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Cheerleaders Room Escape Walkthrough

Cheerleaders Room Escape

Cheerleaders Room Escape is another new point and click room escape game from games2rule.com you got trapped Cheerleaders Room. You will have to escape from the Cheerleaders Room by utilizing the objects, hints found inside. Good luck and have fun!

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Key, behind the pompoms on the right.
Key in green and white dress on the left.

Put the shoes on the table, turn one around and get the password

Put all of your stuff on the table and you get your number password.

Aaand out.
That was fast. Thanks for the green dress hint, I couldn't find the second key.

anyone still here? How do 4 #'s make an 8# password?? What is second key for?

evans, i don't really remember the actual number, but put the shoes, the dress and the pom-poms on the table. Flip them around and there's your number.

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anyone still here? can't do anything except taking the 2 keys and using the 2 code pads... but don't know the codes...

beats me too,cailyn,can't work it out either

1 key behind pom poms in the right 2 key in the green dress.to open the case in the right use the code fron the drower in front nike 8, in my case was merchant 818.from the case u get the dress find a pair a shoes and pom poms in the romm zoom the table put them all on the table and click on them ull get a code wich opens the drawer from right side receive gold key and out

What is the passcoad of case

       Anonymous  3/20/12, 3:59 PM  

How do u get the dress???

       Anonymous  3/21/12, 5:31 AM  

Spelled Marchant wrong! no wonder the stupid case wouldnt unlock...Partho-the password for the case is Marchant 818 and to get the key open the right drawer the code is 87816162

-Click on the dresses to the left.
-Click the top of the front dress and get a gold key.
-Go back to first view.
-There is a pompom at the Nike drawers, get it.
-Click on the Nike Drawer and open number 8.
-It says Marchant 818. Remember this.
-Back to main view.
-Click the top shelf with the pompoms on the right.
-If you click them the will move to reveal a key.
-Collect it and go back to main view.
-On the left there are a set of drawers.
-Click on it and you will see it needs to be opened with a key.
-Use the key you got from the pompoms on the drawer and it will open.
-Collect the shoes.
-Click the adidas drawers and notice that there are two keys needed to open them.
-Use the gold key on the top drawer.
-Go back.
-Click on the sofa and place the shoes on it.
-If you click the right shoe it will turn around and there will be a number 8 on it.
-Place poppoms on the sofa.
-At the bottom you will see numbers 61 and 62.
-Go back.
-Click on the suitcase to the right.
-Use the code "marchant 818" and collect the dress.
-Click on the sofa and place the dress down.
-Click on the dress to open it and you'll see three numbers.
-Take a note of numbers on shoe, dress and pompoms.
-Go back.
-Click the drawer on the left and you will see you need to enter numbers.
-Enter the numbers from the dress, shoe and pompoms. (87816162)
-Get key.
-Click on door and use the key.

You're out.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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