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Top Secret Mission Walkthrough

Top Secret Mission

Top Secret Mission Escape is another point and click adventure game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim. Sneaky is on another top secret mission. He just arrived in Seattle, go get your mission. This time the whole world is in his hands. Good luck and have fun!

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I was waiting for the daily Mirchi, didn't expect this! :-)

LOL First ? was easy!

Ooh, Sneaky has had an upgrade - he's Mr Sneaky now with a decent office and his own secretary. ;-)

Come on bandy, this game can't be online for more than five minutes!

Sneaky coin in office scene, by the way.

I need a quarter meritneith, can I barrow one ? LOL

I just started LOL

UUMM Can't find a quarter?

Okay, thought you were out. Phew. I'm looking for that quarter too. The secretary is not so helpful as I hoped.

There is a crowbar at bottom of needle

No quarter but a crowbar, in the Space Needle entrance scene below the left tree.

I see what you meant. I was talking about the guy that has the key LOL

Okay, LOL

I think that quarter will give us clue for briefcase but were is it?

Good afternoon, Ms Secretary, yes, I need something... a quarter, you §$%&!

Well this is certainly a new style of sorts....

LOL meritneith!!!

Sneaky coin in scene above secretary

Space neddle is 520' high ;-)

I tried to knock peaple down with the crowbar, but nobody seems te have a quarter. Lol

Hi everyone!
I can't find a quarter either.

Tried to rob the cassier, buth nothing either.

Convert feet to inches. (Well, no so easy to figure when you use metrics :-) )

Grr. The Space Needle site says 605 feet, not 520. Right idea I had, wrong height.

Yannoche, thanks! Well, a big suitcase for a quarter - Sneaky has gotten really sneaky now.

Great find now I have my quarter!

Quarter in brief case clue outside spaceneedle

Oh boy a brewery!!!

Use crowbar on door

Use Tank #'s for code on door.

Lot's of suitcases with not so much in them... I think suitcases must be cheap in the US.

Visiting Dr Sherman. Silver key is in the grill

got a new location from the brewery papers. Stuck in the house now. looking for googles and colour dial hints and a blue key. feed the squirrel for the green one.

After entering Sherman's house something for the squirrel is found in the first room. Gives green key.

UUmm color code not working?

No map for the house available.

I does Sherman. Simply from 1 to 7.
Key in BBQ, in Dr Sherman's location.

Found a screwdriver upstairs! They always come handy.

green gem by lighting candles on dining table. lighter beside tub after using green key.

My game froze after open color briefcase Bummer :(

Need dial color code. Have SD but no place to use it. Need goggles. Found a green heart gem, though.

Screwdriver for clock is under a cushion (one top and One left from entering house)

Lighter in the bathroom.

What clock for screwdriver. I only see a clock in the kitchen and can't us SD there.

Lighter in bathroom (upstairs left twice then up)

Thanks Yannoche. I always forget to look at the back.

Opening clock gives blue key

Don't just pick up the green key at the backside of the clock, mind the switch there either. This gives the dial hint.

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Please tell me what clock and if it is the kitchen one how to open it?

Jenny, you need to find the hotspot at the right side of that kitchen clock. Litte bit fussy.

Thank you Meritneith!

And out. Thanks, all.

Goggles are in nightstand in blue key room.

In the bedroom with the safe check the drawers (like I did also with the cupboard where the dial box was - red herring) for the goggles. Get the third heart, open the safe, and bring the virus back to the office.

Great game Self Defiant - Enjoyed the combinations of people and scenes

Tried to rob the cassier, buth nothing either.

Nice to have played a live one with all of you. ;-)

I would definitively fire Ms Secretary. If you want to be paid good just for looking good get a model job at New York Fashion week and don't block a desk. Thanks for nothing, madam.

Great game, Selfdefiant! I've played all of them but it must be only one where I was one of the first people to escape. Feeling smart for the rest of the day.

And thank you all for your company and help! Enjoyed it a lot.

Hendrik - are you still stuck?

That was fun. Didn't expect it to turn into a Villa. Can't believe the secretary didn't have a quarter for me. She's useless.

I get a crowbar instead of a briefcase

Can't find the squirrel. got the nuts.

Duh! didn't even see that right scene.

And a big old volcano waiting to melt some snow

Good combination of styles for this game. That switch on the back of the clock was SNEAKY!
Missed it completely, Thanks meritneith for the tip.

That was fun! Thank you SD.

Thank you everyone! ;)

Who in their right mind opens a briefcase just sitting in a public area these days??!!

SD! please make us a game full of orbs in a creepy old asylum that last forever!!!

great game!

Great game! Different!


Nice game
Thanx MR SD
Hated the clock
Nice to see MR Sneaky appreciated at last with an office and a secretary no less

Briefcase code needs help

plz help whis Briefcase code 10x

briefcase feet to inches

I can't see any hint for the briefcase (4 numbers).


The outside scene for the Space Needle says that it's 520' high. How many " is that?

Mac Carter

TAB key works to find pixel hunts. Only hard part was determining that clock cold be turned around.

That B*tch said ask for anything, So I asked for a quarter. She did nothing , so I hit that b*tch with a crowbar. B*tches love crowbars.

whats the four digit code for the breifcase

code to door

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