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Da Capo - Seconda Settimana Walkthrough

Da Capo - Seconda Settimana

Da Capo 2 - Seconda Settimana Escape: The Leader - Second Week is another free Japanese online point and click room escape game by Indice. Find objects and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Da Capo 2 Seconda Settimana Escape Walkthrough

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I thought nrs under table ar 3, 4 and 8. I pushed them on boxes and changed colors on 1st box, but nothing happened

doris- the sum is 15 so the first box is yellow for 3
the 4, then 8 (the box with knobs on top) and last box (far right) 15

'course @doris... WHere are you stuck ?

NOKRA thank you so much! I was starting having a headache and felt sooo blond, as Zoz said before...

Thanks everybody for the usefull hints. I would never make it on my own. (I guess almost nobody would)...

I don understand where anyone of you seen the dashed lines or stuff like that...I got the cylinder and placed the chair back....what do I do now??

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This one needs a walkthrough...

Zoom on lower right of door. Pick up red thing, click and and find it says "2".

Back up and click left of door (you'll see a faint line there). Click again when zoomed in and get clue paper #1.

Back up; turn right. Note black and white square pattern.

Click on floor around middle of that wall and note floorboard that doesn't do anything.

Back up; turn right. Click on violin picture, notice gray thing at bottom right. You can zoom in but it does nothing.

Back up again. Click and take chair, click on chair again, turn it over and take top left leg. Click on end of leg to expand. Close box.

Click top of desk. Notice something behind button box. Click for paper #3 with color/number clue. Click on side of button box and notice keyhole.

Note that symbols on button box are same as symbols on paper #1. Click symbols in order. Button box now has yellow button with a rotation symbol. Click button and notice what happens under desk.

Back up. click just under desk, see round button.

Back up again; this time, click on floor under desk. Put expanded chair leg on the right. Back up and click desk and yellow button again.

There are now some symbols and a blue button under the desk - take the blue button. Note there's a 4 on the back of it. If you click the bottom of the popup box it will turn around again and you can put the red thing in it, making a knob. (clicking it again, will take the knob apart).

Back up, zoom in on the barely visible switch to the right, and click it. Note the button box is now in color.

Turn right. Note 4 boxes on shelves. (I'm numbering 1-4; left to right)

Click on box #1. Note clicking on up/down arrows gives colors (all other boxes are #s). Click on shelf under box for paper #3 with odd lines on it. Back up twice.

Click on box #2. Click on left of box, grab green thingy behind box. Click on it in popup box, Note #1 on end when it turns around. Remove glue. Double-
click to bring up green thing again; click bottom of popup box to put it back together.

Click on box #3, Click on top of box in zoomed view, notice buttons in same pattern as on wall. Press the buttons corresponding to black buttons on wall. Back up, notice box now says "5". Click on left side of box, and click square. Get SD part.

Pull up green thing again, insert SD blade and you now have a screwdriver!

Click on box #4. Click on right side. Note screw. Use screwdriver. Open and click switch. If you look at the side of all the boxes again, you'll see you are to add them together.

Part II:

Back up and go back to the desk - look under it, and use paper #2 to make sense of the symbols. You'll see they say 348 - if you add those 3 #s, you get 15. But how to get a 3 out of colors? You have 3 color #s now, and paper #3 is very easy to solve - yellow is 3.

Back to the boxes. Yellow on the first one, 4 on the second, play around with the buttons on 3 until it becomes 8, and set 4 to 15.

The picture has changed and is now a color clue. (Spoiler for the color-blind: 31213232). Use that on the color buttons. You hear a clunk. Something happened. Look around the room - nothing changed?

Remember that floorboard we saw way back when (to the right of the black and white squares on the wall)? Zoom in there and click. We've got a key! Which, of course does not exactly work on the door).

Zoom in on the button box and use the key. You'll get 3 cylinders, which, when clicked, seem to want to stack. Use the glue on them. Turn around to door and click it. It opens. Well, kind of. Zoom in and click the blue button - which opens that gray square on the picture. Also note the two dark black lines.

Turn around to picture, zoom in to grey square and use the blue/red knob on it. Picture now consists of a bunch of lines. Which you can't reach.

Double-click your mangled chair and use the long cylinder you made to fix the short leg. Put the chair in front of the desk and we can now change the lines. Copy the ones on the door. Click on stairway and watch end scene. Congratulations, you're out! (Or are you?)

Thanks for the WT (although I was already out)

Bloody hard but VERY GOOD game!!

Maybe Guru was just ironic when he said "horrible", I didn't take this for granted, since I know he does love these braincrackers just as I do...

Important CLUE for copying waveforms:

(yes these are waveforms you would be seeing on an oscilloscope)

The upper waveform is a bit confusing (to put it a gentle way).

As you might have found out, you can as well leave one element all blank.
But don't do that!! The straight wave line on the right half of the upper waveform needs to be drawn out far LONGER than shown on the door.

So don't let yourself confuse by a seemingly short line, suggesting you would have to leave the rightmost element blank...that's not the case.

come again & out now ..thanx for all hints everyone esp .Octaviaus 99 & zoz ...

Kathy K, I don't know how you did it, but you took a very confusing and challenging game and made it seem simple. Great WT!

Argh... just finished and didn't realize there was a walkthrough! Thanks everyone for the great clues! Great game!

The hardest part was finding the paper to the left of the door. (took about an hour)

Great Game and Great Walkthrough !

KathyK, great WT. Thanks!
Maybe a clarification where I had problems, the key from the floorboards "does not exactly work on the door" so I didn't use it on the door at first. I tried it later and heard the click, but then it says to click the blue button and turn around. My door was not open and the painting wouldn't open. Since my door wasn't open I kept clicking the blue/red knob as the "blue button". Looking back through the comments, Smarties (at 10:29 am)let me know the ONE step I was missing.
"Oh bloody hell, I just had to zoom back out and THEN open door."
Thank you Smarties.

had exactly the same problem .. but didnt know someone else would later so i just ignored it ! :-)

Great WT Definately needed it. Got all done except I just cant get the Red and Blue thing on the gray squrare What am I doing wrong. Help please

This game would have benefitted from two things:

1. A more intuitive graphical user interface so that users would know that there are second views to inventory items.

2. Logic. Or at least clearer logic. A wall switch to operate the box on the desk? Why? A locked door with nothing behind it but a wall with a pattern on it and a button? A chair with a telescoping leg that you remove and then replace not with the telescoping leg but rather by gluing plastic cylinders together? I don't know...if you are going to make a game and abandon logic, at least do it whimsically like the Detarou games.

@sherry i think u have to turn the red part first in about item to see the slot n then combine the other with it !!

In the walkthrough you said "Back to the boxes. Yellow on the first one, 4 on the second, play around with the buttons on 3 until it becomes 8, and set 4 to 15." then "The picture has changed and is now a color clue."

well, i put the color and the numbers in and the picture did not change.....

oh shoot checked back and i had the "4" as a "3"

@E-Addict I did, I have them combined together, but it doesnt do anything

ah u have to open the door first n press the blue button .. u have the key right ??

yes I have the key , you mean the brown door

ok then open the exit door !

your not going to believe it, it dont do anything. Tried the key nothing happens, this puzzle took too long , I hate to just close it. . In my inventory I have left is 3 notes, blue&red thing, SD, glue, chair, and the key

sherry, use the key on the brown door, step back and click on the door again. It should open.

lol sherry .. ok use the key on the door and then zoom out before u open it !

the last part of Kathy K walkthrough is completely confusing !!

finally thanks E-Addict and Peggy, got the door open, and now to make the lines the same , im workin on it. thanks again

u welcome sherry .. n btw my problem was not that i didnt zoom out before opening the door , i just didnt know the same key used on box is to be used on door as well ! just in case another victim passed by !

finally out, thanks so much this game drove me crazy, and I just had to finsh it, Thanks again didnt know about the blue button, now I can rest my tired eyes thanks to both

Did anyone solved the extra room? I've stuck on it for hours...

Tamaki, what extra room?

@peggy, if you finished the game and read the author's Words(編記後記), you can enter the extra room. Return to main screen, and you can move the title's alphabet a...move the first a to second a's position, and the second to the first, you will find it...

Holy cow! There's MORE!
Thanks Tamaki. Let's see what we can come up with.

I can see why you've been at this a while. Lots of clues, but I can't make any connections. Have you come up with anything yet?

Nope, nothing...Having been stuck on it for a VERY long time... I guess h+m means hour+minute, and tried to plus these numbers, but it didn't work.

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I got 24 9 15 15, or brgrbrb. That did something to the piece under the desk. But now what?

Maybe it refers to the paper's hint, H+M, or hour+minute, I think we should plus the time. But how?

I came up with 33:30 which isn't correct. So I bf'd the colors... red cyan yellow blue. The painting opened.

Thank you very much Peggy!

If the numbers refer to the alphabet, I get variations of the vowels, a e i o u.

I was able to flip the switch, and the box on the desk opens up with another clue.

The colored cylinders come into inventory and you can look on the bottoms. Only the blue one has a clue, which is the letter "c".

Yeah...found it. Now stucked again...

Me too. I was hoping you'd have another breakthrough.

I forgot about the chair. When I put the chair back at the desk, I can place the cylinders on the board. But I don't know where to place them.

What does the box r>g>b mean? Can't figure out.

I read it as meaning blue has a lesser value than green, and green has a lesser value than red. Then does the letter 'c' give blue a value of 3?

OMG, the game almost drove me crazy!

I tried brute forcing the pegs. I got it but I'm not sure where the pegs were.
I think the green was in the left column in the top position. The blue was in the middle column, either the 3rd or 4th position from the top. The red was in the right column, either the 4th or 5th position from the top.

Tamaki, can you explain why any of that worked? I just got the answers by chance. Do you understand any of it?

I can't understand why either...Maybe the 'c' at the bottom of the blue peg means Ca's c. But why green should be in the first column and red in the third?

Oh well. We escaped! Maybe someone else will be able to figure it out and share.
Thanks Tamaki. That was fun.

I got it! C at the bottom of blue peg means itself, not anything else. 1=a, 15=o, so delete the vowel alphabet of Da Ca Po, we have D C and P. P>D>C, so it comes.The green one in the left column and the top, the blue one in the middle column and the fourth from the top, the red one in the right column and the fourth from the top.

Way to go, Tamaki. There's no way I would have made that connection. Thank you again. Now I can sleep tonight.

Glad to help you~

Bravo, you two!

Now the video walkthroughs need to be re-recorded :)

BTW, I should have known there is an extra game again.
That's because the author used the same technique in his prequel:

(If you haven't played it yet, do it now!! It's a brilliant piece of work.)

@Peggy and Tamaki. Can you explain how you come to
- 24 - 9 - 15 - 15
- red - cyan - yellow - blue
- green = 1, blue = 1, red = 15 and their order

I'm not blonde but it seems I'm not well awake ! ;)

me too, I got times:

19:15 05:00 08:45 00:30

if I add it it's 34, 5, 53, 30

maybe clue from box?

X I 0 0 means sth?

it;s not the time but X I O O

value of that letters!
X - 24
I - 9

stupid me!

Oh yes ! Of course !!!!
Now, how this gives B R G R B R B ?

Ok, with the colors of # on the right of the table !

thanks everybody (especially jedno)! this had confused me as well...

now please can anyone give me an explanation why the colors are the ones that Peggy posted?
She bf'd them as stated, but I want to know why this combination and not another...

I'm sure they must be related to the picture FRAME with all those colors on...the colors aren't there by pure luck, that's for sure...
(and of course the color blending diagram)

I can't understand why R C Y B ????

neither can I, see my post above yours :)

The numbers/colours boxes puzzle was officially too much for me. Reading the solution I'm sitting here with whirly eyes, mumbling to myself "WHAAAAAAT?"
Not in a million year would i have guessed "348" is supposed to be "3+4+8"... Or, if there was a hint about it in the game, i missed it.


there was a hint, when you unscrew one of the boxes side and press the switch, on sides of the boxes appeared + and =

I know why that colors

It's from time paper

Imagine that there are clock hands on painting with color frame, and they show esch time separate
they show 2 colors, add those colors as on paper hint and voila

so 19:15
19 = points 7 o'clock - red
15 = points 3 o'cloch - red
red + red = red

05 = points 5 - green
00 = points 12 - blue
green + blue = cyan

here's screen http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/jednorogini/media/2013screen/dacapod_zps54bee0f0.jpg.html

that was brilliant .. thanx @Jed !

now I finished with all logical and clear

thanks everyone!

and btw .. switching the a places in the game's title after we already thought it was over to get extra puzzles to solve ??!!!! that wasnt as brilliant .. weird actually !!

that was fun!

Oh there's an extra room I didn't know about...but it doesn't work like you all say above. I clicked the top set of Japanese characters, then there was lots more letters, I clicked close and just got Congratulations again, but couldn't move any letters.

Oh well the first bit was fun :-)

Did find the other room in the end lol. I managed to get to the pegs on the board. Even with your clues and explanations I couldn't figure it out, so I just followed the hint and got out. It annoys me when I can't see it though.

@jed that was BRILLIANT as usual!

I would never have gotten the idea of "installing" a clock in that "picture frame".

Now that I see your graphical explanation with the hands, things look ridiculously easy.
But it's the person that matters who first GETS that idea...

Yet another dead link.

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