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Abandoned Maryland Escape Walkthrough

Abandoned Maryland Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned Maryland Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. A tourist travel to Maryland, but he got lost and lost his belongings, now he had to find a way out to solve a number of puzzles and items. Good luck and have fun!

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Clue in window of first scene is for right most scene. Opens portal to more scenes.

There are 3 clues (#s, colors, and -/*) that combine to solve a puzzle in the second set of scenes. clues are hard to see, but Tab can find them.

Nearly done, missing spots for two crystals.

I can't even get out of the first room!

This is odd. This game has been posted on 8games as if it were one of their own games, but it isn't.

Yes meth, and I won't play it as it seems to be one where items are hidden behind the inventory bar - I started one of this kind playing recently and went out by red X.

I'm with you Merit on this one.

The 2 crystals go on the machine with the color clue, there are hotspots. There are no items hidden behind the inventory bar although there are some peeking out. Use your accessibility magnifier to find items. There is a video walkthrough if you get stuck.

Thanks Maximom. You know, I'd clicked those hotspots and wondered why nothing happened. So obvious, once you said it, that they are for the crystals.

This game is finishable without any bugs or items hidden behind the inventory. You can use the Tab key to find hotspots in rooms 1, 3, 4, and 6 to find clues that will help you. There is a saw in Room 4 (used in room 5 to free up the key), a key sharpener in room 6 (used to sharpen the dull key also found in room 6 behind the stone), and a screwdriver in room 1 (used on the stone circle in room 3 for the key).

There is no key to go left from room 4, so you need to keep the portal open in room 7 till you've set all the other objects.

There are some hidden slots in room 3 to place more 'symbols'. Just above and below the slots you can see on the door frame, the cursor will change when you mouse-over. You can place 6 'symbols' here. The only other tricky one is the placement of two 'crystals' in room 6 on two of the dials for the radio.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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