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Jack and the Beanstalk 3 Walkthrough

Jack and the Beanstalk 3

Jack and the Bean Stalk 3 is another point and click type adventure game created by Minoto, who is also the creator of Cupid of the Mouse, Magic and Cat Escape, Escape Game of RPG, Sleeping Princess, The Moon Princess, Turtle Help, The Four Seasons of Castle ,Flowers from Harapeko, Volume of Certain Crab games and many more. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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there is only 1 ending in this game so far

i love this game so much..finish easily........

hi all ... just got out of the frat room and with you lol

I got Method one end...gonna try for method two

out too

shuchun said there is only one end so far heather... these games they usually add other endings later

oops, i just saw method one, didn't bother reasing the whole sentence..lol! I guess I was just too excited! I love these games. They are so cute!

I was thinking how fun it would be to have a get-together and meet everyone who plays these games together everyday! It would be nice to put a face with a name!

out 1 door and into another game...lol...well let's see if I can get out on my own again!!

i love them too ... no formulas to work out and pretty logical in most parts.. a nice little workout without screwing your head in knots

I totally agree Kingman!

sits quietly waiting t osee if jusme can crack it

yes kingman!!! ty I was just looking around to see if there was something different with the ending other than bird ending...e1 else find something different

wtg jusme :)

there is only the one ending so far

awww!!!! I too love these games!! they really are quite fun and not too complex like others... ty Kingsman! guess I'll wait for the next 1

ooopppsss!!! so sry I jus noticed it was Kingman and not kingsman as I was writing! : D

no need to apologise ... ive been called a lot worse lol

most shorten it to km anyway if thats easier ;)

"bird end
one method of one"
has anyone found another method?

LOL!!! ty km I will remember that : )


1. Pick up spade
2. Go right pick up snowball
3. Go right click on grass
4. Get cow
5. Go left put cow with other cows
6. Click mouse
7. Get mouse
8. Go left put mouse on plug
9. Click cat take wool
10. Give wool to mother take scarf
11. Go right give scarf to snowman
12. Take pink thing
13. Use spade on mound of snow
14. Take pot
15. Go right click on Monkey
16. Give snowball to fox
17. Use spade on pile of snow
18. Give pink thing to monkey
19. Click on bean house
20. Put pot at top of stairs
21. Click other pot and take bean
22. Give bean to monster
23. Bird end!

Got the bird end on methed of one :D

That was my first time to finish it my own. The last 2 made me a bit confusing :P So i needed help

       Anonymous  1/27/09, 1:22 AM  

Oops, i used the spade before i actually had to and gave the snowbal to the monkey instead of the fox, and than there is no way you can finish the game anymore
I used your walkthrough Andrew, thanks!

Btw, poor mouse!!!!

wow im a bit late at starting but finished game all by myself for the first time. (patting myself on the back)

Wow, this was the easiest game I've seen in awhile. And frankly that's refreshing. :P I don't like all these games that are impossible to figure out without geniuses working in the comment section. ;)

But can someone PLEASE explain how a mouse can power a...erm...I have to assume it's a heater with a blanket over it or something. Or is it just a TV turned away from the screen? Whatever. How can a mouse do that? If the Japanese have found a way to convert the life energy of small animals to electricity, we have some serious consequences.

1) PETA is going to be quite miffed, but can they defeat a COUNTRY? I say this because, obviously, while the rest of the world may have compunctions about such things, if the Japanese invented this, then they will undoubtedly implement it almost immediately. It's not a knock against the Japanese. They just won't let anything stop advancement.

2) Japan will have access to this, and thus will not rely on the rest of the world for materials to fuel their power plants. This will make them autonomous. And if they don't need us...*shudder*

3) We need to stop the whole "build a better mousetrap" thing right now. Sure, the ones we already have are fine, but if we keep trying to make more, it's only a matter of time before we make a trap that unleashes this ungodly energy potential and we have the next "split the atom" moment on our hands.

4) As every cloud has a silver lining, we can look on the bright side of 2 and 3: Hey, a new, renewable, clean power source! Huzzah for environmentalism!

5) Number four will, however, create a massive rift between PETA and environmentalists, who not only usually are friends but their members often overlap. The differing agendas can only lead to all out war between the two, with the environmentalists using their infinite power generation capabilities to combat PETA'S trained warrior animals (because if animals are equal, then they should know how to defend themselves AND should be equal parts of the battle. Right PETA? How's THAT for your logic!) Japan will then, in keeping with point 1, use the confusion to strike...

6) In a more long-term, but even MORE horrifying way, this will lead to the downfall of humanity. Not in a "wipe each other out for wars of ideology and national supremacy" kind of way. No. See, if there's a way to harvest the energy of living beings, we are now one step closer to the events of The Matrix. And what country leads the world in the manufacture and advancement of ROBOTS? That's right, Japan. If this is indeed the sign of the Japanese possessing bio-electrical energy sources, I suggest we concoct some sort of plan to stop them before they inadvertently (or is it?!) bring about the end of human civilization. TO ARMS BROTHERS AND SISTERS! TO ARMS!

(Note: Of course this is all in jest; if you don't realize that, I pity you, you poor, deluded person. The Japanese are not evil, world-conquering minded people. Indeed it seems everything they do is intended to entertain and make life easier for us all. Plus, you gotta love the kooky stuff they do! ;P

...unless it IS true. In which case, Hey Japan! I've got a cake here for you. No, come on, it'll be great! It's chocolate...that ticking noise? Oh, that's my, er, watch...it fell in while I was baking it. No, I'm not leaving because I feel in danger. I'm leaving because I want you to have the cake all to yourself. *turns to everyone else* RUN! RUN YOU FOOLS!)

       Anonymous  1/27/09, 4:33 AM  

@Danmanx, can you please post me a walkthrough of your comment? i´ve been reading it 3 times but can´t get out.... LOL

woo hoo! first one i did without checking out how other people are doing! :)
really easy sweet little game.

DanmanX the link posted gives the japanese link. Follow this one so you can play the game in English

It explains the mouse is "electrical" so I assume it's some sort of battery and not an intentional/unintentional ploy for Japanese world domination.

I do, however, worry about the threat from mutant rodents that harvest such power. No longer will burger joint employees be able to fry that rat for fear of electrical repercussions.
Maybe there has been a scientific knowledge of these high voltage evolutions for a while with leaked details portrayed in popular media and veiled insinuations. I always wondered where those lovable pizza eating ninja's led by the all knowing rat idea came from.
Pussy cats- No more Tom and Jerry style chases.
Housewives- when getting on that chair to escape those rampant rodents make sure it's wood type seating and not tublar metal to avoid electrical escapades! No more shopping at IKEA for that modern look breakfast bench!!
Fashion designers- please keep straight legged trousers on the high streets as evolved ferrets could be a serious health hazard!!

Oh, and out!! Good game, love this series- keep 'em coming

       Anonymous  1/27/09, 10:47 AM  

This is what i like about EG24, the comments are useally better than the game itself...R.A.O.T.F.L.O.L.

Hola Full- loved danmanx's insight into possible Japanese overrun but your inability to escape these comments and plea for a walkthrough inspired my diatribe on altus vultur rattus.
There has certainly never been any escaping sinking ships from this site!!

       Anonymous  1/28/09, 5:26 PM  

Great game! I miss Minoto having more than one ending.


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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