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St 12 Walkthrough

St 12

St 12 is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Bianco-Bianco, who is also the same creator of Atibon's Gift, Escape from Debth, The Third Space Station Tokio, Atibon's Rival and more escape games. Can you escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles? Good luck and have fun!

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Let's see what we have here...

just a blue ball right now.

is there anyone to help? I am apparently missing a lot in this game.

i'm with you alimax...just a blue ball:(

hi alimax ... did it take time to load?

Thanks for not shouting "First". :)

me too

there is a stick - make close view on bin and it's on the right side

yay in! blue ball & rod(used)

there is something under the blue couch, but can't get it.

you are welcom Joerg. why do people do that? Its so annoying, and then the next five people count off after that too. ummm, we know what number post you are, there is a nice little number to let everyone out there know.

thanks a lot megi...opened the stick and found a pin...
with the stick switch on the lightswitch and point italy on the globe on the table...

pushed the lever up with the stick.

point italy with the pin :)

stick comes apart

used stick to push on lever on left side of door, now globe lit up. There is a green white and red flag in pen holder, is that Italy?

got odd image on tv after entering code.

put blue ball in silver setting and used that as a type of key for next to the door.

What bin?? garbage can??

Ah yes, the small orb shows an Italian flag.

thanks for finding the stick Megi! see everyone later.

sorry, how did you find the code with numbers/colours?

umm, i think it was 7531.

looks like there may be more than one ending? i got "good end."

p.s. don't forget to look under the couch again.

thnx alimax..

any hints on # key pad, and where next to the door, it won't go anywhere!!!!!

Umm - out already? LOL

can't found that stick..

out! Thanks for the help Alimax!

have you found another endings?

my pleasure Alimax and thank you very much for not post "first" comment :hug

Hey all. Just starting. Will hope to catch up.
@ alimax. I left you a comment at woot,woot. how does that work? did you get it?

Out! any still need help?

I'm not getting game. Only black screen

HELP Please where to place silver pin on glode

I can't found stick...anyone....

The silver ball on the table has a picture of a flag on it. The country is Intaly, so just click like crazy on the Mediterrianian Sea (mispelt =D).

hehe, ima try and catch up =p 1sec

close view togarbage can (bin) and look at the floor - on the right side

Dona put pin on Italy

thanks so much

Hello all ^^

the stick is in the crack on the screen with the metal bin. The up-right one. i clicked by the wall

has sneaky spy guy got any new games as yet ???

Big hello and thanks heaps for your help threw out 3 yrs of escape games

forget it found it...OUT

sorry Donna not Dona ;)

ugh, how do i get pin from stick? anyone still here?

where to use silver pin:

Wow, that was like, REALLY fast XD


double click on stick hopefully that should help keenan

hi keenan
just click stick on the top of it (in large view)

       Anonymous  5/14/09, 4:32 PM  

"put blue ball in silver setting and used that as a type of key for next to the door" What? What silver "setting" are you referring to?

Donna, Selfdefiant is working on new game now, I don't know where he will release it.

keenan - view the stick and click the top part

lol ty, got it, still not sure what green key pad helps me with... not that great at this game lol

meanbun66 - once you enter the code and get the key from under the couch, use it in the little compartment by the door to get a silver thing. Then put the blue ball into it.

nvm, i would use code, then enter it again and it would say 'error' after it said 'ok' but i got it now

where is the rod?

megipoland, this may sound stupid but at the top of this page it says 'posted by MegiPoland' does that mean you made the game?

more games please

       Anonymous  5/14/09, 4:36 PM  

Thank you Taylor!

       Anonymous  5/14/09, 4:38 PM  

The graphics for this game is really nice. Reminds me of Gotmail games! I hope to see more of these games! Thank you everyone!

no, I'm only posting games here,I'm searching them and then I'm posting here ;)

tiffanyshanell - hahaha - I'm going sleep now maybe Shuchun will post some games

good night all! It's almost 2:00 am here

good night Megi, keep posting em lol, you're keeping us alive... lol kinda, but thanks, another stupid question for you if you're still there... how do you post games?

only Shuchun, Yalcyn and I can post games here, if you will find a newest escape game you may email me or Shuchun -we'll post it here

now, I must go to sleep, see you in the next game :bye

hooray! i'm out

Really nice game

Graphics really good.. and nice and logical

Not too difficult.

More like this pls

Oh! Out! by the way.

Yay, let's play!

Wow, that was short.

I got the Good End.

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I think to read some comments,i'm stucked

@megipoland, thanks that you told about the stick.After founding it,it was easy to finish!

hi alkmar ;)
you are welcome, my pleasure :)

got good end thanks for the help everyone..

I got out, but am wondering the why you can click on the strawberry plant next to TV and get close up.
Must be something to make a perfect end?

       Anonymous  5/15/09, 5:14 AM  

I think the strawberries are a hint für the code: red = strawberries, green = triangle on TV, orange and blue = the two hourglasses (or whatever they are).

that was too easy.maybe there are some other things.what about the plant where you can zoom in? i just dont know.

The red strawberries act as an indicator as to the order of the colored arrows on the number sheet. They're a bit triangular in shape along with the two glasses at the end of the tv table.

Nice logical game - thanks for the stick hint, that was the most important piece! Well constructed, wish it had been longer (the good games are always too short...)

nice and easy:)

the order of the objects on the table (red strawberies, green arrow on television, orange and bleu things (old time measure instruments i think) gives a hint to the order of the collor-arrow pointed cifers

hi all I'm sure I won't catch up but I'm here

out 1 that was a pretty short game. too bad it was fun while it lasted..

1. Move left. Facing bin. Zoom in. collect the blue ball. And stick on right.
2. Double click the stick. Open its top part collects the pin.
3. Use stick to on the switch. Right top on first screen with door. Globe starts glowing.
4. Point Italy with the pin.
5. Note the code on side paper. Its 7531 enter in the key pad
6. See below the couch. Collect the key.
7. move right. Open the box with wall using key.
8. collect the object
9. double click object to zoom in and use the ball in it.
10. use the combined thing to open the door. And OUT

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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