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Basement House Escape Walkthrough

Basement House Escape

123Bee Basement House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee.Try to escape from the basement house by using the given clues and objects. Good luck and have fun!

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having trouble loading this one

Hi bigtank, here it worked fine...
I have 4 hands (used on pink cb), got a red box from this drawer and lots of numbers.

Hello all!
So far:
4 roman numbers, blue cube with sign and number on it from colour code and 3 hands, and a lot of hints

Opened left upper colour cb (hint from wall downstairs) and got a blue box...

ok got a pyramid out of the roman numerals cupboard, load of number and codes

Opened roman numeral cb, got a green tetraeder.

How to use the arithmetics on the ball, the pyramid the cube and the box?

I have found the colour code for the cubboard

missing a hand only got 3

Where is the ball ?

Did you find the hand between flower pot and yellow sofa on the bottom ?

Have now pyramid from roman number and ball from numbers using left from bed.

What to do with the flower vase in the lower room?

What to do with the ball, tetraeder etc?! Also cannot use bookshelf downstairs. Couldn't use flower vase, too.

ty zazie

What is the code for drawer by bed ? I have too many numbers...

And got the red box from hands

@Zazie: try the numbers on the bed, on the shelf etc. Use them ascending.

could anybody use the "K" and the "t"?

Also not used the K and t

Thx Merle got it now !!

The numbercode for the drawer by the bed are the usual numbers in ascending order

Not the roman numbers

I am out !!

What is the book shelf for?

Letters are only red herrings

I won a trophy "first on escape" lol...

Bookshelf must also be a red herring.

I am out too but I didn't like it.

So wat to do with the ball, pyramid, cube and box?

Note the numbers on the things and enter them into the door from big to small.

BTW i never opened the two drawers with digits downstairs....

OK out now too!

Yes, no use for bookshelf, drawers with digits downstairs, flower vase, K, t.
I hope next game will be more fun.

Thank you Zazie.
Now I am out also.
I also do not like this game.


       Anonymous  10/6/11, 12:13 PM  

OUT, ​​without placing the 4 numbers , the drawer of the largest mobile

FAAAAAAAAAAR too many red herrings! Didn't like this game AT ALL!

       Anonymous  10/6/11, 8:03 PM  

The first thing I found was the hand on the cock...

(I had a certain feeling this would happen.)

why are my 'hands' not working? I'm putting them in the order that they are in my inventory - was there a clue as to how to put them?? - geez so annoying this game -

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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