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A Love Story Walkthrough

A Love Story

A Love Story is another riddle based puzzle game created by the CSY team (Clio, small-tool and Yoli) for EG24. A 50 chapter love story which starts quite easily, but will blow your mind by the end :P No fancy riddle stuff; no info in hidden text, source, the exif and/or picture properties. No picture or audio manipulation, etc. Everything you need is there in plain sight on the level. All you need is your brain, perhaps some googling and a lot of help from other players. But please DO NOT POST ANSWERS. Do post lots of subtle, helpful hints though, because we want your fellow players to reach the end as well. Leave no-one behind, so everyone can see how this wicked love story unfolds :) Good luck and have a lot of fun! [Created and subbed by Clio, small-tool and Yoli]

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Arrghhhhhh! I added 3 letters to the last noun - that made all the difference........ where's that 2x4!!!

Thanks for the hand-holding - I'm exhausted!! Taking a break, will be back soon.

Plugging away back here in the 20's. Still stuck on 24 - I've counted everything I can think of to count - items in picture, border items, words in paragraph - I've twirled grandmaa around until I think she's going to faint - and I'm still here. Could I get a nudge or possibly a bonk on the head with a two by four?

Ha ha, didn't read CeeBee's comment above. Maybe we can share the two by four.

Ignore the combination colour and shape. Count everything seperately (inside the picture).
Forget about the text and the frame.

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You are very welcome to share my 2x4 Me2, although you might have to arm wrestle me for it - it's rarely out of my hand LOL! I just took a look at 31 and read all the previous comments...........I don't even know where to begin, I think I'm brain-dead from wrestling with 30 for over 2hours, especially as I had it 97% right all the time. I think I'm going to take a long break, go to my line-dance club and see what fresh eyes will see in a couple of hours - Ta, Ta LOL!!

More notes!! :( Can I have a hint for 37?

Start with looking at the title.

Thanks small-tool, I have an idea now :)

hmmm, went where I thought I should go, but not getting anything with picking letters

Then it's probably not about picking 'letters' :P

Thanks small-tool, on to 38 :)

stuck on 20..i know i've to use the bold words and count to pick letters but i am not getting the solution...

Use amount of letters (not from the text but letters on the pic) to pick letters from the other word(s) on the pic.
You need 6 letters.

am really not getting level 22 at all, not seeing anything on the page that even points me in the right direction help please

Look at the caps in the pic text. It will give you two words and then you know what you need from those 4 guys.

ah thank you very much

s-t got the words and what was needed but cant seem to see what it is i need now, thought it might have been the same d** but no

Very basic riddling.
You need 8 letters and then granmaa.

is it conversion from y**** ???????

got it now had taken one down wrong thanks for all your help small tool

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Please help I am new to this site thought I'd give this game a go with your help got to level 19 but now stuck do not know what I am looking for TY in advance

Make it morse and then back to letters again.

still stuck on 20..feeling really stupid..counted the letters for the words in bracket and tried picking letters from other words but no luck...

i.e. november is 8 letters.
Now where to use that?

TY small-tool will try harder on next level

Embarrassed to admit I'm still on 24 (but in my defense I'm hosting a party in about three hours so I have been occupied elsewhere) and my total number doesn't grandmaa into anything valid. On a happier note my house is sparkling and my food is all prepped. It's also nice to see others back here with me in the 20's.

Not a total number. You should have 12 numbers for 12 letters.
And if you use the anagram solver we recommend at the start you can put all letters in and it will give the answer.
If you use another solver you have to make it look for a two word solution.

Small-tool, never ever occurred to me to use each item twice. Thanks!

i have no idea at all about 33 , can i have a little hint please??

For 33
It's all about knitting like in real life.
So it's all about what happens when you have finished a row.

if i try to 'draw" as i knit ,am i supposed to see smt ?

If anyone is still out there can you help me with level 11. I can't seem to get this one right. Someone posted a hint sheet for the first 10 levels and it was super helpful. If anyone is wanting to do another I would certainly appreciate. Thank you for your help!

       Anonymous  2/19/13, 7:24 PM  

This is a test

       Anonymous  2/19/13, 7:25 PM  

LOL Finally was able to get on and post. Now ST help with 42 :)

Yay Cawulla!!! Yes, s-t, A hint for 42 would be nice. :)

Laura Luhia, first try to find the wiki page with the same picture. For the left side, count for a letter in each name. For the right side, look at the name for the 1st tooth and use the first word as a guide to pick letters.

On level 18, are the windows in sections of 6? I cant seem to get any letters from it?

level 18
yes clio, you must be blind if you can not see it

Level 42,
Look very carefully how the cogs are connected to see if they go Clockwise or Counter Clockwise and (very important) if they turn because of the teeth or because of a chain around their 'same size' axes.

Thanks. I had the correct alphabet, but was using the lit windows rather than the darkened ones.

are we doing the same for 37 tried google for notes also but nothing

Look at the title !
It's not a Google level !

suppose all I need on 38 is in pic

Yep on level 38 the whole riddle is in the picture.

please , on 36 do i need the notes in C ? or focus on the letters?

You need the notes in C.
Just remember notes have other names (besides A, B, C etc) too.

thank you ,now on 38 ,and i saw mtatt has asked about this

For level 37, do the notes on the page help you with picking what you need to pick? I'm fairly sure I"m in the correct place, but I'm having a hard time deciding how to pick what I need :P

If you are in the correct place then it's not about picking letters, but about picking things made out of letters.

I am stuck on level 10 - the teeth.

I have seen the hints and I think I did the left side correctly. Teeth numbered 1-16 use with the name, so 1=R, 2=A, 3=N??? So the red tooth that is #4 would = D? is that correct.

The right side has me perplexed. I think I am to use the name of the teeth found on wiki, but don't know how to pick letters from that

Enjoy ,you need the names of the teeth but for the left you have to count ,for the right just focus on their names

Left side should be 4 is firSt premolar, so that would be an S (fourth letter).
Right side; it's all in the names. The names have a way of picking letters from the second part by using the first part.

Ok, the teeth is level 11 NOT level 10 - my mistake

my question above is totally off, but small-tool's and new's hints worked! thanks

Can I have a hint for 32 please. (I hope I haven't missed one that already been posted).

Cee Bee,
For level 32. They are on a table.
What is a very famous (science) table.
Go Google and do a little maths

Thank You. That did it! :)

It seems level 45 is not working for some reason. :(

Okay, I'm back after a day's absence and stuck on the very next level, sigh. 26, one letter per box but how to figure out which one? I've tried to anagram leaving one letter out but that didn't work in every box. I've thought about cows to no avail. Is CeeBee's 2x4 still available?

@Me2.. I am stuck with you on 26

Pick the letters logically - you are welcome to use my 2x4 :)

do you try to make words? I have crossed out duplicates = nothing.

First letter, first box.........etc.

Level 26: Position is everything you need.

Hi jbg... I thought I was going to bed. got it. thanks

I need a hint for lvl 35. Can anyone help?

Hi again EnJoy. I know the feeling. These riddles are addicting and who could be bothered with some thing like sleep when there's a riddle going on? lol

@Cee Bee: Does the title make you think of anything?

I can think of a few things, but nothing that seems to have any relevance - I'm being dense again, I've done that a lot since Friday - LOL!

Also look at how many different letters there are and notice something about the first letters of each group of four letters.

I saw that, so thought it might be the same sort of thing as the previous level, so tried to map the other 3, then all 4, but that went absolutely nowhere.

Well, you are right in the idea that you have to look in places you've seen before, but remember it says from way back and not just one back. Also remember that letters can sometimes be numbers. :)

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I'm having all sorts of timeout problems trying to page between the different levels, so will come back tomorrow.

Once more, Small-Tool, Yoli & Clio great riddle!!!! You guys rock!

Hi everyone. I havent been able to get into the riddle for a while. Im assuming that Webs is having a little nap and will wake up shortly.

Small-tool, you made my brain do some work!! It was a new experience for me, and one i didnt like. It's taken me all day to do lvls 21, 22 and 23. arghhh.

Seems to be working fast now. :)

level 35 @jbg thanks for the hints, i know where to look for the answer but the method alludes me

For 35,
You need one letter from each in the way back section. Don't do maths, but just use your numbers to find that letter.

May i have a shove for 26 please? I havent got a clue where to start on it.

Top left is top left
Top middle is top middle
Etc. :)

Thanks small.

hmm see lots of clues on 44 ,not, anyways think i see how to divide but not conquer

There are two italicized words in the text!!!

and finished!!! Great riddle small-tool, Yoli, and Clio. I really enjoyed playing. Is there a sequel coming? :)

Just so everyone knows, Donas and Cawulla finished before I did and don't be fooled by the anonymous in the riddle comments at the end of the game. I might have forgotten to type my name in when I posted there. :)

I am slowly getting through the levels however stuck on 29 read the other hints but having a stupid day please can anyone Help? Thanks

Iam sorry it's level 28 that's how much this game is affecting me but loving it

Ladysue, For 28, add 2 spaces to the title of the grid to read it a bit differently. Also count the number of squares in the grid, that might help

Level 28
Read the title on the pic as No N Grid.
And the grid is 25, not 26 !!!!
So put something in, in two ways to pick 6 letters.

hi can anyone help on level 12? I know what to use and I have to delete something ... time, but not where, if the last sentence or everything.
Sorry I do not understand this "bold" (I am Spanish) thanks!

should i go back to primary school for level 39.

Bigtank, Primary school is a great place to start ;)

pichi, Use the first darker sentence that Grace says to kill your time

Thanks small-tool & Donas how easy was that on to 29

Thanks Donas'm lost, but I keep trying...

pichi, be sure to spell out your time

ok i have the numbers i think i need for 39. no clue what to do with them now

bigtank, change your numbers back into a shape

thanks donas , that makes sense

Completely lost on 31st..dont know how to proceed..please give a good hint :(

Sonal, for 31, start by mapping each floor, the 5th is done for you

Well, I wasn't going to riddle today.....

Stuck on 27. Anagrammed the word in the box and only two make anything logical. I have read previous hints about "count" but I am still clueless.

hi enjoy sorry i missed you earlier, that is the way to start. using each word, who new there were so many anagrams of the

Ok, I only could anagram blue and lovers.... will go back and try again

Nothing to do! I do not understand. You have to use anagram? things but everything I try fails. I appreciate your help Donas. Level 12 is killing me hehe

Hint for 27: (thanks to bigtank)
anagram all words. count how many results for each word then convert...

pichi, first write out the time from the clock, write out the number and the other word you would say with a time. Then "kill" (remove) those letters from the first darkened text that Grace says. You should have 7 letters left over. Then visit granmaa

pinchi what time is it , that is what you need to take away .

Congrats Donas , Cawulla and Jbg !!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I am stuck on 31. I see hints map out each floor, but not sure how to do that. Make a 5x5 grid I assume. also, saw a hint that said "C3" not sure where that came from.

Can someone please simplify hints (i.e. - hints for dummies)

on 40 please, do i have to see the lenghs of the left bars as measure? tried to draw and see letters. Is this right as a method?

Hi Enjoy: To map the floors: You can see the 5th floor - write out the letters beneath each tile for the other floors. Do that help?

Enjoy , you see the top floor , study it and make the others under it

Oh and you've seen some codes before, the first one began with 3C.

will try. what does the 3C hint mean?

New, the colorful signs on the right should give you a letter for a direction to turn. The signs on the left give you instructions on how to draw

do you have the 5 groups of numbers-letters from previous lvls?

I can't type.........my last but one post should have read: Does that help?

let me go back and look at the numbers from other levels.. I was wondering what they were

I understood what to do, but what I get with anagram gives me error.
It may be that the second word is not the right time, but if the time is 3 o'*****

I'm still trying to figure out how I pick letters from 'Way Back Then'.

Pichi, spell out the number

pichi, yes three o'***** is right

pichi, write the time down with letters t.... . c.... and then delete those from the 1st sentense

Cee Bee, what level?

back then !!! you need p......l......

Oh sorry it's lvl 35

Cee Bee, for 35, the letters are a code that tell you where to go and what to pick. The first letters of each code will show you where to go.

BTW - congratulations to Donas, Cawulla & jpg for finishing - I am in awe :)............I think it will take me at least another week and I'll have to be hand-held all the way! LOL

still working on mapping for 31. I am not a very "visual" person. Does each floor map out the same like on the top? or is each floor lettered differently? - sorry this one isn't sinking in

Donas: I tried level/line/position but it didn't work

Enjoy , if you look carefully at the top floor and the "sides" you can see ,you ll see how the letters have "moved" ,so how the other floors should be

@Enjoy: I had the same problem initially - look at the top floor - what letter would be underneath Q - you can see what's underneath U - do the same for every letter and you get a map of each floor.

cee bee , its not line ,its sentense

Cee Bee, your 2nd place is wrong, but close.

Finally outputs of 12, thank you very much to all who have helped me, I was wrong in the sentence, it was with the other.Thanks!!!!

great !!

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I've reworked everything and counted yet again ........ I'm still coming up with words that are not the answer. Have I forgotten how to count, it is 1,2,3,4.........right? LOL!

Hands off my 2x4........I'm going to seriously need it after this round - IF I ever get there!

Lvl 35: Should the first letter be an 'R' ?

I mean the first letter I find.

The first letter should be a B.
It's level, sentence (not line), word, letter.

lvl 13: I have 8 pairs if not good, with the remaining not to do, could someone guide me to continue? thanks

There are 11 pairs. The others are not a pair and those make a shape.
What pairs do you have so far?

pichi, you need 11 pairs, 8 are not used

Back again........ one more time, thanks S-T. I feel dumber & dumber as the levels progress LOL!

Pichi: not all of them have a match. The unmatched ones show you something.

Now I'm even forgetting to refresh - derrrrrr!

Gone again for another day (darned pesky work) and thrilled to see some of you in the high 40's...the end is in sight. I managed to get three levels on my own and now stuck on 30. I have all the words but my initial letters make no sense or I'm too tired to see them. No work tomorrow so a good intensive eight hours ought to give me another level or two :)

level 31 is frustrating!! so i mapped all the floors..i hope i was right in doing that..but i dont understand how to use numbers to change letters..do the numbers represent floor? and do other floors have only sides? So confused...please helpppp

If you got the correct words. You should have:
go lego kiwi
anagram the first 6 to a well known site.
anagram the last 4 to another well known site.
And then you know what to do with all those words (together) to get your first hit.

When walking in a grid, you need directions and how many steps in those directions.
How many steps you already have.
And to make letters other letters to get directions, do very simple maths.

need a hint on 46 get the message through crypto thought morse but not giving me anything also thought just try to read it

Mtatt, for 46, reading it is right. Remember, The tracings from the left were all over the place!

lvl 41: I think I know what to do, but am having trouble seeing the dots. I have dots on 2, 4, 6 & 10 and I'm using the grid from wiki - is that right?

Cee Bee
8 has a dot too.
And yep Wiki should do.

Now I think I see a dot on 8 too - I've got spots before my eyes :)

I am getting the oddest groups of letters no matter what orientation I use. I tried using what I see, then imagined walking down, and tried taking the last word in italics into consideration . Is this a 10 letter word or multiple words? (I'm not sure the answer to that question will help, but let's see).

For 47, the dots make me think coordinates, but I'm having trouble matching things up to find letters. I think I need to fill in the dots?

walking down is very important Cee Bee

There are 11 letters, so the answer is 11 letters too.
Now focus on,
And with every step she went down the rotten stench seemed to push her more back.

I have 11 symbols, see, now I can't even count lol!

Spice1, your thinking is right, find the correct letters for the dots

Level 13:"The unmatched ones show you something"
not showing if a drawing, letters ... I do not see anything, but maybe my peers are wrong because there are several possibilities

The unmatched ones don't make letters.
They make a shape.
Name that shape. Think playing cards.

Thank you very much small-tool but I thought I had it in words

Lvl 41: Even after taking a break for lunch and starting afresh, I'm still getting a bunch of weird letters (11 *:) .

I think I know what I'm supposed to be doing and what methods are involved, so I must be doing something fundamentally wrong.

We've established that I can't count, so perhaps that's the problem *:D

It's no anagram. So if you're doing the correct method you should see the answer coming up.

Then I'm way off base...... not even close!!!!

Re 30, Cee Bee I did the exact same thing you did - had three two many letters on the last noun which gave me a very interesting wiki user named GregL. Spent a lot of time there before I reread the comments and saw yours. Thanks!

I just thought of something - I'll try again.

lvl 41: Pooh! that didn't work either, I thought I might be counting the wrong way.

Me2: Sorry you fell into the same bear trap I did, but glad that my post helped :)

The first letter of the answer should be a C

One of my methods - and I've tried lots LOL!! did have a C as first letter, unfortunately it was followed by a bunch of gibberish - it must have been pure chance!

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Small Tool: That did it! THANKS!! I knew it would be a fundamental flaw. I think I will give too much away if I tell you what I did wrong. If I say it was before the first conversion, I think you can guess - and I'm really mad with myself, because I started off right and then thought oooh noooo! and changed direction- RATS!!

Lol ok.
Although the main rule for this riddle is: don't overthink, you also shouldn't abandon a method that seems logical too soon, check for little mistakes first.
In the end it's all logical and mainly using very basic riddle tricks but with a little twist.
Anyway, it's all solvable, 5 players are finished now.

on level 30 have found all the w**** but granma does not work what am i doing wrong

Granmaa is only used with the first letters of those words and all they tell you to do is search.
First letters make: G....e W..i
So search them all together, your first hit is the answer.

cheers thank you

Level 14: I have the 8 numbers, but I can not remove the signs because they all give me the sign more, so I do not get the 4 digits. sorry I use a translator, not English. thanks

Level 14.
What math operators are used is hidden in the text.
It's often add (more as you call it), but when the word 'times' is in the text it tells you to multiply (that's because when you do for example: 15x, you say 15 times).
But the second one is a tricky one. There the operator is in the part you found with Googling.
I do understand it's difficult when English is not your native language so here is what you need
?? - ? * ? + ??? * ? + ?? + ??? + ?? = ????

Five people are done!? Green eyed with envy as I continue to wander around level 31. Congrats to all the finishers!!

thanks small-tool I'm working here, but I think I have some numbers the wrong, so keep looking.
thanks again!

google will give numbers but maybe the poem he takes how many roads

if google gives me numbers, but that's the question: too many ways ... and I lost!

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small-tool ok! thanks!!

had two numbers wrong, thank you very much small-tool.
by now lvl 15

Level 31, "And to make letters other letters to get directions, do very simple maths." Not seeing any math connections. Trying NEWS, up, down, diagonal, left, right. Could I borrow Cee Bee's 2x4 once again?

"while standing in front of the door she was reminded of all the odd things which came to mind, whenever she thought of Oracle."
Is an important part of the text.
You had five levels before with the Oracle and there was info.
But in case you already have that.
3C would become 3F because C+3=F

And we're getting close to 800 comments (thank you all very much for that) so new comments will be on a new page

that s amazing will be lots more because no hint for later levels but rest assured help is out there

My other life keeps very rudely interrupting my riddling, I have to train it not to do that :)

So now I'm staring at lvl 42 - arrgghhh!! I haven't got an engineering atom in my body, let alone a bone, I hope you guys are girding your loins for some very stupid questions.

I saw the earlier comment from S-T, so think I've figured out which way they turn and what is driving what. I'm not taking bets on being right!!
I also see that each cog has a different number of teeth and assume that will somehow figure in how far each one will move - after that I'm stumped and need a HUGE nudge. I might add I did take a shot at it by myself - LOL!!!

Lol Cee Bee,
But yep, you need to figure out what letter is in every little window after the first turn and after the second turn. And after that you have 10 letters to tell granmaa :)

Following on from my earlier posts, I'd just like to say that I'm here and doing the riddle. However I've never been on-line when help is needed, that's why I haven't commented 'til now.

I'm currently on Level 26 and slogging away.

Thanks for all the helpful hints and tips :o)

Small-Tool: That's not very helpful sir! I knew that much already, give me credit for some sense LOL!!

Btw, I'm starting a dictionary on gobbledygook, I've got quite a few words already.

Now can I have a helpful hint PLEASE, pretty please?

LOL i totally agree with you cee bee , besides the obvious ,can we have a hint please?

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