 = 482
2X = 482-304
2x/2 = 178/2
X = 89

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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