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Ant Escape Walkthrough

Ant Escape

Games2World - Ant Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 World. In this game, you try to use your point and click skills to find items and solve puzzles in oder to help the ant to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Good luck and have fun all...

made a stoneknife

Can't find a place to use the knife :(

make path over river first with leaf then two sticks
after that use knife to cut the vine

what's with the headless chicken???
where's the stone for the knife?

Saved an ant...

Ah thanks Ragna, that did it :)

It's not a headless chicken. It has a flower bed for a head and is nodding yes all the time ;)...

and you think that's normal for a chicken!!!!

The stone (or actually spearhead) is behind the pot in front of the third (far) house.

I was wondering about that chicken...

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's a headless chicken :P

I thought maybe at the end we might find it's head or something

Made knife, now looking to have chicken for tea but knife wont work there, dont know what to cut, thought it might be vine but no go


The ant probably traded it with the flower bed, then got cursed by the witch who lives in the left house and now gets away with it because you helped it...

what sticks????

Sticks in door of left house.

@LNS: Look at the leftmost house with the wooden panels as interior walls. Then imagine the cracks between the panels are not panels ;)...

Then imagine the cracks between the panels are not cracks ;)... was what I ment to say...

thanks guys - totally missed that!

I have to say headless Mike made up for however I was feeling after playing this game. Thanks guys :)

poor mike,

Note to self: simply stop playing bad games, life is too short for that. :-(

So I got sticks and knife and no idea what to do with them

Where's the leaf?

Leaf, door of middle house.

Pixel hell

thank you s-t

Saved the ant lol

Caroline 7/23/13, 6:43 AM
Pixel hell

Same here, when i got something it closes the game and getting the same game to play all over, very strange !
Not gone play this one :(

How to place second stick? Where is the pixel to click to zoom in to where the ant is on the rock? No way to place second stick. EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!

See you in another game Try_to_Escape

Can't place the second stick either

I can't find the place to put the second stick?

(why do i keep singing...Michael called an ant ashore..hellmyheadsgone?)

To get to the view to place the second stick. Click on the rocks in the back, in front of third house, that are between the rocks in the foreground where you have to put that second stick.

Thank you small. After the zillionth try that worked. I think i clicked on black dot on the pink house, then ever-so-slightly right of the bush at the front.

Cant place second stick!

Also irritating: People who post about their annoyances first, then only read the hints mentioned before theirs after someone talks about it and about how irritatiing their behaviour is ;)...

Found all the hints I needed - you've all done the hard work for me - thanks everyone!

This is really a poor game... Pixel hunt IS THE EVIL !
If I want to look at a rock, I hope not to have to click far away from it...

@Jule : look at S-T's comment
7/23/13, 7:15 AM
"To get to the view to place the second stick. Click on the rocks in the back, in front of third house, that are between the rocks in the foreground where you have to put that second stick."

(Hi there, S-T ;-) )

This comment has been removed by the author.


I didn't find the game to be a pixel hunt, but I do find the navigation annoying. Always having to go back to first view before being able to go to left or right.
I made a quick walkthrough for those who are still stuck.


1. Click on right-middle (tiny black dot) to see the ant you need to rescue
2. Click on First house: take the green string + the sticks in the door + wood in flowerbed
3. Go back to first view and now click on second house
Take stone knife from behind pot and take leaf from second house door
Combine stone knife with wood and green string
4. Go back to first view and then to ant-view tiny black dot in right-middle)
Put leaf in front of ant so that the ant can float to first stone Put stick on stone in front of ant
5. go back to first view
Click on the MIDDLE tree to get the view of the stick on your right and empty spot on your left. Put the second stick in empty spot. The ant will run over it and hide in bush.
6. Go back to first view and click on second house. Cut the vine with your stoneknife. If you can't cut it, you are in the wrong view. The tree has to be in closeup.
Once the vine is cut, the ant will walk to the tree and game is over.

One thing I found was that it made a difference which stick got put down first. The first stick in your inventory has to be the one placed on the rocks midstream. The second one goes fro the rocks to the shore.

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