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The Escape Hotel 2 Walkthrough

The Escape Hotel 2

The Hotel Escape 2 is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape, Escape from the Underground Room and Escape from the Forest of the Fairy, Ground Escape, Escape from the Balloon Room and Escape from the Same Rooms games. In this game, you are in trapped in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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a game?

oh it said walkthrough...I LOVE tesshi games but boy will I need help, these get tough :)

I'm gonna have to come back in a minute from my own computer downstairs...this mouse up here and small screen are driving me CRAZY! BRB

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:03 AM  

Wow, another new game. Thanks Shuchun :-)

Hello MUSE

I'm going to save this one for later. I always need to take time to think these through. If I play live I know I will just cheat and use comments.

Have fun everyone! Good luck MUSE!

anyone figure out what the code on the picture means?

If you push down the wait button on the pic symbols appear

HI KITKAT! TY u2 oh you have to keep the button down for a bit

oh nat you got that...probably left right etc ??

Did you guys get the handle off the teapot?

Yea!!!I LOVE tesshi-e!!!!!

put it on the yellow thing...obviously lol

joined handle off t-pot to funnel thing ??

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:11 AM  

You can also make the rose longer

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:11 AM  

Or is it a dustcleaner, lol

can use tape on flower

geeeeze...write down the arrow pic because you have to wait longer each time :(

ty full and nat....i was stuck and didnt notice that :)

did arrow combination on typewriter type thing. it told me something - but i can't read it. hmm...

Actually I tried everything with inventory and after reading your comments still cannot do either thing...is there a trick? Another step maybe?

smart nat...probably works but need the key first

oh! you can take the metal rod thing!

gonna continue trying to force the white door...thinking of using wxy or whatever was on the pic like a phone code ?????

muse - a trick to the flower?

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:17 AM  

the type thingy gives you a capsule


Hi everyone! It's been a long time for a live game for me. Use the chair clue to get into the bathroom. From there you get a clue for the two boxes on the desk. I can't put tape on the flower... any hints

lmao...wxz is all 9...hhahaha. I still cannot put tape on anything or extend the flower :(

Hi everyone! It's been a long time for a live game for me. Use the chair clue to get into the bathroom. From there you get a clue for the two boxes on the desk. I can't put tape on the flower... any hints


Don't get it though lol

ooooooooooooooh nevermind :)

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:21 AM  

Wow, loads of things in the bathroom

i think i just did "about item" on the flower and then put the tape on top of it... or the other way around. i cant remember.

nope...I shouldn't have gotten drunk at 1:30 pm........hahhahha kidddiiiing

Now come now Nat...we would have tried that :)THINK

look at the sign before the word. still can't make flower rod longer or put tape on it

baha alright alright

Wow tough one, any clues yet?

i just restarted and did it again and it worked... a bug?

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:25 AM  

Help, can´t go back out of the bathroom again..

hmmmm quite possibly...thanks for restarting ...muwwwwwwwwwwwwAH

I cant figure out how to get the key from behind the glass in bathroom. probably has something to do with the stick that I can't make longer or put tape on!!

@ Muse, what do you mean WXZ is all 9s. tried that but nothing happened

I saved and reloaded and it didn't help :(

ok... i can't get in the bathroom :/

Well I can't figure out how to get in the bathroom so I don't feel sorry for you LOL

@ Fuse - fill the shower with water (after plugging it) then look around the floor

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:28 AM  

Natloud, "drawn" a cross at the codepad

Muse, just make a + sign

I mean I was going to try the old phone trick with the letters but those letters are all nine on a phone. I still don't know what + bathroom means :(

lol! bang bang bang! let us in!



key also works on drawer

RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! YAY

wow - i feel dumb

Thank you Miles for not telling me lol :)

now made a strange looking plane

stuck stuck stuck. Dont get clue on paper under towels. don't know what to do with plane, and can't get key behind mirror.

got the drain from the tub with a little finessing....is that a word??

why nat? forget the damn flower...it's not important right now lol

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:33 AM  

How do you pick up the thing from under the bathtub?

your welcome Muse! (sorry)

for clue under towels, just use the letter wich is given in roman. So for nine, use the fourth letter, the e. But don't now where to use this wisdom.

WOW....Never knew I could get so much out of a powder room...I'm usually in and out.

how do I get out of the bathroom, please?? and how did you put scotch on the flower??

A Full, press the button on the top of the tub to close the drain then fill it with water. Look on the ground after

DO not say sorry silly. Well Full, I'm going to follow Miles's lead and not tell you but I'm sure you will get it soon :)

Lol Muse! Now can u please TELL me how to put tape on the flower?!?!?

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:38 AM  

Thanks, Miles1 !!

Yvon my little brain is confused. 5 is II but the letter is i. shouldn't it be b? Have you all gotten the mirror to slide over to reveal a key?

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:41 AM  

Ah, key is for the drawer of the typemachine thingy

Lol...I don't know STILL, or I would tell you....perhaps Full knows??? Fuuuuullll?
I have to get ready to go somewhere :( This looks to be a long game. I'll see you all sometime I hope...check back sooner Miles, you're fun.
Byeeeee all GL!

five, second letter is i.

Tx for key hint...put clamps on plane..byeeee

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       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:42 AM  

Do i know what, MUSE?

then stick...shit, I'll never get out of here lol

About how to tape the flower?

Miles, how did you slide over the mirror?

AWWW too bad Muse! Hopefully see you in another game!

looks like our plane is now some sort of animal lol

bye muse!

I reeeeally have to go...bye all good luck

Thanks Nat...xo...bye

Full, have you done anything with the stick with flower? Do we need it for the plane? I still can't put tape on it. Yvon - go back to bathroom and count symbols. Use those numbers at desk

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:49 AM  

Nope Miles1, plane without the flower (yet, lol). Mine is longer as when i found it but to be honest i don´t know if i did that with the tape or i still need to use the tape as everybody else....

anybody able to get the key from behind the glass?

thanx Miles.

About the tape, maybe you are all talking about the same. After you made the rose long, it's look like there is tape around it. Maybe Muse had just selected the tape when she made the rose long.

you can put the plug from tub in sink, but not sure why

if your stem is brown then its already long

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:54 AM  

Nope Natloud, Not yet, guess that´s where the famous tape comes in handy, lol

Well - I have to get ready for my son's birthday party... Just when I get a live game!!! Bye everyone - hopefully this will be solved by the time I come back. Have fun!

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:55 AM  

Yes Shane, noticed that too, why would that be?

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 10:56 AM  

C U Miles1

it looks like there is a hole under the key. maybe it eventually falls into the sink and the plug is to catch it?

have to leave too. Good luck solving the game!

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:00 AM  

See you later Yvon...

Everybody´s leaving?? :-)

just noticed there are dashes between the 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 digits under picture...

on the picture with wxz, the code has dashes between the numbers, like in the clue from the bathroom...

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:01 AM  

Haha, i like that note: "for example"

aha shane! on the same track!

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:03 AM  

Lol Shane , Natcloud

but what are the numbers for wxz???

i can't figure out how to get number pairs for WXZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Shane: What picture are you referring to? The wxz pic? How did you look under it?

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:06 AM  

WXZ should be 3 pairs of 2-digit numbers, but i cannor figure out the code from the note ( if it´s for that codepad ofcourse)

7-IV=e but 9-IV is also e


there are digits right under the picture when you click it

i feel like it's so obvious and we're missing it entirely!

I like mild escape games... like the graphic and the kind of puzzle they put in games.. and never had bugs ;D

i didn't look behind the picture or anything

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:09 AM  

Haha Natloud, think so too


@shane: for pete's sake, I'm blind. Thanks.

omg - the roman numerals refer to the letters when you spell out the numbers

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:11 AM  

My wife´s yelling at me for diner, lol

Back in a bit. Good luck all!!

shuchun! got there ahead of me!

w-two second letter is w so 22
x-six third letter is x so 63
z-zero the first letter is z so 01

put funnel in hole above key and flood it out

@Shuchun: you've got it! The letters wxz are in the spelling of some numbers 0-9. Figure out which to enter into the code boxes by referring to the example sheet.

two: second letter is w, so 2-2
six: third letter is x, so 6-3
zero: first letter is z, so 0-1

trixie code!

Happy Coin is in the Keypad by the bathroom door.

YOu can put the plug from the tub onto the sink, but I am not sure why.

As well, those letter symbol on the mirror must go with the devices in the boxes, i still need the second key.

What funnel nokra?

Hi all, just joining in. I may have missed something though.

my funnel won't go in the hole?

LOL, oh, so there is the key everyone is talking about.

mine neither :(

and how do you get the coin from the keypad?

Me neither, I can't zoom the keypad anymore and the pliers won't work on it either.

use my pliers to cut the head of my rose. attached the stick to my plane. also attached capsule to plane. looks like we need another capsule.

hose with yellow bowl, put in hole, put tub stopper in sink, turn on water...but now I am stuck!
only fills halfway

I don't have a hose, where was that hiding?

hose? where did you find the hose?

nokra . what hole ?????

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:25 AM  

I had to run upstairs for a second to see if anyone got the code (my wife even yelling louder) (just kidding)and there it was already before i left and i didn´t notice, GOOD FINDING SHUCHUN!!!
that note really got me, i´m i terrible code-btreaker. Now, back to diner...

How do I get out of the bathroom once I go in????

oh, how cute! it is a pontoon...

vibe - you have to get the white thing under the tub. you put the plug in the tub, fill with water and then drain. the white thing will be on the floor. you can attach it to the door and get out of the bathroom.

@ Vibe, plug the bath by pressing the button on the side then click on the taps. Then check floor by water outlet.

la la la oh hose! come out, come out, wherever you are!

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:28 AM  

Vibe, knob under tub to flush out will open door.

thanks guys.

I always find Tesshi-e games pretty hard. I feel even better that it says MILD escape >.<

lol nat, work your magic :o)

If this is a Mild Escape, I'd hate to see a 3 alarm fire hot sauce escape.

I've just realised I haven't solved the cross and star cupboards, what do we do there then. How do the symbols in the mirror translate to the numbers????

Where does this two-six-zero come from ? I don't understand this code.

AHA! Go do the WAIT / hippo code again for another key.

blue hose was in box by bed, use a key...
to get out of bathroom you find a lock knob somewhere in there...

I do not understand the symbols on bath mirror and the # in corresponding boxes at desk...anyone?
I put # of symbols there and nothing happened

rambler - just count the number of each symbol

ok, i give up, someone please tell me where the hose is? or how to get the coin?

FOr Star and Cross, count em up, then put that number in the devices at the desk, inside the cupoboard with the respective symbol.

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:33 AM  

just count them, rambler.

Where's the hose??????? @Pascale 5-II; five (5), second (II)letter=i

pascale - the code refers to the letter that appears when you write out the number.

for example 5 (FIVE) - II = i (the second letter in the word five is i)

Nokra where is key for box?

I understand that we had to GUESS that wxz refers to two, six and zero. I can't believe that they made things so difficult.

thanks f_h !

Once you do the WAIT/hippo puzzle again, you get key for wall cabinet containing hose. Use that with funnel and attach in bathroom. Put drainplug from tub into sink and then run water in shower. Go back to wxz puzzle and put your pontoon boat in where the water has filled. Then go back to bathroom and remove sink plug. You'll get heart key.

Btw, the desk contains the other pontoon when you use two keys and the mirror symbols.

I still don't get how to get the coin...

i just went back to the wait picture, waited again, got a different left-right code. used that and got a key from the back row

Thank you to people who answered to me ! Now, how do you get the key behind the mirror of the bathroom ?

ahh, now I understand . . . and out I think - and out

and that key works on the locked cupboard next to the bed which gave mee the blue hose !

Perhaps the coin was a reference to another game.

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:39 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

we got key from symbols on WAIT photo and the little hippos on the shelf?
I have been here too long to remember ...LOL

TY f_h!!!

Thanks all, but I've done that and nothing happened!!!! Is there something alse to press?

i cant seem to fill the glass key-box in the bathroom with enough water to actually reach the key... ??

@michelle-animalover...earlier post


20/5/10 20:09

wow - what a long game :)

What symbol on the WAIT picture ? I can see only a button.
And how do you open the machine that looks a little like a typewriter ? I've been trying for ages, no way.

Same here @scarlet...I want to put the pontoon boat we built there but I am very stuck!!!

put tape on your plane, rambler

Pascale hold button down (wait) and symbols appear for hippo "typewriter"

im still missing the left aluminum tube for the float plane too

Pontoon boat goes where WXZ puzzle opens.

Ah, I waited and waited, but I finally got the hose yay

@pascale...push WAIT button and wait! LOL then use those symbols to solve the "typewriter" puzzle...it works twice!!!

Scarlet use 2 keys in star of david drawer

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 11:48 AM  

Wow - Easy after the code breakers did their job - out

OMG!!!! TY TY TY @stryboh...I didn't even pay attention to it ! IT IS WATER!!!

ahHA ! thank you stryboh !

that was CLEVer !

Okay, I got the key cupboard half full of water. What next?

can anybody tell me where the key is for the left key hole in the star of david drawer.

vibe, go back to the wait photo, youll get a second set of left-right moon symbols. youll get a key when you use them

Thanks a lot, Nokra !

rambler, put your float plane in the picture you opened that had wxz on it

But where does this capsule go ? (this is a very tough game !)

thanks for the help, guys ! :)


Phew, well I got there in the end. Thanks for the help everybody.

im out too !! :D

I'm too frazzled to figure out how to get Happy Coin....Anyone? Please? Thanks!

also i am not sure how i got the WAIT poster to work the first time but now it wont work for me to allow me to get the key. Any ideas?

Right, gotta go, I've got an assignment to finish, see you all later.

I'm stuck. I haven't figured out the mirror/key/water thing yet. Help someone! :|

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 12:00 PM  

Back and out, thanks a million @f_h_stephens!!
And thanks Shuchun for posting and for the code
Nice game. long, difficult and ver enjoyable

       Anonymous  5/20/10, 12:01 PM  

Whay do you have Kimey? where are you at?

for happy coin look at the tea set on the desk it will poor some tea and reveal a new code for the bathroom door, then you can zoom in on the code box again. i did this after unlocking the exit door but not going out.

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