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Auntie's Living Room Escape Walkthrough

Auntie's Living Room Escape

Gamershood - Auntie's Living Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Gamershood. Your auntie doesn't like uninvited guests so you need to leave, wait for the invitation and then come back. Good luck and have fun!

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Here we go!!! Big games Friday!!! LOLOL

red key left of TV...green key under TV

equalizer hint for red puzzle

Would anyone spoil the euros?? I don't know it! TY!

I think the Euros was Sp1oi2le6r. Cant figure out the calendar

PM - look at the relevant dates for the day and week number - ignore the red blobs

Spoiler for Euros


I think the euros was SP1O2IL4ER.. just add up all the coins plus the 100...

kenken first line....4123

need two more keys, computer soo slow lol

TY, @sharon!

LOL @laura...I don't know the value of the coins.....

Yellow key should be from using axe....but where?

Has anyone figured out the orange key puzzle yet? I know it has to do with the bottles in the kitchen, but can't quite get it.

OK..use ax in kitchen, left of microwave!

Jules - look at the bottle colours - then at the position of the numbers - and use those

Axe used next to microwave in kitchen view.

theres a key on top of counter in kitchen below microwave but what to use on it to retrieve it?

nokra - one coin = 1 euro

ah ok so need axe

Is the clue for yellow key puzzle the wine bottles...I don't get it!

TY, @LNS I thought they looked different sizes...could be bigger coin denominations? lol

@nokra, I thought so too at first, tried making bigger ones worth more... overthinking!

agree - misleading, but no!

anyone got the yellow puzzle?

the yellow puzzle are the colours on the hoodtop above stove

first Y puzzle red over Black

POP! found it on hood above stove! lol

The bottles clue is for orange key

You Ok now nokra?

Thanks for the help everyone! see y'all in the next one!


I need help with kenken am rubbish at doing these.

Nobody around to help :(

yvonne first line is 4123 :)

Still cannot figure out the calender.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Brain dead today. I can't figure out the calendar.

@ Mighty1 look at the day then scroll down to what week it is:

eg. mon week 3 is 15 and so on...

Spoiler for Kenken


hey where did Mighty1's comment go??

Thanks! That was simple enough. Like I said...I'm brain dead today.

       Anonymous  7/13/12, 10:43 AM  

sometimes, Blogger is deleting comments, even WITHOUT ANY unpresentable word(s) - never will understand their censoring rules...!

       Anonymous  7/13/12, 10:47 AM  


- RED: behind speaker left of TV
- GREEN: on player under TV
- BLUE: on left chair from kitchen table
- YELLOW: right side in kitchen counter (under microwave, use axe)
- ORANGE: in couch (use razor blade)
- PINK: in plant pot (use shovel)
- ESCAPE: from Ken-Ken (pink key)
--> KEYHOLES: bottom part of tall CB

- AXE from MONEY (green key)
- SHOVEL from CALENDAR (blue key)
- SD from COLOURED SQUARES (yellow key)
--> use bolt cutters & SD at door & use escape key on door keyhole

- COLOURED BARS (red key): on Hi-Fi
- MONEY (green key): on standing lamp left of keyhole CB
- CALENDAR (blue key): on calendar left of fridge
- COLOURED NUMBERS (yellow key): bottled on kitchen counter
- COLOURED NUMBERS (orange key): on cooker hood ventilator

- click right to open link e.g. in a new tab
- with aid for colour challenged folks

RED KEY (coloured bars)
- on Hi-Fi:
- in puzzle:
- click:
Gy - 0x/6x (start)
G - 1x
Y - 2x
R - 3x
Pu - 4x
V - 5x

GREEN KEY (money)
- on lamp:
1x 100 Euro = 100
6x 1 Euro (top) = 6
18x 1 Euro (bottom) = 18
- gives:

BLUE KEY (calendar)

YELLOW KEY (coloured squares)
R -Y-Gy
- click:
W - 0x/4x (start)
R - 1x
Gy - 2x
Y - 3x

ORANGE KEY (coloured numbers)
- on bottles:
Bn/1976 - Y/1897 - G/1866
- in puzzle:
1 -8- 7-6
-> 1st digit of brown number
-> 2nd digit of yellow number
-> 3rd digit of brown number
-> 4th digit of green number

PINK KEY - Ken-Ken


How to solve Ken-Ken puzzles (with very good explanations in vids!):
(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)



       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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