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AdventureX 3 Walkthrough

AdventureX 3

Adventure X 3 WalkthroughAdventure X 3 is third episode of AdventureX point and click type room escape games series. In this game, you have to search the room to find items and some clues for solving puzzles and escaping from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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There is a code on the wall on the room to the right and a code on the wall of the room to the left. use both. If you can't remember them, try writing them each down on a piece of paper and then inputting them.

bill pretend we using a phone and give us the number

i give up that is to hard for me. After having the first green light, i pushed the sign, than after getting the second green light, the signs in the "sky" changed, now i can do nothing????????

And out, nice

polly, now I need to go back and solve it again. Hold on:)

Kelly, are you here? Did I help you?

im looking for the key for the light

Bev-try the second stair from the top on the left.

i give up on the solar symbols, i got both green lights but the rest is to hard...good luck everyone

yes you did and thank you now trying to figure out the symbols

I don't get it. I can only find some other signs for the planets. What am I doing wrong?

i don't know what the third one (a circle with a dot with an arrow pointing directly to the top) or the last one (a circle with a cross above it--like venus upside down) is. also, is the circle with a dot the sun?

pluto not considered a planet anymore

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:08 PM  

gabi, I am also having the same issue...stinks you can not toggle back to the other set of symbols. I guess I have to start over...darn!

anyone could provide a link to get the right order cause can't manage to find and getting extremely frustated ... can't leave now !!!!!!

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:10 PM  

helloooooooo Bill?

For the last code. Translate the symbols for the planets into the symbols of the second code (the one on the buttons). Then arrange them from largest to smallest. If you look at it as a telephone keypad the order is 759286413.

At least I think that was right :)


That was right! Thanks Bill-and out!

Thanks Bill, you're the best!

@Liz third one is uranus, last one ist our planet and, yes, circle with dot is sun (I know, no planet but the biggest one... ;-))

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:12 PM  

thank you bill—I was going nuts, once it would not let me see the planetary symbols. Thank you! I AM OUT!!!!

ty very much bill. out

many thanks all and specially bill ;)
see ya

i still don't understand the planets. from the symbols i looked up earth and pluto are both not included but the symbol for sun is included and also one other. i tried going from left to right numbering the symbols 1-9 and then clicking the buttons like they were on a phone. nothing. this is very frustrating.

okay. i figured it out:

1-upside down y with line at bottom
2-three vertical lines with horizontal line across
3-smiley face
4-upside down T with dot at bottom
5-two horizontal lines topped by upside down U
6-tree or mushroom type figure
7-like a man: dot on top, horizontal line, two legs with feet
8-two upside down Us with a dot under them
9-upside down U, horizontal line underneath it, regular U underneath that.

out at last

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:15 PM  

Im pretty sure your the first one to beat this... if you dont count the people who tested it


thank you so much butterflie!!!

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:18 PM  

Awesome, Bill! thank you so much! I hate when you have to google something and go outside the game for clues. I'm too lazy for that, lol. Cool game, but the "har har har" at the end???

ok, im soooo confused with the puzzle on top floor, the one that looks like little morse code flags, i wrote them down but do not know what order to push, please help anyone?

Oh thank goodness. That solar / astrology stuff had me stumped. Thanks Bill! (and everyone else).

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:21 PM  

@bet, click on each symbol until it matches the one you wrote down, then go to the next one. Do that for both codes from both rooms and you should get two green lights.

nvm stupid me, did not notice that if you push them they change- duh!!

thank you ZOZ

Bet if you're still there - just make a note of them separately and put them in one set at a time. The shapes change on the push pad to match

If you think that was tough - good luck with the planets! Lol

yea yea im out woopee!!!!! thank you all

Bill - you are a master!

press 759286413

that was great find Yalcyn!!! Thanks for posting!!!

Yay! Finally got through!

"248" geez, guess i better roll up my sleeves, put my feet up, grab a glass of wine and..........start :)


       Anonymous  3/3/09, 3:48 PM  

crazy game

Where are you?? What is the code for the thing that came out of the ground in the first room, next to the door?

Midnight you have to count on the wall in the room with the armchair the symbols corresponding to those on the door in the first room

anyone else still doing this one

no I have finished but if you need help and if I can explain it in english...

ok finished, but i had to peak alittle towards the very end for the of of the planet nonsense.....

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 5:44 PM  

hi everyone

Hi, are you still here?

after several hours, I'm finally out!!!! yay! I just can't stop until I finish a game...I think I need to get a life...lol!!!!! Thanks so much Bill, Sunshine, Nancy and everyone else who kept me from going insane!

That was hard! Im out tho =)
on the last part, bill was right.
use it like a phone

finally out

finally out

Don't know if this has been posted yet. The circle symbols represent (most of) the planets of the solar system. The "alien" symbols match up with them and are the symbols on the keypad.

Figure out which planets are largest - Sun to Mercury - and enter the "alien" symbols on the keypad in that order. It REALLY helps to write the two sets of symbols down next to one another so you can match them up, then go to Wikipedia and look up the planet symbols.

type in first row of symbols you found on wall, above the machine some symbols (planetary) show up, note order down

type in sec row of symbols you found on other wall, other symbols appear above machine, note down order.

Now every planetary symbol matches one fantasy symbol, figure out the correct order for the planets, from biggest to smallest (sun is actually a star, not a planet, but wtf?)

Type in fantasy symbols in correct order, done!

just starting where on the globe do you get the screwdriver and were is the knife please

clicked all over the globe cant find the screwdriver

i'm out

sherry12 : do you have two flags (blue and red) ? you need them to obtain the screwdriver... and the knife you will get it later...

In my opinion, it was a good game, not too difficult, not too easy. The only thing that I have not understood is the symbol for Uranus : it doesn't not correspond to the usual symbol for this planet.

trying to post

yeah Hi all my first time posting here...

I need a walkthrough, because I am stuck with the pattern on the wall in the room with the chair

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starting, can someone tell me were on the globe is the screwdriver and cant find the knife. Clicking like crazy and cant find either thanks

mariguil I have only the blue flag, cant find the red flag thanks I really appreciate it

Excuse me guys, I can`t see the arrows in the right trap door. Could somebody tell me how?

Thanks. I solved! Very difficult to find the right point.

you need the magnifier to see the arrows. it is between the 2 couches

solucion del juego en español.

       Anonymous  3/4/09, 3:34 PM  

where do I get the red flag? Donde esta la bandera roja?

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- You can navigate to different panes using the map in the upper right corner, or arrows (after you have accessed the upper floors)
- Tab works to help you find some of the difficult spots.

Red Carpet View
- Second step, left side, get KEY
- Symbols on Door - write them down

Yellow Tile View
- Between couches, zoom in, get MAGNIFYING GLASS

Black Tile View
- Left side, go across 3 tiles, down 1 tile, open LEFT TRAP DOOR
- Zoom in, use key
- Pick up BLUE FLAG
- Zoom out, note there is a pattern on the wall now
- Right side, go left 5 tiles, down 1 tile, open RIGHT TRAP DOOR
- Zoom in, use magnifying glass just above key pad
- Draw numbers by extending the arrows to get code
- Enter code, get GREY KNOB (the code was 8536)

Red Carpet View
- Place grey knob in round hole in floor, orb pops up
- Zoom in on orb, get RED FLAG

Yellow Tile View
- Zoom in on globe
- Use magnifying glass on Blue Flag & Red Flag
- Place the flags on their correct countries on the globe
- Get SCREWDRIVER (gotta have a scredriver)

Black Tile View
- Zoom in on chair base, remove screws (you know how)
- Zoom out and tip over chair

Break The Code
Now you can see the entire wall and all of the symbols.
You wrote down symbols from the door @ red stairs
Count how many times each symbol appears on the wall.
This is your code for the Orb by the red stairs.
Door will open and you can go upstairs.
(The code is: 212678)
Note: We skipped the pool table view on main floor, will come back.

Left Room
- Use screwdriver to remove bottle corks, get KNIFE
- Write down symbols on wall - CODE NUMBER 1
- Go back downstairs to Pool Table View
- Cut rope with knife, pick up ROPE on floor
- Search pool table pockets, get EIGHT BALL
- go back to second floor

Right Room
- Hang rope from hook on ceiling
- Tie one end to cannon, pull the other end to tip cannon
- Write down symbols on wall - CODE NUMBER 2

Middle Room
- Place Cannon Ball & Eight Ball on either side of hole
- Ladder extends, go to third Floor

Recreate CODE NUMBER 1 on machine on left
First Green light will go on
Symbols will appear in purple area at top of screen
These symbols match the keyboard on middle machine
Pretend the keyboard is numbered, and assign each symbol a number
Reading across the top, the numbers would be:
- 4 8 2 9 3 7 5 1 6

Recreate CODE NUMBER 2 on machine on left
Second Green light will go on
New Symbols will appear in purple area at top of screen
These are symbols for planets/stars,
Last one is wrong, so call it earth
Listed from left to right the symbols are:
Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Earth
Middle machine has 3 circles on it that get smaller
This tells us to list the planets from largest to smallest
The order according to size is:Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury

Now, you have to enter this information to the keyboard, according to where the first set of sybols were. For example, the Sun is the largest planet. Currently, the Sun symbol is the sixth symbol from the left (circle with dot in it). When we had the first set of symbols in the purple area, the 6the symbol from the left was the symbol that is in position 7 on the keypad, so the first number of the code is 7 (or the symbol ON position number 7).

If the keypad were numbered, the code would be:
7 5 9 2 8 6 4 1 3

You have escaped!

thanks for the walkthrough Sunshine.

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thanx for all the tips....
sunshine you did good..

imagine a keypad (first row 123, second 456 and third 789), so the first serie of signs goes like 482937516. Than order the planets (correct signs, except for earth i guess) by decreasing size: the order would be (from left to right) 674329185. Than match that positions with the first signs and you’ll get the code 759286413.
And you’re out

yeah well i see the walkthroug for the whole came already^^

Solucion en español:

1 en el segundo escalon a la izquieda encuentras una llave.
2 toma nota de los simbolos que hay en la puerta.
3 derecha, en el piso entre los dos sillones toma una lupa.
4 derecha en el piso negro al aldo izquierdo click y se abrira una trampa, entre en ella y utilice la llave y recoja la bandera azul.
5 vuelva a la vista del piso negro, y abra otra tampa que esta al lado derecho, entre y utilice la lupa en los cuadros que estan arriba de los numeros, tiene que seguir las flechas para que consiga el codigo para abrir las puertas que estan abajo de los numeros (8536), tome el objeto gris.
6 vuelva a la alfombra roja, mire el agujero gris en el piso al lado derecho, ponga el objeto gris, presione y tome la bandera roja.
7 derecha y zoom en globo terraquio, ahora ponga la lupa sobre cada una de las banderas y vera a que pais corresponen, luego pongalas sobre el globo terraquion en el lugar que corresponde cada una y luego tome el desarmador.
8 derecha vaya al piso negro, haga zoom en la base de la silla y quite los tornillos, alejese y luego de click en la sill esta se caera al piso.
9 fijese en todos los simbolos que estan en la pared trasera, fijese cuantos simbolos hay de cada uno de los que anoto al principio del juego(212678) ahora vaya a la alfombra roja y ponga el codigo, se abrira la puerta del elevador y podra ir al segundo piso.
10 entre en la puerta izquierda y con el desarmador quite los tapones de las botellas, tome el cuchillo con mango amarillo. Tome nota de los simbolos que estan en la pared del fondo es el codigo 1.
11 volver al primer piso, izquierda toma el cuchillo y corta la cuerda y toma la que esta en el piso.
12 toma la bola 8 esta en la esquina superior derecha.y vuelve al segundo piso.
13 entra en la puerta derecha y cuelga la cuerda en el gancho que esta en el techo.
14 amarre una de las puntas de la cuerda al cañon y presione la otra punta del cañon, tome la bola gris.
15 tome nota de los codigos en la pared, es el codigo 2.
16 regresa a la habitacion central del segundo piso y coloca la bola 8 y la bola gris a un lado del circulo gris, saldra una escalera y podras subir al tercer piso.
17 sube al tercer piso y pon el codigo 1 en el teclado que esta a la izquierda, se encendera la primera luz verde.
18 note y escriba los simbolos morados que estan en la parte superior de la pantalla, esto es como si fueran numeros los tiene que marcar en el teclado que esta en el centro de la pantalla (482937516)y despues marque el codigo 2 en teclado de la derecha, se prendera la segunda luz verde.
19 nuevos simbolos apareceran en la pantalla superior anotelos estos son los planetas y las estrellas, de izquierda a derecha son: venus, neptuno, urano, saturno, mercurio, el sol, jupiter, marte y la tierra, note los circulos en el centro de la maquina esto indica que los simbolos de los planeta y las estrellas se tienen que introducir en la maquina de mayor a menor segun su tamaño(el sol, jupiter, saturno, urano, neptuno, tierra, venus, marte y mercurio)
20 ahora anote los simbolos de los plantetas y las estrellas debajo de cada uno de los primeros simbolos que anoto esto le dira que planeta o estrella corresponde a cada simbolo y luego presione los simbolos en el orden correcto (eje. el sol es el de mayor tamaño y se encuentra en la sexta posicion entonces el simbolo que le corresponde es el que esta tambien en la sexta posicion -#7- ), si no lo puede resolver el codigo es 759286413.
20 vera una luz azul y con esto usted habra terminado el juego. SUERTE....



i am now hacking adventurex3 hehe now look the picture of the half head became a half head of charli champlin

is still somebaody online?

212 does not work for me

       Anonymous  3/12/09, 5:20 PM  

if you number the symbols on the pad as

you push 759286413
To get the answer, I ordered the planets + the sun in order from largest to smallest, matched up the planet symbols with the alien ones, then entered in the code

too hard,guys

Isn't it???

Wanna some help!


working link:


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