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20 Fathoms Walkthrough

20 Fathoms

EscapeFan - 20 Fathoms Escape is photorealistic-atmospheric bunker escape game created by Ainars for Escape Fan. Investigate underwater bunker, search for various types of spheres and crystals. Find parts of diving suit and jump in to the flooded tunnel to escape. Good Luck!

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See if I can fathom this one out

I'm stuck, I'm missing 1 amulet

finally out

aridza - very helpful.....

I have all the diving equip. and a red beetle - can't find last sun or key or any other color of the beetles - any ideas?

I don't even know why I always try to play these games. I hate games where you have to look for things rather than solve puzzles, because I suck at them so hard, so Ainars games really aren't my cup of tea.

That said. I'm missing one red energy sphere, one beetle, two butterflys and at least one ladybug type of beetle for the underwater scene. I have a bunch of jewels/amulets but I haven't noticed a place to put them in.

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OK - The red beetle goes on the big machine in room to the left from first room - very hard to see beetle outline, the red dot is obvious though

I'm missing the blue beetle, and only have one of the striped beetles. Not sure where to use the paper clue with "xx"- location and "x"-value.

kerry - use the piece of wood to the right

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Kerry use the steel rod near the right doorway to reach it

exactly where you are gmm

Thanks kerry and kaz, finally found the last energy sphere I was missing. :)

@unknown - place the amulets in the room where you placed the red beetle, toward the upper right.

I'm also missing one amulet, kind of an oval shape, bottom of the middle row.

gmm - in the room where there the colored shapes are: on the right at the bottom click a light colored spot - it will give you the color code. And a little higher on the right wall is where you put the insect code - I just found it but not having any luck entering the bug code

ahh, thanks gmm. I'm missing two amulets and an oxygen mask.

I think I'll just give up. Too much hidden object-ing for a saturday morning for me. :)

In the room with two doorways - blue and green arrows - the energy sphere on the ceiling won't be clicked no matter how many times its pressed.

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Thanks Snoff - totally missed those spots. Got the blue beetle now.

Ah giving up too complicated for me

There's also a hot spot below the red safe that doesn't do anything when clicked either!

Thank you again Snoff - with your hint I was able to get the items I was missing and I'm finally out!

Missing pink beetle, anyone know where that is?

Got it! There's a black bar on the other side of the room with the unclickable energy sphere - press it and it shoots across the room and hits the button for you! Still doesn't get you much further though!

Now missing one amulet...

@moi - the pink beetle was in the starting room, the room with the ladder.

Right, keep walking round - I've found safes open which I wasn't aware I'd triggered. I now have the scanner...

And OUT! Great game, harder and with some new elements - thanks Ainars. It would help if it was clearer which safes had been opened - I kept thinking I still had to find some I'd already opened!

Great one, Ainars! The one hint that I missed was the one for the color code. Thanks to Snoff's hint I got it, and finally out.

I liked the scuba twist to this one.

Missing bug nr 2 and/or 1 amulet :( anyone made a walkthrough with the hiding place of all amulets?

I can not find the pink beetle. Help!!

I can not find the pink beetle. Help!!

and blue beetle missing, too

Helpful hints for all who are willing to play Ainars games:

1. His monitor is not calibrated properly, and so you will want to increase the brightness or gamma on your own monitor in order to see some of the things that you need in order to play his games.

2. If you find that you don't care whether you escape or not, don't worry. That is typical for an Ainars game.

3. Red X is your friend.

where i can put teh violet bug?? can see no place for it :(

put violet bug :maybe under water, i'm not sure

Missing one amulet the one in the middle on its own, been round 4 times and can't find it. Hot spot under red safe won't open.

Under the telephone. The safe under red safe is the scanner you get when all amulets placed.

Great game - made an effort not to look at hints and with a little patience, got through :)

Missing the blue bug and one amulet....

I can not find a diving mask

Honey, you will find the blue bug when doing the puzzle of faces.

Can anyone tell me where is the oxygen mask? Thanks!

I have pink beetle, but don't know where to place it. any hints? thanks.

I have all 10 star crystals, but don't know where to place them!! help anyone. I tried on the 0, but no luck.

Can anyone help with the bug puzzle - I don't understand it?

Leisure, click on the black centers to move and match up with the paper

where is the last star crystal

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 8:18 AM  

nursemimi the pink bug goes in the long hallway, to the extreme right. Now, where did you find the pink bug?

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 8:28 AM  

nursemimi the pink bug goes in the long hallway, to the extreme right. Now, where did you find the pink bug?

I got mask suit and flippers. How do I get out? What am i missing?

And POP. Just saw the tank under the water

Yorkiegal: See my comment above. There is a slot for them to go in, but you can't see it unless you turn the brightness of your monitor up to match Ainars'.

Can anyone tell me where is the oxygen mask? Thanks!

Great game Ainars
Bill Chinery chimes in again!!!!

Joe M can tell where the oxygen mask? Thanks!

OMG, nobody here helps foreigners?

@ Tati Maya, I seriously hope you are joking!

I think not. I asked for help a number of times and it seems that not been here. Why is it?

I am a grandmother of 62 years and I'm not even kidding.

Just ask for help ...

For me this is called misanthropy ...

couldn't finish, as don't know what to do with 10 star crystals. :(

10 crystals are used in room 1 right of the start room, look for a blinking 0 on the back wall with a note next to it.

Me, I'm with Tatis, still looking for mask.

you put the star crystals in a barely visible slot above the white "0"

You get the mask after you place the stars

thanks Bill, but it's at its brightest now, so I guess I don't finish another ainars! I'm done with these games now

Tati, people from all over the world play on this site. We all help each other as much as possible. If someone hasn't answered your question it is probably that no one has seen it. I replayed the game to answer you... and I hate Ainars games

Yorkie.. did you see my above post. just drag the stars right above the white "0"

Enjoy, thanks. Leave it to you to help me!

I'm in trouble then, I'm missing 2 amulets, 2 butterflies, the last energy sphere and the 7 digit number as well a all 10 crystals.

missing quite a lot going round and round in circles

Finally found last energy sphere, it was in butterfly room under sign on the wall.

Robert the last energy sphere is on the ceiling, you shoot the wooden plank at the lhs to hit the sphere..
ps.Tati Maya I will go out of my way not to answer any of your questions after a ludicrous comment like that. And some of your questions had already been answered if you had bothered to read other peoples posts.

well im missing 7 number code,6 colour code,2 beetles, coloured gem in de middle 2nd row from bottom cant find nowt,have 2 flippers tank wet suit,green paper with pictres,me head spinning going round and round

Made lots of progress after getting energy sphere, but now missing one crystal. I've searched over and over and can't find the lower left crystal. Ainars, if you're reading this, some of us are color blind, the scanner should make the crystals VERY obvious, some are so subtle I almost didn't see them and one is so subtle I clearly haven't found that one no matter how many times I scan.

Great Ainars, thank you so much.

Couldn't resist the challenge. Whatever ...

tishtosh, thanks, but I'd found that one, the one I didn't find was behind the poster or sign on the right wall in the butterfly room. I couldn't see it and only found it by accident, I happened to mouse over it and when I saw the cursor change I clicked, I only knew it was the sphere when I saw it vanish in my inventory. I'm colorblind so what is obvious to many people can be invisible to me.

Click the light.
Let's go.
Part I.

The horizontal arrows (purple-red) keep you on the first floor.

Three notes in first room. Read them ....
7 red spheres - 6 green spheres - 11 amulets, diving gear.
Take diving suit and a PINK BUG on the left.
Go left.
On the left green sphere.
a RED BUG SAFE in the middle.
a green swim flipper. Below that a closed panel.
At the right side a plate for the 11 amulets.
Go left.
On the left green sphere.
At the right PINK BUG SAFE = butterfly.
White safe at the ceiling right of the door.
Go left.
In front of you an amulet.
A 7-number safe above that.
A 10-starchrystalsafe in the back.

Go right.
Go forward (blue arrow).
In a straight line: on the left green sphere,
right of middle a RED BUG,
on the right an amulet.
Click and remove pipe up right, it hits red sphere.
Go forward with blue arrow (middle one).
red sphere on the left.
amulet at top of door.
PURPLE BUG on the right.
Go forward.
red sphere on the left.
2 green spheres left and right of the middle.
Click cloth right down corner, get colourclue.
Use it on the wall safe.
1= 1 click, 2= 4 clicks, 3= 3 clicks, 4= 2 clicks, 5= 4 clicks = beetle.
down the stairs an amulet.
at the right, bit below the wall safe a spot with insect safe.
Go forward.
At the left a code paper for insect safe.
Open PURPLE BUG SAFE = amulet.
Middle = amulet.
On horn tel. green (last) sphere.
Below tel. amulet.
At the right red sphere.
right up of that swim flipper.
Place for three butterflies.
Go back one arrow, do the insect safe = BLUE BUG.
Insect safe: just click the black parts to combine the insects like on the paper.

Part II.

Go back to three arrows, click right (green) one.
right of middle an amulet.
Place for three beetles, GREEN BUG SAFE.
Go forward.
Take oxigen tank, BLACK BUG SAFE, a key.
Open BLUE BUG SAFE = beetle.

Go back to starting room, click red sphere.
Go left, open RED BUG SAFE = last sphere, opens three safes.
go right = butterfly.
go left twice, take beetle.
go forward, take GREEN BUG.
right arrow, open GREEN BUG SAFE = a butterfly.
Place beetles = 7-numbers paper.

Go back 1 arrow, take middle blue arrow,
keep going forward, place butterflies = BLACK BUG.

Back to three arrows, take right (green) one.
Keep going forward, open BLACK BUG SAFE = key, use key = amulet.

Go back to starting scene, go to 7-number safe, place number = last amulet.
Go right twice, place amulets on plate = opens panel for scanner.
Go through the rooms with scanner, more rooms can be viewed at the same time.
In every room there's one crystal.
Place them, get mask.
Your gear is complete. Go forward, keep right, to where key-safe is.
Drag gear into the water, view a beautiful sunset, listen to the calming see for awhile, you deserve it.
Did you have fun?

Click button 'start scene' and go through it again !!


ty arrie for wt finerly found where colour code was not in place where person said was confusing

wow, that was painful. Finally found the last crystal underwater, it was almost invisible.

nice 1 ainars

Always so very excellent, Ainars!! Again, I hated to leave!

You dont need the red beattle or to get out the mask you get after you place 10 cristals inside the slot.

The bug puzzle was easy once I moved the black spots onto the correct bug. Loved this one.

Great game. The red bug safe was hard to see.

Fantastic game, Ainars, one of your best ones!! Thank you.

does the ghost who walks past the open door mean anything?

Not to get out Robin Rob, could be a selfie of Ainars M ...

Snoff - thank you for your hint at 4:41 for the insect safe - that was what I was missing! Out now.

I love this kind of Ainars game - thank you.

       Anonymous  6/9/14, 1:56 PM  

Nice WT arrie

Hai Jeff. I enjoy doing it and It's really a practice as well !!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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