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Escape from the Cursed Ship Walkthrough

Escape from the Cursed Ship

123Bee - Escape from the Cursed Ship is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee. The British troops revealed an abandoned pirate ship in the midst of the sea. on excavation, you come across the curse of the merman. Explore the mysterious ship, solve the puzzles to find the concealed mermaid in the ship. Can destroy the spell of the merman and reveal the secrets of cursed ship? Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by small-tool]

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Best 123Bee game for ages.
Logic needed not just find and place.

Hey Austen could you tell me order for the bottles, how to place them?

Look under the left cannon Bandy and you will see an up, down & middle hint.

TY Austen

This gives you the number hint for the panel in the rightmost room.

Got to go now.
There is a Labrador here who is whining because it is time for her walk (to the pub).

LOl have fun

I am so stuck a lot of these puzzles are tough.

the one for the knives is the number on the side of table in first room

My game crashed and restarted now I cant get to door to use the axe ?

but stuck with an ax a clue that I don't understand and a bunch of puzzles I can't figure out

what door do you use the ax?

I have the paper hint for the square diamond circle puzzle but # dos not work?

The first game was the door, 2nd scene Wooden door in the back ground.

Full W/T:

Go inside:
Open panel on cabinet on floor and take wooden icon.
Note 5# number next to panel.
Go right.

Take axe from back wall.
Note up/down hint under left cannon.
Go right.

Place wooden icon in right cabinet to open it.
Rearrange knives to match 5# hint (# of bones on the skulls) for lever.
Open bottom left drawer for compass.
Open left cupboard for voodoo doll.
Go left twice.

Use compass for location of treasure chest.
You can now zoom in on door.
Open door with axe and enter.

Take skull icon and hint paper from chest.
Back out and go right.

Use skull icon on panel top left then hint paper for symbol pattern.
Go left.

Use symbol pattern on left panel for skull piece.
Rearrange wine bottles in rack as per up/middle/down hint and note number of bottles by each symbol.
Go right 2.

Enter symbol count from wine rack on left panel for skull piece and hint paper.
Go left twice.

Look at hint paper and note in which column each symbol appears.
Move the skull right and left and note which number each column symbol intersects.
Go outside.

Zoom on window and place lever for skull piece.
Move box bottom left and input the symbol numbers for skull piece.
Look behind left air vent for box.
Place skull pieces on box for book.
Open book for icon.
Place icon by bird on bench to summon sleepy guy.
Zoom in and take the key (looks like a zip!).
Go inside and right.

Remove pins from voodoo doll to wake man and look at his left arm for 3# code.
Use 3# code on key.
Reproduce the key shapes on the lock to escape.

Now I really am off to the pub - the dog is going crazy!

Axe on door only works after you used the compass to see where the treasure is.

There is a treasure chest with a paper and round symbol. But now I cant get to it?

I haven't been able to zoom in on that either

I thought I used the compass in all rooms ? will recheck.

Ah, glad you posted that WT, Austen. I don't like to comment on games I subbed (read as played before).

TY Austen Go have one on me! LOL

LOL I did every room but the one with the door!!! Oh man!

Humm followed paper clue for 6 buttons but wont work? I get 1,5,6 ?

Buttons to push that is.

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Ok got so work to do maybe some one else will have better luck LOL

Numbers for key are on the guy's arm Bandy.
First post from the pub!

I can't get the 9 shapes/symbols code in first room under the window. I have seen the paper clue, I have pressed the 3 buttons in second room to see the symbols, but if I adjust the symbols, nothing will happen!!

That was the same thing for me Hotzen. I gave up and Xed out.

LOL Austen good job !!

I restarted the game and stuck at same puzzle. I give up.
it is a nice game, except this shape puzzle....

Hits & Bandy look at which symbols the lines cross when the skull is in each position.
The note tells you to look at the line from the top (square) when the skull is to the right, the square when the skull is to the left and they all line up in the middle.
This gives you the three numbers to use in the box outside.

thanks Austen, I got the 3 numbers, but I had problems with the puzzle below the candle puzzle. the one, where I have to set 9 shapes...

Sorry Hotz, just noticed the i6 autocorrect there!

sorry for my bad description

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If you mean the one for the lock you must use the 3 numbers from the man's arm on the back of the key first.

I haven't any key, I need one more skull icon/disc for box with 4 holes.

Desperately trying to remember the symbol sequence (try replaying on an iPhone in the pub after 6 pints!).
Will post if I can recall.

       Anonymous  2/27/15, 10:38 AM  

skull candle puzzle

pillar at puzzle
square on top
diamond centre
circle with spikes bottom

on paper
square right
- means put candle at right side & look at which dot number shadow of square on pillar is
diamond left
- means put candle at left side & look at which dot number shadow of diamond on pillar is
circle with spikes centre
- means put candle in centre & look at which dot number shadow of circle on pillar is

everything still clear? ;-)

Shapes circle puzzle:
Circle in centre.
Four circles around it.
Rectangles on the outside (vertical top & bottom, horizontal left & right).
The power of beer!

Nice change of pace with the background ambiance.

a bad game

Can someone spoil the numbers from skull/candle?

I was swapping two of them

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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