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Chestnut Avenue 102 Walkthrough

Chestnut Avenue 102

Chestnut Avenue 102 is sequel of Chestnut Avenue 101 point and click room escape game created by Reyge. Second game of the chestnut avenue series. Same house, same goal, new puzzles to solve. If you didn't play the first game we strongly recommend it. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Stefan]

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       Anonymous  2/25/12, 3:37 AM  

How to attach the wires iin the bedroom? They keep popping back in the inventory.

       Anonymous  2/25/12, 3:42 AM  

Opened green button box. Start on right side.

       Anonymous  2/25/12, 3:53 AM  

Trying to get brown ball into hole (from game) but I get stuck.

       Anonymous  2/25/12, 3:55 AM  

I'll get back l8ter. Stuck on puzzles.

I am starting....

Don't understand the wires puzzle.
The only hint I have for that is the left and right hand paper.

got the button puzzle with trial and error and also
got the ball puzzle
you have to get the brown one in the open slot

small - I think you need one of the puzzles open - I got 4 "middlepiece" wires - going to check now if they fit

How do you get do the ball puzzle. I can only get two balls on the side with the open slot, but you need 3 there to get one through the open slot, right?

I still playing with the balls grr..

Frustrating game.

Nvm. got the balls now. You need to put them all 3 behind the two blocks with the brown one in front and then the brown one can get out.

small - you have to get all 3 balls on the top right
(from beginning of game)then move them that the 3 are in a row along that little middle wall - but the brown has to be on top and then it falls right down into the hole

Just did the balls puzzle Swiss, but thanks anyway. And I already have the wires but I don't understand the hands clue for that.
And what to do with that ball?

The brown ball is a knob for drawers.
Got a puzzle with kids holding hands, when you solve it combine the colour hint with the handprints hint to see how to connect the cables.
I haven't found yet what's the result of connecting them, though.

the "ball" is the knob for the bedroom drawer

Finally got the balls, stuck now on wires.

Somehow this game looks familiar....

Lol, of course it's the knob for the drawers. Thanks.

It's the same rooms as chestnut avenue 101, but the puzzles are different here.

Ahh ok s-t, anyone got the wires right ?

I'm almost sure the game is a replay, bur I can't remember how it's solved at all :p
I haven't used 3 items: compass, eye/ear/nose paper, number/letter box.

I got the wires but I dont know what it did - I still have them in inventory - but I cannot zoom to puzzle anymore


first two straight, last two crossed

gina - same place

How to connect the wires:


okay got one note from coat pocket in hall way.
Another note from loo roll in bathroom.

2 green boxes (one you just have to press all the buttons until they are all down) one has 4 cogs- 2 with the alphabet and 2 with numbers)
a sliding ball toy thing
some white wires
a compass

and the solution to the wires is the paper puzzle with the kids

wires on the wall with the symbol next to it, I think if you match up with the first note (the one with the hand prints) becomes a clue?

Okay, I can't zoom-in again on the wires, but if you have the paper with the kids holding hands, just connect right-hand wire's color with left-hand color exactly like in the paper.

Thx SM !! Now what to do next ?

Huh, got music on the radio now!?
Top on 2 and bottom on 93.

I have only the key slot empty but

not done - letter/number box
dials on radio

Fresh funky every friday,
Frequency for fine ears.

Is that a hint (together with the paper) for the compass?

lol s-t thanks - I though that might be a clue for the compass - but I dont think so

I have music too...

would you also translate the paper into

eye mouth/lips
ear nose

Ear, eye, nose could be EEN but the finger and lips???

c'mon small-tool - this is more riddle stuff then escaping lol

Yep, I think it's that Swiss, and the eye is the right eye and the ear a right ear.
Now what?

small - have you noticed that when the radio is on the white lines are changing like some morse code
could you check it?

I am stuck, finger could be NAIL (N) also.

Hm. I don't think it's morse, but just random. If it's morse then it's TMSA.

On the green box i tried FACE (F13E) but nope :(

Tried the letters (e, s etc) from Fresh funky etc. but doesn't work.
Maybe the finger is pointing to the ear. So the ear is North.

zazie and small - are we the only ones still here?

Hmm i don´t know SM :(

'Fresh funky every Friday, Frequency for fine ears.' has 2 words starting with an E and 6 words starting with an F.

E2 + F6 or F6 + E2 opens the box.

I'm here

we could brute force the box - I take A/B
zazie c/d and small e/f ??

Good find, Charlie :)

Charlie our saviour - and out

we never needed that compass !

And out.... didnt use compass or pictures of body parts

Great find Charlie, thanks :)

Super Charlie !!

Now i can do some shopping for food :)

Maybe in some strange way the compass and the face parts were the clue for the radio settings, but I don't see how.

actually compass should give you the frequency for the radio. but since you found it you don't need to solve it.

here a hint:
eye, nose, mouth, finger, and ear
hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste

those five should lead to one word

Thanks Stefan,
That 6 letter word starting with S (and no W in it) worked indeed.

I can't get the balls at all. I've been trying for more than an hour. Don't want to quit, but it's getting to be frustrating. Can anyone give the order of which arrows to press? Such as L,R,L,L,L, etc?

POP - amazing how that works! I got the brown ball!!!!

The ball puzzle made playing the game worthwhile all by itself

I don't even see the balls puzzle...

POP, finally found this puzzle.
I have no idea for the box with letters and numbers, nor for the compass thingy.

This is an amazing game...I haven't looked at the comments yet...but I haven't muted the music, (I almost always do that immediately)...and the artwork is lovely, puzzles challenging but doable, although I have only beat one so far...Loving this game!!!!

I did the button box and the wires...can't figure out the radio...guess it is time to go to the comments and take advantage of the other players brains....lol

And out! TY @other players' brains!!!!!

Good Game Good Puzzles WT

- Take PAPER CLUE #1 from coat pocket.
- enter left door (bathroom) and take GREEN BOX WITH BUTTONS above toilet tank and PAPER CLUE #2 from toilet paper roll.
- back in the hallway, enter 1st door on right (kitchen) and take GREEN BOX WITH WHEELS from shelf.
- back to the hallway, enter 2nd door on right (bedroom).
- zoom on flowers on the right for the BOX PUZZLE. The object here is to get the brown ball out of the box through the opening. In order to do this, you need to have the balls lined up vertically along the right bottom side (based on the start screen) so that BROWN is on the top. So, rotate as follows (I'll call CLOCKWISE RIGHT, and COUNTERCLOCKWISE LEFT): RRLRRRRRLLL (I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but this is what worked for me!).
- zoom on the dressing table (left) and use the WOODEN KNOB you got from the box puzzle to open the left drawer. Take the PAPER PIECES and assemble them into a picture. You'll end up with four kids holding hands as follows: Green using L hand to hold Blue's R hand, Blue using L hand to hold Yellow's R hand, Yellow using L hand to hold Red's R hand, Red using L hand to hold Green's R hand. This is a hint, along with PAPER CLUE #1 for the WIRE PUZZLE.
- Take the GREEN BUTTON BOX from inventory and press the buttons until they all stay down (start on the right and press each button in order, then press the right button again). Take the WIRES and the COMPASS.
- zoom on the planter under the window and use the WIRES to make the right connections. The hands clue on the first Paper, tells you which symbol is for the right hand and which symbol is for the left, and the circle of kids holding hands tells you how to make the connections. You can also use this hint from @Charlie at 4:35

How to connect the wires:


- once the wires are connected, the RADIO will work. You'll have to find the station, so look at the PAPER CLUE #2 to see eye, ear, nose, mouth and finger. These represent the five senses. SENSES is the clue for the COMPASS.
- so press the buttons on the COMPASS to find the clue for setting the radio (top on 20, bottom on 93).
- Once the radio is set, you'll hear "Fresh funky every Friday. Frequency for fine ears." This is the clue for the GREEN BOX WITH WHEELS.
- The phrase has 6 words that begin with F and 2 words that begin with E. So set one set of wheels to F6 and the other to E2.
- Take the KEY and go back to the hallway and leave through the far door.

Now that's how I wanted this game to be solved :)
Good walkthrough, zoz. Thank you all for playing.
If you didn't play first part. Try it here


It's harder than this one, I think...

hey, the man himself!
Just saying, I like your style a LOT! Especially the hand-drawn graphics and that "fantasy music" too (could have done a great job in "Neverending Story" or even Joan Aiken's "Whispering Mountain")

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@Chris, I tried the box puzzle again and the sequence I posted worked. Again, if you consider Clockwise as Right and Counterclockwise as Left, the sequence is RRLRRRRRLLL, or Right twice, Left once, Right five times, Left three times.
I hope this works for you - I know how frustrating it can be to follow a WT only to have a Fail.
Just be sure you click on the flowers, then on the box puzzle (to put it in the inventory), then click the inventory bag and click the box puzzle again, and then start the rotations.
Please let me know how this works out!

Thanks for all that you said about the game, just want you to know that all the credits for that graphics belongs to my beloved girlfriend. I just did the rest...

zoz, it worked as described. Thanks!!

Thanks @zoz for an excellent WT! I needed to take a look for the compass-clue.
(And HI again :D!!!!)

       Anonymous  2/26/12, 11:52 AM  

I already wrote for the first part:
«Beautiful game with nice graphics & music, with clever hints & puzzles!»
Ditto here!
& thankfully a bit easier than the first part - although I was stuck more than once in this one, too...!
Therefore: Many thx, @zoz,
for your great WT!

Nice game
Thanks Stefan and
Thanks zoz for the WT -I needed help
btw I got out without connecting the wires

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       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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