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Yoli's Revenge Walkthrough

Yoli's Revenge

Yoli's Revenge is another free online riddle game made by Yoli for EscapeGames24. There are 20 levels (give or take) to solve in this game. No image manipulation or any other software are required, just a keen brain and lots of patience. Good luck and have fun!

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Thanks Jon! ;)

no hints for level 20? Must have been an easy one but I don't get it :(

oh - are they ad slogans? googling again - must have picked a bad one to start with ...

Name the sweets
Then a simple arrangement of the letters requested by following the dots

thanks purple - just finished - I had the wonka one wrong.
And thanks Yoli!!!

YAY Annaby!!!!Congratulations!!!

i am totaly stuck at level 2
i read the clues and nothing

I'm stuck on level 3. May I have an extra nudge please?

3-1a-1.png is pointing at anyone of the pips. But on 3-1.png, it's only pointing to the middle one. I cannot figure out whether he is William "Red" Guest, Edward Patten or Merald "Bubba" Knight. And to my knowledge, none of them plays drums.

@noa, for lvl 2, I just took the last letters and ask granmaa.

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 11:24 AM  

you don't need the NAMES of the guys, just one of the group name you mentionned above.

can you give my answer? to level 2

@noa - anagram the last letters of each word. You will have 2 words - delete the s from the second. (It's not the correct way to solve it, but it's how a lot of us got it - and much easier to explain)

i got 3 words not 2

try this site - you should have nine letters that make 2 words

i got 9 words but won't work

did you take the s off the second word?

@noa - remember - no spaces in the answer

but then it is 1 word not 2?

i am comfused pleas give me answer

Hi all, just jogging along behind.

Quick question, how many letters am I looking for on level 18? And do I take them from the alphabet or the name?

Love it so far Yoli :)

sort of, the anagram is 2 words but you enter it as one. All answers of more than one word are treated the same: no spaces, all lower case

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 12:06 PM  

Made it up to level 12...I'm seeing how to solve it, I think I found the names of all the flowers, but I'm not quite getting it.

Help? D:

@noa, it is two words normally, but for this riddle you must leave no spaces between the words in the answer box.

For example, if the answer was Electric Guitar, you would enter electricguitar in the answer box. does that help?

@rambler - write out the number and anagram - you'll get 2 words

the answer is 8 or 9 words?

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 12:13 PM  

no need for Robin, do the maths in speech bubble & visit granmaa (8 letters).

The pic name tells you not to anagram his name, so you should anagram something else.
It's not a Google level, so what else is there to anagram?
The answer is 3 + 5 letters.

In the text is a hint about April and May, so go Google what those flowers have to do with months and use those months.

@xaq - just like every month has a birthstone ...

Thanks for the replies, I'm on it now....

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 12:16 PM  

LOL, the cavalry has arrived...!
(back to my creation then...)

Got it, thanks. I thought I had to pick letters lol

@noa - the answer is 8 letters

can i get answer to 2 plaese



@noa, most rock bands have their name on this particular piece of musical equipment.

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thanks i got something like this

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 12:35 PM  

small-tool/ananby - ...Okay, now the answer's clear as day to me. Got too focused on the flowers. Thanks!

On to lucky number 13, then!

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 12:59 PM  

Okay, quick question for level 13...should I be looking at the name of the airport, or the location, or....what? O_o;

The first two columns tell you what number is what letter. Use that on the last two columns.
Btw. to see the funny egg, anagram the letters.

@xaq - that was a tricky one. I had to struggle with the hints. The best one I saw was to match up the numbers in the 2nd col with the letters in the first, then transpose to the 3rd and 4th columns

ah - s-t's hint far simpler :)

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 1:11 PM  

...Okay, wow, I feel like a bit of a dunce now. Thanks!

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 1:45 PM  

Made it up to 17C before I got stumped again. I haven't even got the -slighest- clue on what to do with this! D:

Use one of the arrows on this one;

There are 24 places on a backgammon board, that's almost 26, so what could those places be?

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 1:56 PM  

Okay, so after googling the rules on how to play Backgammon, 17C hit with the Duh stick rather hard. *sweatdrop*

On to the next....

really stuck on level 18 solved the equation and saw the pic name but what to do

@ger, anagram the answer. See what happens!

If you solved the equation you should have;
Now make an answer that's 3 + 5 letters.

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 3:08 PM  

Got up to 19, got the names of all 11 folks on there....

I just -know- I'm over-thinking this, but my brain's a bit cooked from the last few of these.

Xaq...In the end is a clue!!! :)

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 3:24 PM  

Okay, never mind, found the problem...wrong Beast!

*moves on to the next one, solves it* ...WOOHOO! I'M DONE!!

       Anonymous  8/12/12, 3:25 PM  

Hoo, that was tough...thanks for your help, everyone!

YAY!!! Xaq!!!

Done too!

Thanks for all hints and tips.

EG24 people are brilliant :o)

Looking forward to The Collaboration....

YAY! Rambler!! Thanks for helping others, through also!! :)

hey Yoli....I'm finishing your wonderful riddle with helps of comments here...I'm working now on level 19...
I hope I could finish it today!!...
Clever levels Yoli...Tks to you and Small Tool for great work!!

Thanks Lulu! :)

ok!!...solved level 19...
Just the first one, I cannot find the real name..but got the answer...lol

Working on LVL 20

Almost there Lulu!

Hi, Yoli...
humm something is wrong...is the Wonka one E*****s***g?
my letters didn't work...

Yes you should get ve from there

Did you get it Lulu?

Woohoo!Finished Yoli...
Thank you for soo good work!...
Loved and enjoyed a lot!!...

Favorite level : 17 and 9
Funniest level : 13 haaahhaha..Laughing rolling with the egg
Got stuck for long time: level 2
Others good levels: 3, 5, 13, 15

I didn't see a chess level...(TKS GOD!!...)

LOL! Glad you liked it Lulu! <3

oh...sorry Yoli, always lack update

Parabéns Lulu! Clapping!

Finished! :)

@Yoli, thanks for the great riddle. Some levels are very tricky though. I love those videos. :D

Thank you everyone for leaving me the extra hints.

Woohoo Ruff!

WOW !!!!
Thank you Yoli for the game
Im sure its great and im really sorry i cant play it now...but im looking forward to playing it !!!!!
So, friends dont throw away your notes ,i ll need them LOL, Thank you !!!

purple logic - that have you got so far

thanks small tool and rambler got level 18 sorry for the delay in getting back but unfortunetly work called lol

brilliant riddle well done yoli and small tool and thanks to all who left hints

arghhhh... I cant do level 4

For level 4,
You can print it out and mark the letters/numbers from he top picare in the bottom pic (or do it by hadn with graph paper).
For example, the first is I16. So mark the the first number (16) on the I-row. Do it with all those letters/nummbers and you'll see 4 letters.
The first letter is an F

Thank you Small-Tool... you are the best :)

okey dokey... guess I am really dumb on this one... I marked out all the letters on Bingo, but still cant get the 4-letter word for lvl 4


Yup.. you wouldn't believe what I came up with!! I tried doing each line in a separate bingo box..geesh.. sure feels like a Monday!

Not sure if anyone is still reading these, but what is this "granmaa" reference? Please, stuck on level 2...I only started riddles 3 days ago so I'm new:)

I meant to add that I think it means "anagram" but I'm still stuck..

Got it...and talking to myself ..lol

Too funny... I am stuck on 5 now..

What do they say? POP, power of posting!! I got it, :)

Diad,I'm stuck on L5 too...2nd part of bingo with red squares? Got a hint?

Got it! Woo_hoo this chatting alone thing helps!

Yes Granmaa is anagram...help is still here if you need it! :)

Thanks Yoli! I'm slow, but having fun...just made it to level 7!

YAY Kimbo!!! Level 7! I am so glad you are having fun!!

Wow, that was a tricky one Yoli, got it though...so glad for these comments...more tomorrow...Thank you!

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hi guys :), could someone please help me with 7? I've read all the hints, but when I remove every letter from the odd sentence I only have an A from orange left. I used the colors from wiki. Thanks in advance!!!

abraxxass use the colors of the rainbow to delete letters from the odd sentence you will find 3 left over

thanks a lot ger, but when I remove all the rainbow letters (REDOAGNY......) from the sentence I have no letter left

abraxxass - you should have 3 letters left!
wiki colors are ok

thanks a lot for your hints,ger and swissmiss, I'll try again :)

finally got 7 (silly me, I didn't notice that I have to remove letters one to one)

thanks again for the help :)

any help for lvl 6? I see posts about adding, but I am not getting it. Thank you, Di

Diad - add each column straight down.

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I seriously need help on 13...I've read all hints over and over for hours with no luck...I did get the egg though...so funny, lol...but now what? I've tried so many ways.

If you look at the first two columns you see:
9 = V
1 = I
5 = R
etc. etc. Use that on the last two columns.

OH Small-Tool...thank you so much! Finally got it...I'm sure I'll be stuck again soon :)

Hi, got the flowers.. and stuck on lvl 12.. help?? And btw Yoli... this is soooo awesome... however I dont think I have solved even 1 on my own!

Thanks Diad! Use the first letter of the month associated with the flower.

Me again... LVL 13, I am a corporate travel agent for a living, so this is very appropriate! However, I want to see the funny egg... Help?!

According to other comments I will feel stupid for not getting level 20...but I still can't get it. Not sure which letters to use...I figured the "end" ones, but tried the 1st one too. I read that it's 6 letters but there's only 5 words? Is Wonka one 2 words?...lol nothing anagrams for me.

Oh geez...yep feeling stupid...got it and finished! Thanks for all the help here...great one Yoli...I look forward to more soon!

How do I save my progress... gotta log off for now, thank you, diane

@diad - bookmark the level you're on

ohh... so simple and i couldnt figure it out... of course, Yoli's game has simply made my brain roll out of my ear today! thank you annaby. diane

I sure hope that you have found the egg on Level 13. It is a 2 word anagram of the 9 letters in the Airport codes.

How does chocolate equal the number 1? L16

The Porsche is brown. :)

If anyone is still here. I seem to be the only one stuck on level 19! Got the names of all the people, but they do not anagram into anything

In the end... :)

Do I dare dream that someone may still be reading this and that they might be willing to beat me with a giant clue stick for 17A? I have been starting at it for well over an hour and no amount of hints seem to be helping in any way. I have made it this far and I don't want to quit. THANKS!

Saphyre - I hope you are checking back...It is a=1, b=2, c=3...:)

Thanks, Yoli. I thought that was how it worked. The problem is that I was using the dice to get 5 letters, and I came up with 5 letters that do not form a word an cannot be anagrammed. I love this game! So far I have been challenged without getting too frustrated but level 17 has got me stumped.
(I used the numbers on the dice and got the letters spEoiAleCrE) am I on the right track?

*POP* Of course I was on the right track. But it *does* help if I use ALL the numbers. Thanks for the nudge, Yoli! =D

OK, I hope you're still here, Yoli. I am now stuck on level 20. I have 4 words. I am pretty certain the words are correct. I figured "the end" was a clue, but the last letters of the 4 candies gives me nothing. I tried using the first letters too, but still nothing. Am I way off? How many letters should I have? Wonderful game. Great riddles! A great challenge without being impossible. So far the best riddle game I have played!! =D

Thanks to my daughter I finally realized what was staring me in the face. WAAAAY over thought level 20.
Amazing work, Yoli.

Sorry i missed you Saphyre! Thanks for playing! You might like Yoli's Enigma, Small Tool Riddle and Small's Challenge. Small-Tool and I are working on a joint riddle, too!

Congrats Yoli for the excellent game !!!
Thank you so much !!! I really enjoyed it !!!!
Great variety , tricks and wonderful ideas!!!
and the backgammon!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for the very very helpful hints!!!
couldnt have done it without you!!

YAY! NEW! Thanks!

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