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E-Addict Twists Escape 4 Walkthrough

E-Addict Twists Escape 4

E Addict Twists Escape 4 is another point and click type room escape game created by EAddict by using Dr. Fou's Room Escape Maker. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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FIRST !!!!!!

Out! :D

A lot can happen in an hour/half an hour.

Got the multicolored puzzle to the left of the E 3 puzzle. Hint: green + red = yellow.

E-Addict, I looove the flower, thank you.

As for the game, I tried, I really did, but I can't solve any of them.
The red dot becoming two greens? I found letters, but ... wrong.
I love your style, but I just can't do it.

I got the red dots! First off, the letters on the right side are backwards. Then it's an anagram!

wow EA you really have everyone stumped this time

The tic-tac-toe one with numbers missing looks like one of those puzzles where all the rows, columns, and diagonals add up to the same number, but I can't make 1, 3, 8, and 9 fit.

Tried brute-forcing 1389. Didn't find a combo that worked.

vance a little hint on the red and green dots? is it as arrie said the red dot becomes 2 green? not getting the right letters apparently

Tried converting 5/7/9 into binary (0101, 0111, 1001) and adding in decimal to get 1213. No good. 1224 (adding 3/0011) didn't work either.

pop got it as soon as i posted

You always post games when I am on call..
If Arrie cant do this then I have no hope!

Thanks Escaper ! :)

Hello everyone .. Arrie nl at least you managed to get in first lol .. and obviously some used Lisa Hall's walkthrough of the last game .. yeah it always works :D ..

rds it's all in there , you just need some time maybe :) , and Vance it is not about binaries ..

I'm hopelessly stuck on the other puzzles, EA. I've had some ideas, but none have panned out. Too early for some hints? I do have the table under the lamp that needs a bulb plus the knife in my inventory.

Looking at the Roman numeral puzzle, I've noticed that down the left column, 28/7=4, then the other numbers are +7 (11, 18, 25).

I hate these games. They are just too vague for my tiny mind. I fall in with arrie NL. I just have no clue.

Vance the one with roman numerals is not about math , the roman numerals are the clue ..

hey Joe M btw ..

I think this falls more into the "Guess what the author was thinking", rather than, "Follow the clues". I'll pass on the mind reading exercise....

Vance, I'm shocked by your progress .... Well done !!

eh, I mean that as a joky of course. Thought I'd explain that. :-)

joky = joke.

and for the roman numerals puzzle the arrow is telling you which column to choose once you figure out what the E is or is part of ..

got a bulb from the 1-9 tic-tac puzzle

its over my head..

if I tried, they would have to call the fire department..

Hint for that is to use the #

So how do you use the # on the tic-tac-toe puzzle?

use the lines that the numbers are inside to make a number..
then combine the 2 shapes(4+2) for a number

larue, thanks. It took me forever to figure out HOW to put the shapes together.

Hi E-Addict.
I placed the light bulb in the light fixture, my table disappeared, but the light still says I have no bulb. What's up with that?

Thanks to clues shared, I now have the card (EFTPOS? Credit?) from the Roman Numerals puzzles.
Surprisingly easy (once you KNOW the answer).


Back after mealtime. But cannot get my head around any other puzzles. Maybe when there are more shared hints ... ...

Peggy just stop clicking on it ?! lol the bulb is there you can see it ! :) and the table disappeared because you are not supposed to need it no more so i thought of doing you a favor and take it out of the way !

Exactly Ashley :) .. so the clues are enough for this one !

The clues in the forum were the key E-Adict. Along with those your clues were adequate.
But there are not enough clues to help me for any of the other puzzles.

okay Ashley , for the double E , just follow the colors on both Es .. and Larue i thought you solved the other grid lol

by the way i know from the game data page that someone already finished it and this makes me feel better .. see you later !

any flowers for the girls? let me find if any there in the game :)

no one around? its boring to play alone, i ll return later when u guys come back here

I just started to "play" some time ago. I spent much time to look at each safe, but the only one i could open is the 123 grid safe for bulb. The others i don´t get even the comments above don´t help me. So i will be back later, if more help is provided. For me this game is the hardest so far ED, in the other games i could open 3-5 safes on my own at least :-(

ED= EA of course lol

I will try to explain the red dot=2 greens
There are 2 letters there and when there is a red dot use it for both letters (or sides)
If the is only a green dot, it can only be used for one letter,..
and like Vance said the R side it backwards.
I had trouble seeing one letter btw, but finally figured it out..

I need to go out now and play lol
Hope to play again later tonight maybe.
Thanks again EA for the game! :)

Thank you larue ! At least someone who tries to explain, but i still don´t get it :-( I give up for now, maybe i come back tomorrow, but i am stumped, frustrated, because normally at least i do understand the hints. Maybe i am just tired ? :-)

And where everybody else is gone ? arrie ? ashley ? Vance ? Peggy ? Anybody out ?

hey Zazie lol just calm down ;) .. well for the letters puzzle Larue tried to explain , two letters in each screen with the right one written backwards as the arrows show , and the I in the middle !

and missing Mako as well , she almost done it the last game !

Zazie, I'm here, just following and reading.
But a shock-wave now goes through the room, I have a knife.

it's always a pleasure to see you arrie NL ! so which puzzle are you working on ? i think Zazie is just tired and frustrated obviously :)

Thanks for the answer on cbox .. or whatever you may call it lol .. but yes i like your style !

red dot = two greens.

The tricky part is the middle row top to bottom. If it's a red dot you have to use it on both the left letter (is in the right position) and the right letter (which is mirrored, so the 5th row is the left part of that letter). So far so good?
The green dots in the middle row either go to the left letter or to the right letter. And that's trial and error. I started with A and G for the first ones, which was wrong.
The first letters are P and S. the 5th of course is an I.
Does this help you enough to find 3 and 4?
Explaining it took longer than making the puzzle I think ! lol.

E-Addict, the light bulb is like a scab... I have to keep picking (clicking) at it. :-D
I was just afraid we had to do something else to get the light on.

Hi E-Addict!
I was soooo close to solving that one, that I gave it another try.
Larues' explanation about green going left OR right solved it for me.

Hey Peggy :) .. yes you just had to turn it on now ! :D

and btw Arrie the letters puzzle doesn't need an anagram , because you are seeing the two letters to the right and to the left of I !

so three safe open now ? .. for the double E just follow each color on each E !

Hello Peggy.
I want a light bulb too. It's dark in my brain when it comes to this game.

Stop giving hints E-A LOL! You're only confusing me (big smile now). I is in the middle, but S and P are left of it ... let me think ... and write it down again ..... AHHHH Yes !! Got it !! my my ...

arrie, for the light bulb, I can't think of any way of giving a hint without spoiling the whole puzzle.

EA, I've tried following the colored dots on the E 3 puzzle. I don't see any numbers out of it. Is it Roman Numerals?

Peggy, I don't get the tic-tac-toe one. I read larues' hint about the lines, but no way.

Oh yes, that's a dilemma.

Or maybe I'm thinking of the puzzle for the card....

arrie, write down the lines around the #4, then underneath that, attach the lines around the #2.

Peggy connect the first two dots through E first then connect it to the other part !

Arrie look at the lines of the grid surrounding the two numbers then connect them together !

Wait, I found numbers, but how do I know whether it's a 6 or a 9?

I wish you could both hear my screams now : I GOT IT I GOT IT !!!
It's time for a skype or webcam on this !!
You both explained it well !!

Does anyone else know what "follow each color on each E" means? Are we supposed to superimpose the Es on top of each other to match up the colors?

Ashley, can you elaborate on the roman numerals?

eh ... I can't do anything with knife and bulb?

Yup, I got it wrong. (I know, that's unbelievable.)
You get the light bulb from the tic tac toe puzzle.
You get the card from the Roman Numerals puzzle, which I can't explained without spoiling it.

arrie, you need the crowbar from the green, blue, red puzzle.

Got the Es! They make 4 numbers (obviously). The first half of the the yellow number is like a C. The second half is like a backwards L. Put them together and get 5 for the first number.

Vance, thank you. I got the C, but couldn't make the connection. I have an oilcan now.

Vance, you wrote earlier on the blue/red/green one: green + red = yellow. I don't get it. Can you explain a bit more please?

No matter how I look at it, I can't get a 5 out of the E 3 puzzle.

arrie NL - You're looking for what is spelled out by green, blue, and red lights. When green and red combine (like in an LED tv), you get yellow...

Well, I don't know where the E is part of in the Roman N. puzzle. I didn't even notice it was an E until you said it E-A ...

lol Peggy .. okay the first yellow dots make a C shape right ? the other two make an L reversed , connect the two parts just like you did on the grid's puzzle !

arrie the blue red green puzzle is about mixing colors .. White = Red + Green + Blue , etc ..

Peggy, it works the same way as the tic-tac-toe one.
Connect the two yellow dots on the left = a C. Connect the two yellow dots on the right and put it under the C = a 5.

Peggy, to get from one yellow dot to the other while staying on the E, you have to go left 2 spaces, down 4 spaces, and right 2 spaces. This traces out the top half of the 5.

Connect the two blue dots on the right = a mirrored C, connect to two blue dots on the left and put it under that mirrored C = a 2.

Peggy, lol, do you get it now?

Does the roman numeral puzzle involve counting letters? Maybe picking the 7th, 8th, and 14th letters when you spell out 28 29 and 30?

Additive colour mixing. It was used before in a game.
But no. I don't see any letters. sorry.

I don't know what to do with the colours to make them into letters.

Vance, there's no math involved. It has to do with something you use every DAY.

I really struggled with the E 3. Trial and error finally got me through. Thanks for the help Vance, arrie & EA.

Arrie, they aren't letters. Trying not to spoil it...

we're talking about the same puzzle? A word of 3 letters is needed?

arrie, I just changed Vance's equal to a plus.

"Facebook" doesn't fit, Peggy.

Maybe a better way of saying it would have been yellow = red + green.

Peggy I use a lot every day, 6 letters,

yellow = red + green. And that leads to .... what?

I know you don't want to spoil it, but remember my third comment on this game :)


The answer is different than mine, which usually begins with going to Church services.

Arrie, you've got three characters that overlap: green, blue, and red. A yellow light means that there is a red light and a green light there. White means that there are all three colors.

That's good Peggy !! I like that. Is that a hint ?

No, doesn't work.

arrie, when you figure it out, you'll see that I'm really trying to give hints. Sorry. :-)

For the green, blue, red puzzle, I just counted the dots...

(green plus red plus yellow)

Still having trouble with the colored dots, Arrie? I can't think of any more hints that won't spoil it. Spoiler below has the characters you should see.


I have no idea what the Roman Numerals have to do with the puzzle, I just looked at my schedule for the week.

Thank you for the spoiler Vance. I already silently gave up on this one. So, it's yellow and green and white becoming a number and blue and white becoming a + and red and yellow and white becoming a number.
I would never have found that.

arrie you are looking for numbers and not letters , an equation actually !

and for the roman numerals puzzle , the E is taken out of a larger table .. 7-8 14 is the clue !

Okay, I see how those numbers would all line up on a calendar. Getting close?

Peggy, don't say sorry, no need for that. I don't always use a 'lol' or "( or anything, but I'm not thát serious in my comments !

It's funny how brains solve problems differently. That was the first one I got.

yes Vance you are there !

EA, I don't understand that clue. I just used the arrow as my clue.

And Vance, you got it.

I got it! I don't quite understand why that's the answer, though. I have the card now.

arrie, I know we're all friends here. My apology was more for the fact that I couldn't come up with better clues without spoiling it. Vance did it for me. :-D

Thank you Peggy, schedule for the week ..... a week starting on a sunday of course, that did it. I've got a card now.

So what puzzle do we rip our hair out over next?

You're welcome, btw, Arrie.

Going to take a break for a bit. You guys solve the rest for me while I'm gone.

okay it could be vague but some got it though .. 7 , 8 ( months 7 and 8 ) 14 ( 2014 ) , and the arrow tells you which day , if you click at the time and see the calendar !

The VII is placed on a thursday, the VIII on a friday.
See, I can contribute to this game !!

ROFL, oh .... yes, you could explain it like that too ....

lol Vance yeah i think a break would be okay , no need for any hair to be ripped out !

and arrie you can see the arrow right ? it's obvious even with the light still off !

EA, is the 360 puzzle about clocks or angles or degrees or something else?

I go for 'something else'.

I thought the two middle numbers are the same cause the arrows don't change. I thought degrees, but ....?

I take that back, have the light on now, the arrow does change.

it has to be about one of those Peggy lol .. okay it's about angles ( degrees ) ! :) are you still clicking on the light fixture and getting ' no bulb ' by the way ?

Yes, EA, but the light is still not on. The light is still off in the game too. ;-)

combine the arrow showing you the angle with the up or down arrow !

so if the upper part is 90 , it's a ..

arrie what light you have on ?

yes, all those lightbulbs, gets confusing doesn't it?
but, you were saying? it's a ..

EA, that didn't clear it up much for me.
If the upper part is 90, it's a....
270? 3/4? 3:00? letter L? a Pac Man?

hihihi ... funny

LOL .. i meant if the upper part ( OF A DIGITAL NUMBER ) = 90 then it's a .. :)

E-A, you really have got to work on this. It's very unhealthy not to finish your sentences!

i actually have to work on a way to make a game , get back at night and see it done .. but no .. no ..

Good one, arrie. lol

The digital clock occurred to me, but if I erase the lines from the arrows, I get P ] [ 6.

i dunno you tell me arrie .. are the angles of the upper part of a digital three = 90 ?

No, that's not it. It is passed midnight here too.

I know I'm going to sound silly, but, aren't the angles of every digital no. 90o?
Or should it be only two lines, so that would make a 7?

No, that would make the fourth number a seven too.

Or, the 4th number is a 4.

exactly , the fourth is seven too ! :)

e.g. the angles of the upper part of a digital 8 = 360 ! now why don't we all just take a break ? :) good idea !

eh, 7 minutes before ending this exercise. I have to admit I tried to bf the numbers in between. Needless to say ; nothing happened'.

oh, okay! Goodnight!

EA, when you say the 4th number is a 7 "too", does that mean arrie is correct that the 1st number is also a 7?

Arrie was correct with a 4. The first number is a 4. I BF'd the two middle numbers. I still don't get how to get those numbers with the clues. Sorry EA.

I still love your games, though.

On to the next puzzle....

I'm calling it a day Peggy, Goodnight to you too!
Fun playing like this. I really didn't think I could come anywhere on this one.

Since Zazie asked ( post @ 8/17/14, 12:07 PM); I'm in New Zealand - often the time-zone difference, plus the times I have to be at work can make forum interaction a bit difficult.
Check the time stamp for this posting; My time here now is 11:52 on Monday morning (August 18th).


(Further) ... Working all afternoon and out tonight so will not get back to this for at least 20 hours.
And the longer the forum grows, the longer it takes to work through.

EA - thanks for your help thus far. Have got the knife now (thanks to ONE small comment).

Everything else will have to wait until tomorrow.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Peggy : lower part = 90 ( 4 ) , both parts = 90 ( 7) , both parts = 270 ( 4 ) upper part = 90 ( 7 ) .. and it's a pleasure playing with you ! ;)

you welcome Ashley !

Thanks EA, but I flunked geometry.

If you're still here, does the 9 -> 8 -> mean to move the 9 and 8 over one spot? Am I at least in the ballpark?

9 -> 8 -> is the clue to show you that 8 follows 9 etc .. you start with 7 and move following the clue and you are there :D .. and see you later ! ;)

This comment has been removed by the author.

arrie! You're back!

Hey Peggy!
You're still here?

I deleted my comment, wasn't useful.
Did you get any further on the 9 to 8 one?

No progress at all. I've been waiting all day for someone to help me.

... and then I show up haha.

The 3-5-7-9 is a pain too. I'm always hoping for an AHA-moment. Getting ready for work now. Biking through the pouring rain. Bye Peggy.

I've tried drawing numbers with each of the puzzles. I've tried math & sudoku. My brain hurts.

And now that I finally get help, it's MY bedtime, and I can't think straight.

Good night.

I don't wanna spoil but i simply can't see the letter on the right side...I thought its left an A and right a "G"?
i simply don't get it... :(

Elli~ the first letter is not an A.

Hi, i am back, solved 6 safes so far (by reading your helpful hints of course) but i am still stuck on the tic-tac-toe safe with empty spaces. I can see a 3 as first number. also a 8, but how do i know the right sequence ? And what about the flield with the 7 inside ?

Hey Zazie!
Welcome back! :)
I am in and out a lot, but I am still staring at them, when I can.
Yeah idk about the sequence order yet either. I see Vance tried to bf it with 1389, so I guess we need to think of another way.

When you put the lines round the 2 below the lines with 4 in it you get a 3, isn´t it ? When you put the lines of 7 over the 8 you get a 8, i also can make a 9 by combining 4 and 7, and a 6 combining 2 and 6, but what order ? Or am i completely on the false track ?

And welcome back larue as well :-)

Ty! And yep I see what you mean. I am going to make some more coffee and look for my thinking cap, before I have to go out and play again..

I wish i could use my knife to destroy this grid of ropes lol....

       Anonymous  8/18/14, 7:52 AM  

For the Tic Tac Toe puzzle, the one with the 2; 4,5,6; 7:

Make a 3 by 3 grid and fill it with the numbers 1 to 9 as shown below:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Count how many horizontal and vertical lines each number has. Think digital.

Hi larue, Zazie, Elli, Id.

lol Zazie I was just sharpening mine! ;)
and ty id!
and hi arrie!

Ohh thank you id !!! The false sequence of numbers was really troubling !
And hi back arrie :-)

Now i used oilcan on faucet, it disappeared but i still cannot fill the glass.

got a faucet, and hmm, never would have thought digital also so tyvm!

Got it, click faucet first without glass.

id Thank you. But what numbers do I count? The missing 1,2,8,9?

1, 3, 8, 9 of course.

2379 to count arrie.

Gave the water to the right guy, the left guy is happy and the EA riddle is ON. The poster now says : "move me" but how ?

Thank you Zazie, why those numbers?

Ha, I just got home, couldn't stay away from this one, now I first have to open all the other saves.

If you take a normal 9 number pas as example it is:
Take the numbers from empty spaces.

I get it! The 2 is in the wrong place, blocking the 1.
The place for 2 and 3 are open, same with 7, pushing 8 out, the place for 7 and 9 is open. that's why 2379..

pas=pad !

lol ... saves = safes
Yes, thanks Zazie.

Now i am at the 3-->11 riddle, i thought about mirroring the numbers and counting the lines but 9611 doesn´t work.

Maybe we can do something when we continue the 3--> 11 sequence like :
9-->17 ???

If they all would match up to 11 it would be 8642. Wrong too.

BTW door code is active now, any ideas ? Must have sthg to do with MOVE ME ?

If I can solve any of these last puzzles on my own you won't hear from me for a very long time. I'll be simply blown away.
So no, no ideas.

EA said earlier for the 9-->8 safe that 9-->8 is telling us that the 8 follows 9 and this is the hint, and that we should follow this hint starting with 7, but i don´t get it.

4 numbers are only mentioned once: 1,2,8,9.
3 is completely missing.

So you solved a new safe arrie ? because i don´t hear anything from you for a long time now lol.....

It's not with drawing lines, but where to go from 7 on?

hahaha, ..... that would be a VEEEERRRYYYY long time LOL

I really tried everything, running out of ideas, for both safes :-(

I wish it were true though, I really do.

Ohh yes, i need a break, going to eat and coming back later....maybe a superbrain passes by in the meantime :-)

Still no help ??

Well after some time i am back again and nobody here. EA !!!!! I want my icecream please lol....

We need hints, EA! I still have partial tic-tac-toe, 9 -> 8 ->, and 3 -> 11. I'm sure the safe under the picture is going to have an unbreakable code as well.

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