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Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes Walkthrough

Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes is another point and click adventure game. Shy schoolgirl Lilli is having a tough time at the convent. Only her imagination helps her to escape from the strict rule of Mother Superior. But when her best friend Edna disappears under mysterious circumstances, Lilli has to rise above her own and face a tough journey to not only get her friend back but also confront her subconscious fears. Good luck and have fun!

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Tried to combine brush and wool and my brush got stuck just above inventory. Now I can´t pick up or use any other item.

can't combine anything either. can't reach shovel in basement, and I keep picking up the hose but can't keep it in inventory

Been playing for 20 minutes and stuck where you are.

Moved the bush by the pond and attached the hose to the pump but can't do anything else

You can undo the hose from faucet and attach it to pump, now stuck.

Hmmm. Restarted and after first talking got stuck gain Game freezes in scene with arrow telling me to click on the ground to walk. Can´t do anything.

Seems like a nice game. Rake the stones until the woman gets annoyed and tells you to go somewhere else :)

Can't figure anything out. Have a ball of wool, rake and brush. Can't find a key. Need the shovel but it's too far. Can pick up garden hose in one scene, but it disappears once I leave the scene. I think this game might be buggy.

i cant do anything just moving leaves on the stones

my game got freeze ...

where is the pump?

@ Zoe i think you are the only one who has shovel & all the stuff ...

Well I spoke too soon, stuck with the rest of you lol... Nothing has frozen on me yet though

where is shovel ? i hav rake ,wool & hose

@ raasti - I don't have the shovel - it's too far. But the girl can reach the brush in the cellar - look through the cellar window. I got the rake in the beginning, but can't use it anywhere.

you can talk to the boy at the well and the girl in the garden by clicking on the little thing that pops up when you click on them...but they're not much help.

ok found the shovel but cant take it coz my arms are small i dont kno how to grow them LOL

Something just happened - I walked over to the bush on the right in the pond scene, and clicked on the little hose and a pump came out of the wall..then I clicked on the end of the hose and put it on the pump.

gtg ....leave some hints ..& good luck with arms problem LOL

Hello all. If you talk to the guy for a while and go out of the scene you hear a splashing noise. Return back and the boy fell down the well. You can tap the bees with the rake and go on...

talked to freeman (all the dialogs) and went to the girl by the tree. when i came back, freeman, was in the well...

..but I don't know if it was a good idea to drop the bees. I think I need them, and now they are gone.

attached hose to pump after bush moved but everytime I turn it on the Lady makes me turn it off. I want to use in the well scene as the key is in the bottom of the well for the cellar. Any ideas??

then put hose in the well, and open the pump...
you will find freeman on the bench...

then, hit the bee nest with re rake

talk to him bout what escapism ?? talked to him for hours bout everything but he's till there !!! :D

brush with honey

Yep, I talked to freeman too. Take the brush and drip it into the honey, then lure the termites away...

Got the key!!

brush with honey, into the composting barrel

finally, into the cellar

E-Addict: talk with him about everything! He keeps telling you how square and stupid you are, and how cool he is blabla...

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Oh noes! A white screen and nothing happening anymore after I got the shovel and the other girl started to dig the treasure. This game is buggy. I think I'm not going to restart it. Gotta go, sorry. Good luck folks!

same here escapism...
white screen and X to close the game... for good...

@escapism - that's what happened to me too! Dut up the garden, and the screen went white. Didn't get to see the treasure!

oops: "dug" up the garden...

Too bad. The game started to be good, and then the white screen. Maybe the game designer fixes the bug and I'll replay later.

i did talk to him bout everything but he's not falling in !!!

wow...for somebody who doesn't want to be bothered that guy at the well sure does talk a lot...

Yeah...wonder if we were near the end or if there is a lot more to do. It says Edna disappears, so I'm thinking what they dug up was something that made Edna disappear...

instead it made the game disappear....lol!

ok freeman fell in ( after restarting ) but how to turn the pump on without mother superior knowing it ??

buggy !!

I restarted this and got a little further - no white screen yet...she gets the shovel, but Edna doesn't seem to see that she has it. It looks like you have to lure the termites away from the tree first or something.

This is a demo not a full game.
The demo ends after you use shovel.
You need to buy the game.
What a shame!

and then it all went white again...

Oh, thanks for the explanation Roberto! It doesn't say that anywhere - even at the end!

       Anonymous  10/15/12, 10:17 AM  

Darn, it started out to be a nice little game. I can't get Freeman to fall in. Since it's just a demo I calling it quits. :(

what a good hint given by Roberto ....so not playing the game ...

The boy wont fall into the well I have reloaded twice...

boy won't fall into well...reloaded game twice.....

@ Kathie Val Dez: You even posted it twice ;)...

@ Kathie Val Dez: You even posted it twice ;)...

Ok, so I got the shovel, wanted to dig and then everything turned white and that was it?

       Anonymous  10/15/12, 1:32 PM  

Bottom right at start screen is written, that's only a DEMO (small-printed, natch!), so after using shovel on bed, finito demo (=white screen)
(They should have at least put an end screen or similar...)

The game didn't end for me, the game goes to a quick YouTube video of lilly digging up the dirt, not sure why they did it this way, anyway they find a ww2 Aerial bomb and still think its a treasure from outer space, Edna then asks lilly to go find something to open it. not sure what is next, ill let you all know.

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not much else happens after the split screen, you open the bomb with the shovel and nothing is in it, Edna wants to put something in it for the space aliens to be happy. Mother superior call you back to the school and another split screen happens, you see all the other kids that are in the game and Mother S. tell everyone about some scientist is going to come to the school and help the children learn about being good, then the game ends and tell you you can get the game from Steam and keep on playing, i looked it up it's about $14.00 and thats all folks.

The game frozed when I gave Edna the shovel

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How do you open the arial bomb? I'm not sure what tool we need.

go to talk to freeman till he fell down, then use the rake with the bee nest, conecto the houst with the bomb between the trees near the pound and touch it, go back to freeman and use the brush with the bee nest, use the brush with the ants then go back to freeman and take the key

Far too much unnecessary dialogue you have to sit through makes this game a pain.

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Use the shovel on the bomb, should open up.

Also left click on the mouse zips through the dialog parts.

I'm playing the full version.

Hey, guys!
I figured it out!

1. Scrape the rocks a few times with your rake.
2. Go to the tree swing. Talk to Edna (optional).
3. Go back to pool. Go to cellar (window) and get the brush.
4. Get out. Take the hose from the faucet and put it in the pump.
5. Go to the well. Talk to Freeman (Click all the options for talking. Try clicking the first option for talking twice.)and leave. Come back when you here a splash.
6. Use rake to hit hive.
7. Put hose on floor in well.
8. Go back to pool and click on the pump.
9. Go back to pool to see Freeman. Get honey using the brush on the hive.
10. Use honey on the termites from the tire swing.
11. Go back to well and get key next to the floor near the bench.
12. Open cellar with cellar key.
13. Pick up the air hammer and the shovel.
14. Go back to Edna. Give her the shovel.
15. Look to see an Aerial Bomb. Use the shovel on the Aerial Bomb.

Got past the old man! Angry, deer & coconut

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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