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Alien Ship Escape 5 Walkthrough

Alien Ship Escape 5

Alien Ship Escape 5 is a new point and click type escape the room game from CafeCafeGames and JuegosDeEscape.Net. You are trapped in a space ship and you need to find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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jumping in....

You can remove on the the antenna ears; count the aliens ears in the first scene for one of the number codes for a wheel, and a wheel hidden at the very top of one of the scenes.

found a wheel ....im so rubbish :(

Was randomly moving the levers, and hit the right combo, gives a battery.

almost in...

going in.....

I think the changing color of the third bar (each scene has four sets) of the first row of bars opens the red/black/blue color dials. Gives red key.

Oops, above comment gave green key I think.... LOL
I'm almost lost here...

a magnet in last scene..left up corner

       Anonymous  9/23/11, 10:19 AM  

Why is the music in these games soooo obnoxious? Thank goodness they have a kill music button!

excllent but easier than normal

Missing a four digit code; tried all of the codes that change when you click the button; nothing.

use magnet on tv...anyone got the second battery

lol @seawall..it gaves you a blue key :D

combine magnet and wire use to get blue key

and combine with antenna

Gayle, there is a mute button, top right of screen.
alkmar, told you I was almost lost; make that lost.... LOL

numbers before red line are code (just keep pushing the button for the other numbers).

Missing the battery and the number code.

out... but will stick around

Thanks, Yvon!

the other number code is the number before the red line on each set... i think it was 2132

2seawall...see yvon's comments...start with a 2....

same seawall....anyone...?

And thanks to Yvon's clue, out.

and the clue for the levers is in the scene where you place the wheels on whatever that machine is...

im out ...phewwww thanks yvon and JEB5JD.....x


here´s the 2nd wheel? I have 3 keys: pink, blue, red. Missing last one.

*Where´s not here´s

Found it!

Roberto, did you get the wheel hiding at the top of one of the screens?

       Anonymous  9/23/11, 10:45 AM  

@Seawall Beleive me, the mute button is the first thing I hit in these games!

where to use magnet/antenna?

juliac, there is a hole in the ground (bottom of scene).

Thank you Yvon, I think my brain is scrambled with Riddles.

Can't figure out code for orange locker. Tried all combinations of the number clicky thingy.

Roberto! Where was the second wheel???

Got it. Aliens ears. How I missed that hint I'll never know :(

I guess I'm stupid - I click on "play this game" and all I get is the Cafe/Cafe site. I clicked on the green helmet, and it brought me right back to the site. How do I get the game to open?

Oh...you have to click "start" not "play"

wow, I think that's the first one of this series where I could get out with no help!

(or it was really too easy ;))

Pop up city. Four popups before I could even start and...stupid me, I hit the play button which started an entirely new onslaught of popups.

According to geraint.owen12 I'm right.
Let him have a say
"excllent but easier than normal"

first time to never need help lol

ROFL....!!!!!! The code to get the 2nd battery....shall I write a walkthrough...or bumble-through, to record my adventure for posterity.....lololol!!!! Oh stop groaning...I will spare the verbose account but what I will say is this: the first method I tried, and that made perfect, logical sense to me, was using just the numbers before the red line....ahem...unfortunately, however, I placed them in the incorrect order. So, after shaking my head in disbelief at the thought that I could actually have been wrong....I overthought those four numbers....thought perhaps after crossing out all numbers that were the same, the numbers left would be the code....okay...that was a nice try but no battery; lolol....it gets better :P I then multiplied the last three numbers by the first number, i.e., 3 * 934, and, well, you know the outcome of that little experiment :/ Finally, I ended up where I first began my little exercise in insanity....looking at the first numbers before the red line...lol!!! Yes...I gave in and peeked at the comments and @JEB5JD....thank you thank you so much for the correct order of those numbers before the red line ;) As is often the case, I over-analyzed the code...AGAIN!!!!! LOLOL!!!!!! If the author is interested in alternate endings,I have the mathematic mish mosh still fresh in my brain and it might be very amusing to wonder how in the world my brain works.....or, maybe not so much ;) Anyway.....I'm Out!!!!!! Thank you JEB5JD for the correct order :)

       Anonymous  9/25/11, 1:15 PM  

lol, irish,
it's always the same with (us) smart people:
to make a mountain out of a dust speck (or similar)!

LMAO @irish!!!!!
Now, could you guide me in the method of deciphering where and how to get the clue for the levers, which is supposed to be on the view where we put the wheels????
yea!!! I hope you are still there, @irish!!!!!

POP...left side of that machine...lol...I was looking at it wrong! very clear, really!

LOL,,,Good to almost see you in a live game, @irish!!!

oh no Nokra...I had already *left the building*...lolol!!!!! This entire game was hysterical...I positioned the levers by trial and error and, of course, noticed the clue after I had already solved the lever puzzle....rofl!!!!! After same said trial and error for color code, I realized the colors on the railing thingamajig whatchamacallits was the clue for the order of the colors.... pffffftttt!!! OH...but I had already started this insanity in SD's new game.....ROFL!!!!! I did the same thing in Grim Asylum.....oh, by the way, if you want me I am skulking about in those dusty, rusty, musty rooms..... ;) Remember the colored buttons toward the beginning of the game that we had to press in a certain order to receive the white gem? Well...yours truly clicked around and of course, found the clue in the book several rooms and minutes later....lolol!!!! We need to play a game together one of these days...I might not find all the clues right away but there is a strong possibility we might solve the puzzle first ... ;)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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