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Escape Ecru Room

Escape the Ecru Room Walkthrough[REPLAY] Yes, it is new color; Ecru (Beige) and new room escape game; Escape Ecru Room. Escape the Ecru Room is our new point and click room escape game created by PaskaPet - 2keys Games, who is also creator of Escape Orange Room, Escape Turquoise Room, Escape Pear Room and etc. In Escape Ercu Room, Rupert has taken a job as an unappreciated Pizza cook. Help him serve his customers, and leave for his well deserved vacation. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. Hello! Anyone playing?

    hee hee, I'm first. \(^.^)/

  2. I love/hate these games cause you never know what might be important!

  3. me too - not getting very far - collected and put back lots of items...

  4. something happened and now there some guy at the door but I can't interact with him =\

  5. Got a key from a table leg

  6. which table? Are we supposed to "cook" something? Can't get any of the ingredients to go into a pan..

  7. Moved the table on wheels and zoomed into left side of kitchen unit - strange moving things in the ground

  8. I think it was the left table, you need to have it it your inventory then spin the legs.

  9. can't find the key, nor anything too useful

  10. found the key - yes, in left hand table and unscrew front right leg. Have managed to press all the things in the ground and they are stuck down now - nothing seems to have happened anywhere else! This is hard!!

  11. Moved these strange bottoms in the floor and then pressed red button in the cupboard. You have to take the pot.

  12. I love this series, very tough in the beginning but very entertaining

  13. I got oven working by hitting it with hammer =)

  14. I'm gonna call it quits on this one for right now. It's too late/early! >_>
    Good luck to everyone ^^

  15. Hi, can't seem to get the key out of the table leg. have been twisting the leg for ages! do i just have to be patient????

  16. Try a different table, I restarted my game and found the middle table had the key.

  17. There is a note with "G+K+J+W" written on ot near safe.
    I'm trying to make pizza dough, but not much luck so far, I can put water in bottle or saucepan, brown thing in a glass (yeast or flour ?) ...
    Dunno how to put the right number of spoonfulls of stuff

  18. thanx jacky! key was in back left leg of middle table!

  19. How do you bake the pizza? I have smashed bottle on the place, where I could make a dough and I can't clean it :/

  20. does anybody know how to take the knife? under the plantpot?

  21. Shift the right hand table and zoom in.

    Any one know how to break the egg?

  22. i zoomed in but i cant grab it!

  23. No, I've been trying to take this knife for ages

  24. You can add salt to the pot of water. Get knife from under plant and cut veggies.

  25. wow, got knife, but dunno how, kept playing with the 3 plants and just took it !!!

  26. @tami: how did you take the knife?

  27. I'd rather make dough before getting my inventory full of sliced veggies

  28. @Josephine...I simply clicked the plant...with table and everything on it off of it, then I saw the knife and clicked right on it.

  29. I can't get the pot to be placed anywhere. I can't get anything but salt into the pot. Can't clean the broken glass nor can I let the customer in...grrrr....

  30. I think I gave that customer the fright of his life with my knife =)=)=)

  31. what pot do I need?
    There is a saucepan but I can't do anything with it.

  32. Is the brown thing next to the tomatoes flour or yeast ? I had some in a glass for ages but can't do anything with it.

  33. I've eventually managed to put flour in the mug (cut the white bag with the knife).

  34. Put flour in glass pot then glass of yeast

  35. I've put everything it says in the recipe book into the pan, but I still can't crack an egg. I think someone mentioned a hammer earlier on, but I can't find it.

  36. everything in the saucepan except the egg now, hope you don't need to get the order or proportions right

  37. Where is the bowl? Arghhh! I think I'm gonna quit...

  38. hammer is next to oven if I remember right, but doesn't work on the egg

  39. Thanks for the hammer - at least I got my oven working, even if I can't crack the stupid egg.

  40. I have water, flour and yeast in the glass pot. Do we need to stir it? I tried all 3 wooden spoon and the 2 utensils on the wire racks to the right of the sink and above it? Does anything else go into the glass pot?

  41. Trying to use scrubber from behind bucket under sink to clean broken glass...not working...any ideas?

  42. Lol, tried the scrubber too.
    Still trying to break that egg.

  43. @tami: thanks for the tip. now i have all ingredients in the pot, too. tried to mix it, but have no idea how!

  44. Oh, the egg just smashed in the saucepan

  45. @einkaldir:
    just put it into the pot!

  46. The knife, utensils on wire rack, glass, nor mug nor hammer will crack that damn egg!

  47. the use large table spoon to stir

  48. I tried just putting that damn egg into the glass pot(saucepan), but

  49. tami just keep trying (near the top I think).
    I have the dough, need to make a circle out of it. But rolling pin doesn't work on it. I need a place to put the dough first I suppose.

  50. @tami:
    the eggs come last. just pull the egg on the pot.

  51. I have water, flour and yeast in pot...anything else before the egg? If so, what?

  52. Oh, and salt is in it too.

  53. Just this and salt. It's all in the recipe book.

  54. where can i put the dough to knead it?

  55. i can't put the egg.. =( how do it happen?

  56. I restarted even and still cannot get that damn egg into the's late...I will re-try later today...thanks all for the help and see you on the morrow!

  57. now i have problems mit the tomato sauce. grrrrrrrrrr.......

  58. josephine how do you knead the dough ?

  59. just click on the dough, a few times in the closeup. it kneads itsself.

  60. thx josephine. I always had an item selected when I tried that, and you really need to have no item selected for it to work !

  61. For the egg: take another egg, somewhere at the right of the basket. That one will break by putting it in the pot.

  62. Sorry left of the basket

  63. Trying to put my pizza in the oven now

  64. in a scroll I've find the description of my client and what he likes. In my case is Mikey - Teemed Lagoon... He is out of my door...

  65. where did you find this scroll ?
    I just made a random pizza so far ...

  66. the scroll is under the cabinet, in the kitchen, theb you oen the small door in the next left room and gout of the scene. Came back and you have your client...

    excuse my english...

  67. I cut off the welcome sign. It is a plate.

  68. how can i make the tomatosauce????

  69. I canìt find guatemalan shrip... and I don't know how to cook they with oder ingredient. Do you know where some plates are?

  70. josephine, tomato sauce is ketchup. You have to use the roll pin several times before you can add ketchup to the dough.

    I'm off for now, cya all later

  71. on the left of the cabinet with cheese there is a stupd game. When all the bar are down, you push the botton inside the upper cabinet and the lower side go on the left. There is a safe hidden

  72. look ad the flag color of the country shrip to know which is the correct box... I think...

  73. How I can put my ingredients into the saucepan with water?

  74. The cliënt before the door changed.
    Previous one went to the chinese, I think.

  75. how do you put ingredients in the saucepan? do you have to put it down somewhere first? i've tried everything. i can't take spoons of anything either!!!

  76. how I can put my shrip, pepper, tomato and cheese into the saucepan? Please help!

  77. and what'smeans the picture on the wall?

  78. Right, while my pizza is cooking - the door sign when scrubbed is the cooking tray, just pop the pizza on and hit the oven with the hammer, must dash I smell something burning!!

  79. jacky
    How do you mix the ingredients?

  80. cannot for the life of me get the egg into the pot!!!! is there a trick to it? all other ingredients for dough are in pot!

  81. Keep trying different eggs.

    I thought I'd fed Henri, but he ran away groaning.

    Next I fed Elvis and he left me a red card.

  82. I'm back.
    Still can't find the customers description. Where is the scroll exactly ?

  83. I can take only one egg....

  84. Scroll is under sink next to kitchen rolls

  85. the scroll is under the sink in the compartment next to the buket.

    can anyone tell me where I can find the hammer and how I get my pizza in the oven?

  86. only one egg at the same time. Put it back and try another

  87. thx for scroll, I thought I had clicked everywhere on these papers ...
    found it eventually

  88. Put the egg back before you take another.

  89. How do i knead the dough into a circle ???
    Where do I put it the dough to knead?

  90. einkaldir where did you use the egg? In the mug or in the saucepan or ....

  91. egg directly in the saucepan, not all eggs work, and it changes everytime

  92. Use the hand to knead the dough.

  93. tosca, zoom in on dough, select hand and click

  94. use rolling pin two times

    but i'm too stupid, can't find the hammer, only oven gloves left over oven

  95. Some customers are not on the VIP list ? what we do with them ?

  96. how many egg I've to try???? I can't find it!

  97. And how on earth am I supposed to put that pizza in the oven ?

  98. I can´t seem to put my pizza on the cooking tray. Help.

  99. Put the clean tray in the oven first.

  100. Oh, got it. You have to scrub the cooking tary first.

  101. Ah thx, my tray was dirty

  102. None of my customers match the exact description from my list !

  103. can anyone tell me where to find the hamme, plz :) ive looking around the oven, zoomed in, but can't find it. My pizza is in the oven but it doesn't work ...

  104. click on bottom left corner of oven or just next to it.

    i've just fed my customer and got a red food card with a number and a code on the back. now i'm stuck. can't make the weird puzzle next to cupboard work. heeeeelp!

  105. when customers aren't in the list use knife on them

  106. how do you give them the pizzas?!

  107. how can i hand them the pizza?

  108. omg, each mistake costs so much time !!!!!!!!!!

  109. thx very much, find the hammer :)

  110. how do you give them the pizza?

  111. I fed Boris, got card, but no more customers ...

  112. how do you hand the pizza over to the customer?

  113. you have to put the card on the picture next to the cupboard with the shrimp in it. then you get another customer. looks like 8 in all. i only have 6 different customers on my scroll...

  114. how can i finish this game when i cant even give the pizza to the customer?!

  115. zarah, get both oven gloves to take pizza out of oven. then click on pizza in inventory and click on customer

  116. i served all the pizzas and opened the safe. but take the money at the bottom shelf by mistake. now there is police outside the door. i don't know how to go out.

  117. did you have to make all 8 pizzas or just 5?

  118. Next to the safe there is a note that says: S+I+K+D.
    I think one should serve Serge, David, Kevin and Irwin.
    Than add the card numbers and that's the number for the safe. The key comes from the table.

  119. Yes tosca, but the names change each time you play.

  120. where is the safe?????????

  121. emmach, for the safe you need to push all the sticks down and push the button in the cupboard

  122. grhh! Don't take that supid money. i can not find where the trap door is. Dont take it and leave from the front door i think :)

  123. i fed all customers,opened the safe took all money,now im stuck

  124. I'm trying to escape with all the money too, use the trap door key on the hole in the ground in the kitchen.
    But mine is broken now

  125. threatening the policeman with the knife doesn't help =)

  126. thx einkaldir - but how do i push all the sticks down? i always end up with at least 1 still sticking up!

  127. I can't find any chili peppers :(

  128. chili peppers are behind the tomatoes in the same basket

  129. chili peppers are with tomatoes

  130. Thank you! I couldn't see them behind those tomatoes.

  131. There must be a way to escape with all the money but I give for now.

  132. Ahh i just found the trick with the eggs

    When you pick a egg select it and click on the egg... if it spins a long time it´s cooked and cant be used (put it back), if it just spins just a little it´s raw and can be used

  133. I'm going insane. I've been sitting here, twisting all the table legs of every single table. NOTHING.

    And what 'strange things' and what 'kitchen unit'? Does that mean the stove?

  134. use fork on policeman,when he jumps the the club near his belt and use it on the hole.finish!

  135. Which fork? the carving fork or the dinner fork? Neither seems to be working for me.

  136. ARHHHH!!!!!! I can;t get the tomatoe sauce out of the bottle tried rolling pin not working help!!

  137. Oops! power of posting lol

  138. Okay..I have those little grey thigns next to the cupboard all down, and I pressed the button, nothing happened..

  139. i think you find the shrimps by flags; indonesia is red and white box, bangladesh is green and red box.. not sure about the others

  140. If what you say is true..

    Norway-Red and Blue box
    Indonesia-Red and White Box
    Bangladesh-Green and Red
    Nigeria-Green and White
    Guatemala-Blue and White

  141. Maybe I have to turn the stupid table legs a certain way..anyone know about that?

    I can't get the ketchup out of the bottle. Am I stupid?

  142. the table legs only turn if you click at the very bottom of the table leg. Ketchup only works on pizza if you rolled the dough TWICE with the rolling pin.
    I got police baton, what do i do now?

  143. Anyone know where to find celery ?????

  144. OH.. power of posting .. nm.

  145. Arghh.. I took my first pizza out of the oven with the mitts.. and it DISAPEARED !!! Any thoughts ?

  146. u gotta have enough space in the inventory that you can take out the pizza.
    Any idea how to get out after policeman is here?

  147. ummm i still cant make the dough. i feel bit stupid lol. i cant find all ingredients =(. and do u use glass saucepann to make dough? how i could use those spoons to get right combination? i mean how i could put excact 6 tbsp of water to the pan? where i can find yeast???

  148. I´m stuck, i only have FIVE customers on my list so i´m missing quite a bit... is there a second list somewhere or do i just have to try dumb luck?

  149. can someone please, please, please help me with the metal things next to the cupboard?! i have spent hours clicking the stupid things and i can't make them all stay down!!!!!!!!!

  150. nvm, started again...

    got all metal sticks pushed down straight away this time...

  151. The celery is in the bowl with the green peppers, you can see the bright green tips just behind them.

  152. The celery is behind the green peppers.

    I have served 5 customers and none have came to teh door for the last 7 minutes - I don't know what to do!

  153. Can't find celery and can't clean the oven... This game makes me crazy! I restarted it 5 times!

  154. thank you

    but I made some pizza and the client tell me NOOOOO

  155. If you have trouble getting the celery, try taking a green pepper - then clicking like crazy behind it.

    You don't clean the oven, you clean the tray that you cut down above the door.

    I got the Policeman's club - but I can't put it in the hole.

  156. Thank you so much! You're my hero! :)

  157. The egg you should use has to be unboild. Pick up a egg, and spind it around - if it goes fast, it is boild. If it is slow and stops quickley, then it is unboild and will smash when put into the bowl

  158. I may have missed it but, how do you flatten the dough. I have the rolling pin but I can't put the dough anywhere and theres a broken bottle on the counter.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. Walkthrough:

    -Screen with the tables, clear off the rightmost table (salt and peppershaker, napkin holder and tablecloth), click the big flowerpot behind it and take the KNIFE under it (have to click quickly). You can put all the stuff back as you don’t need it (except a SALTSHAKER)

    -Screen with the door, use the knife on the sign over the door and pick it up (TABLET)

    -Screen with the sink/oven, open the right sink cupboard and take the SCRUBBER (it slightly peeks out behind the bucket)

    -Double click the TABLET and use the SCRUBBER on it, you get the COOKIE SHEET. Afterwards you can put the SCRUBBER back, you don’t need it anymore

    -Open the oven and put the COOKIE SHEET inside

    -click the left side of the oven and pick up the HAMMER (you may need to try to turn on the oven before you can get it, I’m not sure about that)

    -Customer list: under the left sink cupboard behind the rolls of paper (it slightly peeks over the right of the rolls). The list seems to be random so you need to compare the details on the list with the people waiting outside, if they match then make the pizza on the list and keep the special wishes in mind. Should they don’t match open the small hatch on the door and use the knife on them and they’ll leave.

    MAKING PIZZA DOUGH: (you need to do this a few times)
    -Screen with the tables, pick a SALTSHAKER (any will do, best keep the one from before)

    -Screen with the cupboards, open the upper cupboards, take the MUG, BIG SPOON and GLASS (left), GLASS SAUCEPAN, KETCHUP and BOTTLE

    -lower cupboards, use the knife to cut the flour bag (left) (you only need to do this once) and fill the MUG, use the GLASS on the bowl with yeast (right) and pick a EGG (check the EGG by double clicking it and click on the enlarged egg, if it spins long you can’t use it so put it back, if it spins just a little keep it)

    -open the left closet and take the ROLLING PIN

    -turn left to the sink/oven screen, click the water tap, select the bottle and fill it with water.

    -double click the SAUCEPAN, select the BOTTLE (water), SALTSHAKER (salt), MUG (flour), GLASS (yeast) and finally the egg then use the big spoon and stir. The mix then needs a while to rise (just turn around a few times)

    -When the dough is over the edge of the SAUCEPAN click it. Double click the DOUGH, select the HAND symbol and click it till it doesn’t shape anymore. Still in that screen select the ROLLING PIN, use it on the dough two times and finally select the ketchup and squirt it on the flat dough, you now have the base for all pizzas. Now you can put everything you still have back in the cupboards you have space for the toppings.

    MAKING PIZZAS: (This next part seems to be random in every game so here’s where you can find the stuff you need)

    TOPPINGS: (NOTE: All toppings except red peppers and shrimps need to be sliced)
    -GREEN BELL PEPPER: Basket on the small rolling table
    -CELERY: Behind the green peppers (slightly lighter green)
    -CHEESE: On the lower cupboard, needs the knife to cut of a slice
    -TOMATOES: right cupboard
    -RED PEPPERS: behind the tomatoes (top-left of them)

    SHRIMPS: (left and right closet, you can identify them by the color on the boxes)
    -NORWEGIAN: Red – blue stripe
    -INDONESIAN: Red – white strip
    -BANGLADSHI: Green – red strip
    -NIGERIAN: Green – white stripe
    -GUATEMALAN: Blue – white stripe

    -Simply pick the toppings you need and put the on the pizza

    -Put the pizza in the oven, close the door an hit the side with the HAMMER. When the oven beeps your pizza is done.

    -Take the oven mittens off the wall, open the oven and pick up the pizza

    -Hand it out through the door hatch and pick up the red sticker the give you (NOTE: if you accidentally made the wrong pizza [they say “NO” and wont take it] put it in the chute next to the oven)

    -put the sticker on the picture with the red fields right of the closet

    The amount of actual customers varies so don’t panic if you don’t fill all fields.

    Now here’s the annoying part:
    -click the rolling table so it rolls forward. Click left of the cupboard, there’s a row of metal pins on the floor, they all need to be lowered so try around till they’re all down.

    -close the doors of the lower cupboard and in the upper right cupboard click the red button (behind the SAUCEPAN). The lower cupboard will slide left and reveal the safe.

    -To get the code look on the right side of the lower cupboard, there’s a sheet of paper with four letters (these are random too). Look on the stickers on the wall and compare the letters with the customer names and simply add up the long numbers. Enter the number you get in the safe

    -Now you only need the key (the location is random), best empty your inventory as far as you can. Turn to the tables, clear one off and pick it up. Now click the legs on the lower end, it has to turn at least 3 times. If the leg pops off click the top and take the key from it, you can now put the table back down.

    -Use the key on the safe and take all the money inside (the alarm will go off) and the cross like object inside. Use the object on the little hole in front of the closet, it will break.

    -Turn to the sink and take the forks (I’m not sure which you need, just try both)

    -Turn to the door and use the knife on the policeman outside, it’ll drop. Now use the FORK on him, he’ll do a little jump if you’re doing it right. While he jumps his stick will be visible, quickly grab it.

    -Turn back to the cupboards and use the stick on the hole to reveal a secret passage


  161. What to do with no-VIP customers?
    there are coming people and they are no vips...?? one of them stole my pizza without paying ! :D
    sorry, my english sucks...

  162. Can someone please, please, please help me with the metal things next to the cupboard?! i have spent hours clicking the stupid things and I can't make them all stay down!!!!!!!!! HEEEELP!!!

  163. @ kellerwoman

    Threatn them with the knife, they'll run away

  164. Anyone here..playing now..??

  165. oh just realized its one of these coloured theyre hard sometimes..lots of items..well here i go..:)

  166. game is a bit buggy..really gotta click on things to get them to work...i saw that a table leg could be screwed and unscrewed..that took for ever..!! got key now though..

  167. im just trashing the kitchen here..i think im supposed to bake anyone here..?

  168. Im not sure what to do if there isnt a V.I.P. at the door...???? what do u make him this makes for a long ass game..

  169. i showed him my knife..ahaha...he gotta many pizzas do we have to make finish...ugh..

  170. omg..i cant believe how many pizzas i had to make and how long it took me to play that..!! finally done

  171. Good morning Mercedes still there? I have a customer at the door how do I let him in? Got all the ingredients and the pizza dough, but can put the stuff

  172. Great game! Finaly out for a real vacation! With lots of cash!!! Thank you Daniel Kay for the walkthrough! Time to eat some pizza myself! Enough for the others! :)))

  173. Ok didnt roll the dough twice now putting on the ingredients...

  174. This game is insane......none of my customers like my pizzas!!!

  175. how can i break the egg. Please

  176. I can't still crack the damn egg. what i do?

  177. ok, the damn egg is craked

  178. Well... I'm out- and I'll surely eat no pizza for WEEKS! :D

    Best thing I can tell you:

    If you forgot an Ingridient before baking you can add it afterwards

    If you have something wrong on the Pizza and don't want to keep it in the inventory throw it in that flap between the oven and the sink....

    Thanks everybody for the good work- could never have done it without help :D

  179. For those who cant crack an egg..chances are u have the wrong egg..

    Make sure u take an egg that when u enlarge it rolls for a short time..u will know difference between them when u see that when u click it and it takes for ever to roll around..

  180. Can anyone tell me how to get all the metal posts down. I Keep trying with no sucess. Please Help!!

  181. I Just figured it out myself. Number the posts from 1-9 starting to the left. Look at which posts are up to start with. Take note from left to right which ones are up and write their numbers down. Regardless of their position up/down press only those numbers you wrote down from left to right. Hope this helps someone.

  182. I need Irwin to come get a pzza and leave his card because I need it for the safe comb. B+I+W+G He came to the door and I made him his pizza and gave it to him. Then he took it and grunted and took off without paying. Has this happened to anyone else? what do we do?

  183. miriam i don't understand how you succeed, can you explain better please ?? i keep trying but i can't make them go down !!

  184. so far i have made 4 pizza's 3 ran away without paying despite the fact they were on the vip list, only had 1 paying customer, that left a red card grrrrrrrrrrrr how hard is this game

  185. the time I get the pizza made for the VIP at the door, I go back and it's a different VIP!! Gheez, I don't know how I can make it much faster!


  187. AAAAAARRGGHHH i reallly don't get all the pinns down!!!!!!!! i'm totally going mad here right now....

  188. Hotense, You may have to repeat the process several times. Number the pegs 1-9. Take note of which ones are up. Press these pegs only in order no matter whether they are down or up after you start. You may have to repeat this process several times. Hope this helps
    U D U D D D D U D
    Press 1,3, 8 no matter what happens
    Now repeat, take note of which pegs are up and press only them.
    Repeat until all pegs are down.

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