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Gongtats Tunnels Escape Walkthrough

Gongtats Tunnels Escape

Gongtats Tunnels Escape is short point and click escape type game created by Ainars. Examine each view, find items and hints to complete simple puzzles and activate portal to next location. Escape from all tunnels to finish this game. Good Luck!

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Uh oh. I got stuck in the scene with the ornate gold trim and the green curtains. The arrow won't let me go back to the right.

fairly straight forward,no one should have any problems

stuck at point where u have a blue line u can go left and right did find 1 thing and place it.


Reloaded and now the arrow to get to that room doesn't exit. Now I think I might be drowning?

keep pressing rock at top left shaz

prufrock i had that prob so moved mouse around scene went bk to arrow and it worked but cant see wat u supposed to get where green curtains are

Shaz i don't think there was anything in the first set of left and right rooms

Good, not spectacular-- not difficult and nothing we haven't seen before.

ty kev

How weird. I guess that room was some kind of residual thing from an old game.

it ok figured it out teach ,e to play this at 2.27an but addicted to ainars

and out ty ainars great game

Too short!

Loved It Ainars
Like the new style
Same but different
Thank you

Good game !!!

Very creative Ainars

These are so creative! I love these!

Stuck on the water faucet one. What am I missing?

i'm stuck there too jessica, i think i might have missed something in the green room

Hmm that was weird, just kept raising and lowering the water and the door opened.

nope just kidding, press the facet and let the room fill up then press all the squares when the water is drained.

Wow!! That was purely magical !!!!!

Nice twist of imagination but needs developing for more puzzles and longer. Big Thx

really good but too short

didn't understand what the ornate room were for, didn't seem to be anything in either of them.
first couple of scenes seemed very slow, but think it was my PC rather than the game

I got stuck in the first scene, key don't go in safe help please

Loved this! but too short!
The water scene was great fun!

Fantastic - Ainars, yes, but with a difference! Too short!

easy one but good as always

What does POP mean in the comments?

POP = power of posting; i.e., you figure out the answer to your question on your own right after you post it

Thank you, BS AK! I see it all the time, but I am new to this blog stuff and couldn't figure it out!

nope, can't get the water scene? let room fill with water then drained it. Clicked all the squares but zilch. Where am I going wrong?

Had to restart and then I seen the markings.

stuck with the symbols after the waterscene, how to place them ? Anybody to help me out ???

I wish these were MUCH longer, so fun

that was easy

Good game, but way too short, a lil too easy

Gongtats Tunnels Portal through. For the fun of it ....

1. Click the two rectangles, left and right. Take key and paper. Click the safe, fill in the number, drag the key to the safe. Click the remaining pole, go through the portal.

2. Click the two green twigs. Take the crowbar, drag it to the big rock. Click on the frame to see you need a similar white symbol, hidden behind a rock. (rightsidedownunder). Click the frame again. Drag the white symbol to the four one by one, go through the portal.

3. Click the two rocks in front of you, take the stone. Drag it to the brown stone. Click the green twig three times, Take the items. White goes on the left black holes, gives a second purple item. Drag those two to the spaces in the waterpart.
Drag the diamond to its right spot, take the paper, fill in the number on the grey frame, click the button, go throught the portal.

4. Click the upper part of the handle. Note the 6 marked blocks. Remember those. Click the lower part of the handle, click the marked blocks, go through the portal.

5. Click the obvious blocks. Take the lighter. Click one handle three times, or click all three, once, doesn't matter, the left block opens. Take blue button, drag it to its place. Light it, go through the portal.

6. Burn the paper. Point the arrows to the correct symbols according to the example. go through the portal.

7. Go left, take the shovel. Click the four marked blocks, drag the skulls to the empty ones. Take the button. Go right. Use shovel on the potatoes, take button. Go right. Do the same, take the box. Drag the box next to the other. Take the button. Open the panel under the scale, take the button.
Click the frame, drag the buttons to where they fit, take the key, go left..Open the lock, go through the portal. You're out.

My pleasure,

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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