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Escape of Kitten "Narsa" Walkthrough

Escape of Kitten "Narsa"

Escape of Kitten Narsa WalkthroughEscape of Kitten Narsa is another new point and click room escape type game from Strawberry Cafe, who is also creator of Heart Escape, Escape From Rooftop Sakura Flutters, Rainbow Escape, and Escape From Room of Hesitation games. Find and use items to escape the room! Good luck and have fun!

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Let's try this one

Got the cat scratching all over the place! Also put a toy in the toybox and a cup under the coffeemaker.

Err, I think I jammed something in the panel by the door.

there is something into the plant, down right... but I can't take it

OMG, this room is sooo cute.

Got a strawberry mug from behind the cabinet.

over narsa's toy box there is a piece of game

excuse my english!

I still can't take it either, click. I got the cat to scratch the couch, the corner of the rug, that brown thing by the screen door, and the top of the cat platform. Must make coffee somehow.

Top of the bookshelf also gives explanations for the lights on the door lock.

Ahh also click the upper left side of the big shelf.

on the left of the shelf there is a bread.

Hey! The toaster stole my bread. Why do I feel like I'm making breakfast?

Got it! And some coffee now too.

Just starting !!!! Anyone still playing ??

Hi patty! We're all still here...I think.

anyone has take the thing in the plant?

Great !!! I am ready to "escape " my house cleaning !!

Still no for me, click. Although now I have a stone.

where's stone?

Love the little Siamese kitten

Once the coffee is made put it in front of the screen door where "Leo" is. Then Narsa will come and lay down and there will be a stone there.

got it... but now?

Got the cat to scratch the wall to the right of the cat door.

Not sure but you can put it in and take it out of the toybox.

Ooh! Drop it from someplace high!

Yay, I'm out!

Happy End!

I can't pick up the bread!!! It's right there, on the side of the bag... but I can't pick it up!!

Finally! I had decided to keep the bobbie pin, instead of putting in the cat's box to see if I could use it for anything, and it wasn't letting me grab the bread if I kept it.

hi!! just new here ^^...place the bread in the toaster which is found on the upper left side of the shelf and wate till it comes out...it will give you a code w/c can be used in the cofee maker...hope that helps ^^

Where is the bread?

sorry.. imean wait..^^

You have to view the toaster before you can get the bread.

nevermind, found it...

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how long do you have to wait for the bread?

Where is coffee ?

You don't need the actual coffee, just the cup.

my bread is stuck

Just wait a while. I think that's what I did and it eventually popped up.

i put it in the toaster and left it now it is either gone not popping up

Diana, I have the coffee and it looks like there is only 1 place left for cat to scratch (scratching post) I'm stuck, can't put coffee in front of door...

Waiting on toast. Cat has scratched five times (bad kitty). I have no toys. Do I need something ?

Zoom in on the screen door and then try putting the coffee down.

Aha, that worked, thanks Diana!

Ahh, try viewing the second highest cat platform. I did that and then the toast appeared. Although it might be a coincidence?

My coffee maker won't quit making coffee... tired of waiting on it. :(

Still no toast. Hmm.....

I think you have to get the cat to scratch something before the tost will pop up

That did it Diana, ty. Now waiting on the bottemless cup of coffee !!!

Aaand now coffee sitting in front of door, cat has disappeared...what am I missing?

Strange game, you can't seem to hold more than one item at once and to finish certain actions, you need to go to a specific view, like with the toast and the coffee

View toy box and coffee stops dripping.

Wow, that coffee took forever... even after I got the cat to scratch the white wall next to the cat door.

nvm...I'm out, cute little game.

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Anyone get anything other than the Happy End?

My coffee just sits there, and nothing happens anywhere, no matter where I click. :(

Yeah, Narsa never comes to lay down next to my coffee.


-Click the shelf under the strawberry teapot and get the strawberry hairpin.
-Go right and notice that the cat platform is missing a stair.
-Click the right side of the couch so the cat scratches it.
-Go right and click the top of the bookshelf. Read the lamp light descriptions.
-View the panel to the left of the cat door. Press the left red button. The hairpin was used.
-Zoom out and have the cat scratch the wall to the right of the door.
-Right again and have the cat scratch the brown post. Click the right corner of the rug to zoom in. The cat will scratch here too.
-Click the lower part of the screen door and see Leo. Leo likes the smell of coffee.
-Go right and click the lower left side of the big shelf. Get the coffee cup. Note the toaster on the shelf as well.
-Place the coffee cup in the coffeemaker but nothing happens when you press the button.
-Click the upper left side of the big shelf and see the bag of bread. Get the bread.
-Put the bread in the toaster.
-Click down to the toybox and get the cat platform from above the box.
-Go right and put it on the cat platform.
-Click the very top so the cat scratches.
-Click the second highest and note the height.
-Go left and the toast will be done. Note the code 633.
-Enter this code on the coffeemaker and press the button. View the toybox and then go back to the coffee. Get the cup of coffee.
-Go back to the screen door and zoom in again. Place the coffee on the floor in front and wait for Leo to come.
-Zoom in on him and he as brought a stone.
-Take the stone and go to the second level of the platform and drop it on the left side. You hear a CRASH!
-Go down and left and click the right side of the potted plant. Get the cat ID card.
-Go left (or right) twice and use the ID card on the door panel. Click it and it opens!
-You’re out Happy End!

I tried playing again without scratching anything and it was still a happy end.

Try viewing the toybox in the meantime too. That might cause the coffee to stop brewing or make Leo come to the coffee.

yey! im out! ^^

Ooh, I never used the hair pin on the door. Leo couldn't get in. Thanks Diana!

Okay... I used the pin on the door, but the cat still won't come. lol Maybe I smell, or something. haha

I've restarted this game, and gotten the correct game sequence in... but nothing seems to happen again with Leo showing up. It's very frustrating. I think I officially consider it buggy, and unplayable. I don't have all the time in the world to sit around and wait for things to happen... Especially when it's just a point and click game! Stuff should just happen, not have to wait forever on it.

Finally, I'm out... and never playing this again. lol

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very buggy

I went left and right a couple of times and Leo showed up near the coffee cup I set down. Hope that helps:)

Cat never came to coffe. Is it because I have to do things in order ?

Thanks Nik. I just clicked left around the room, and when I got back to screen door scene, cat was there.

Very cute game. I love how they use cats alot in these games. But I am glad to be done. lol

Got "addition end"...cat never sat by cup, Leo left.

Awe, this was a cute game..Thanks for the help everyone..Thanks for posting Megipoland

talk about pixel hunting

I got both Happy End and Addition End (where the owner was angry :( ).
Cute game.

I can't find this "toybox" any hint where it is, thanks!

im out

crappy game

I can't put stone on platform! :(
Is there any trick?

Forget it! I clicked as crazy, now I'm out.

       Anonymous  6/20/08, 6:36 AM  

Yay, I'm 84th to post! :)

       Anonymous  6/20/08, 7:08 AM  

I got the Addition End. And I discovered that I am enormously impatient because I don't like waiting for coffee and cats and toast! But I'm going to play it again to get the Happy End. So much for being impatient.

       Anonymous  6/20/08, 7:15 AM  

Happy End. And now my day can begin!

       Anonymous  6/20/08, 10:43 AM  

how do you stick the coffee in the coffee maker????

       Anonymous  6/20/08, 10:44 AM  

wow ima idiot thanx diana

i was having fun with this game, till i came to the window and put coffee on floor ... been waiting half hour for cat to show up, dont think she likes it ... next time i put milk over there :D
Gone try to play it again another day.

yeah ... finally Leo showed up, i went to have a look 1 more time and there he was, so now he can play free ... happy end.

no bread, no coffee, only made the cat scratch all of the furniture and in the end also the gauze. that last one ended my game..

Ugh, I hate games that make you have to view something first before you can take an item. Very frustrating!

The game maker has funny english, but cute game.

So I was a cat?!?

not shure but leo sleeping by coffe( i like mine w/ near 2 lb. of sugar) witch is very cute and narsa looks like my moms cat

how do u get the add end?

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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