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Escape from the Bar Walkthrough

Escape from the Bar

Escape from the Bar is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape, Escape from the Underground Room and Escape from the Forest of the Fairy, Ground Escape, Escape from the Balloon Room and Escape from the Same Rooms games. In this game, you are in trapped in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Hello My friends.. Let's rock the world.

Me last out!!!

DARN! first live game and I only have about 10 min!


Wrong time for a Tesshi-e. But I`m in.

first time around, a handle and sd

lot;s of astrological signs

zzzzzzz... looooong loading!

and a menu with clues

found H15, M52, S48

and I'm stuck...

found a place to put batteries on microwave looking thing

Above the oven thing there is a dial. Look UP for the pattern on the columns to open the painting with red-green-yellow lights. Got matches and then not sure what to do next.

Guess we need to find screws to put handle under red mask

Dark, Leroy, Roberto.. are you farther along?

found a menu with card symbols and numbers.

@Chris, where do you look up?

What columns?

Oh I see. Columns right side of dial.

the "columns" are in front of the main golden door. If you turn the dial the lights on top of the column change and you can see it in the zoom out.

well, I have to go and put my kids to bed. I doubt this will be live when I get back. :(

good luck all!

Where is that oven... i'm stuck

Oh that is oven.. the one with arrow

The back cover of the menu is the clue for the cb behind the picture. Start on the red shape and follow directions. To see the pattern press the button on top of each number.

Once you open that and got the batteries, enter them into the oven thing which is a CLOCK. then you have the HMS number. Press for key.

got frame open and now i can see safe.

Spoiler yg,rg,gr,gy,gr and gySpoiler

Stuck on the box next to staff only door. YOU?

hello everyone....barely starting..

Where is the menu?

still loading....

For those who are still stuck:

behind the picture code


@Princess - u can get the menu on Picture frame view and click on that black menu.

@Chris - how to open safe behind picture

stuck on YOU too.

@Dark: the post above yours. You press the button on top of each number window and the light next to it lights up with the symbols. Use the back of the menu to know which way the symbol should move your line. (imagine you are drawing a line from the red symbol towards E). Spoiler on post above you.

the glasses on the shelf are the hint for the "YOU" safe

look at the shapes

the glasses are the answer

thanks @Chris ... Got it... looking clue for YOU

pop... got it.. from glass shape

Menu is at right end of bar.

Hint from blue bird after place the candle

Thanks to TRY.

Inside the bar: pick up candle, light it, put it in bird. Check each bar stool for the letter with each corresponding symbol, enter the word in the "bird" cabinet for one thing, and the hint for the PICNIC panel.

Got key from mask

use paper at sink for another clue

Out but no happy coin.

Almost out. Attach screws to handle, press symbols according to menu, get box, check box for more things.

Roberto: did you check the box the key comes in?

paper clue gives you happy coin

That was easier than I thought.
Bye all, and thanks.

Yes. Found the Happy Coin. Thanks.

out - Last clue ( look at the Menu)

i dont get how the picnic hint works

sorrry....im stuck with a screwdriver. menu, and this other thing...help?

@.... - can u see letter in cb after u open the Bird word puzzle.

@Anonymous - have u open the frame picture and look at the safe behind it?

for the picnic clue, you see behind the bird cupboard the letters


click the lights on the picnic cupboard in order to spell picnic

for the picnic cupboard

push the squares in each corner according to the hint in the left cupboard to spell the word picnic

you mean the picture with green, yellow and red rectangles, yess...the picture is out of my way...but now my menu dissapered :(

LOL that was tricky getting the key from clock...the seconds keep moving.....

@anonymous: the place you use the picnic clue is to the right of the bird cupboard. It is also behind the bar and it will say picnic on it.

is there a coin in this one?

@jbg: i cant go behind the bar, and i dont see the word picnic anywhere...um i have matches no..

@Jorge: Yes, you get it from the paper inside the box you get the escape key from. Put the paper in the water from the sink.

I'm just joining ... but why would I want to escape the bar??? LOL

@anonymous: have you seen the hint from turning the dial above the clock? It will show you the order to click the picture in.

@anonymous: sorry for posting about the picnic cupboard earlier. I saw somebody else's comment and thought it was you asking for help on it. I see that it was someone else now.

@jbg: yess...i am that far..with matches, screwdriver, and some sort of handle..but stuck now...havent passed staff door...help plz??

@jbg: No problem, ur only trying 2 help me out..lol

You need to open the safe behind the safe behind the picture then. The clue for it is on the back of the black menu that is to the left of the picture.

@Linda_:LOL....True, True..

@jbg: my menu dissapered...its gone, i ddnt get to c the clue

ok then the numbers for the safe are:


@jbg: thank you.....ill keep trying on my own now....if i can...

ok, i need help....

help with what?

im stuck with the same...match, screwdriver, handle thing, batteries...

Did you put the batteries in the clock below the dial you used earlier? Then use the HMS hints on it.

ok...i did that now.....and he door thing says YOU...

use the shapes of the glasses to open the YOU box. Count them.

that makes so much sense...thanks...gunna try again..

can you help me with the card deck signs?..since i dont have my menu..plzz

card deck signs spoiler:

heart, spade, diamond, spade, club, diamond

OmG!!! Thank yo SO much...

@ anonymous i just start playing & first thing i got menu card .are you talking abt the signs on it ..if yes they are
heart ,spade ,diamond ,spade ,club & diamond ( i dont kno much abt card hopefully i tell you the rite names )

wht happen i lost my menu ... i dont kno how to open safe behind the pic ,,

@raasti: see my comment at 8:03.

thanx jbg but how did you get these no#?

You use the back of the menu to draw numbers with the shapes that are given when you click on the circles on the safe. Square is left, upside down triangle is right. triangle is down, circle is up. Folowing theses instructions will draw a 5 for the first one.

great game !

thanx jbg for help ...it was an easy game but menu disappear in the start .....

Unusually easy for a Tesshi-e -- I needed help for the "YOU" code.

code "YOU" : Glass in the bar. (625)

code "bird" : wine ^^

(Let's hope I'm not tempted to drink anything until I can leave!
I don't want a repeat of Sneaky's Expedition 4!)

RED MASK (Tengu-goblin)
Need to put something on goblin shelf
Pick up HANDLE (under goblin)
Note picture corners
Look at table between couches on right
Pick up menu (end of bar)
On back, see DIRECTIONS clue

Zoom on chairs to see letters and astrology signs
See glasses and liquors
Look at overhang (left, above bar)

Look at plant and pick up SD
See gray box
See dial on wall with roman numerals
Note that stripes above pillars change with dial setting (but fade quickly)
On right is a "STAFF ONLY" door, need key for box

Right table has blue Mr Birdy on candle stand

Use pillar stripes on picture for 3#-SAFE
Combine button layouts with back of menu to open safe
(start at red) to get BATTERIES

Put batteries in back of gray box (right side)
Use the H-M-S clues to get SPADE KEY (a little tricky -- set "S" low and wait)

Use key on box next to staff door to get "YOU" clue
Look again at glasses behind bar and count each shape

BEHIND BAR (2 views)
Pick up candle on right
See 4 letter safe labeled "Bird"
See 2x2 grid labeled "PICNIC"
See place for handle at far back -- need screws

Can turn water on/off

Light & place candle for astrology clue
Open "Bird" door combining Mr Birdy and chairs
Open right cupboard for OPENER
Open wine
(uh-oh -- I think I just drank a whole bottle of wine -- better get out quick before alcohol hits my brain!

Attach handle to door for CARD-SUITS DEVICE

Go back to goblin
Place card-suits device
Use menu clue for BOX
Open box for HEART KEY

Now, where could the Happy coin be?
Hint: Look through items left in inventory.
to get NEW SUITS CODE (action required)

Return to demon for Happy Coin!!!!

love the music in these games

ahh...out...its fun

       Anonymous  4/24/12, 11:57 PM  

Bug of some sort! I too lost the menu. When I looked through it first time, on the last page it went poof. Restarted and was ok second time around .

HMS got thro, help

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 1:26 AM  

I don't see any hint for the safe that's behind the picture. Where is it please ?

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 1:35 AM  

No help ?

pdgph@: H-M-S. set H 15 (push button down), M 52 (push) S 48 (push).


       Anonymous  4/25/12, 2:05 AM  

Thank you Pierpor, you're welcome.

I've seen the H, M and S hints... but where are the buttons ?

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 2:07 AM  

Sorry, I thought that I had to enter a number, first, I didn't see that there were shapes here. But I still don't understand this H M S puzzle.

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 2:15 AM  

For people like me that could be stuck at the safe, don't try to enter a number, but click the first button, some shapes will appear. Starting from the red shape, and ending at the E, follow the directions according to the last page of the menu, you'll see a number. Enter this number. Then, do the same for the second and third button. When you have entered the 3 numbers, you get something unexpected : batteries.

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 2:18 AM  

And unfortunately, the batteries don't go anywhere, not even in the grey box/microwave thingy.

Mildescape games are usually difficult, but much beter than this one. I'm giving up.

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 2:29 AM  

hi pdgph/Pascale,
just started, but already noticed:
batteries DO go in that kinda MW-box (right side, of your point of view).

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 3:30 AM  

Premiere, you saved me once again ! I reloaded the game, and yes, I missed this hotspot. Thank you !

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 3:38 AM  

For the happy coin, I tried the matches and the bottle of wine, but nada.

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 3:39 AM  

Not fire, but water !
Finally, it was not easy, but that's it !

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 3:41 AM  

TVM, Puzzled,
for preparing the way for:

☺ ☻ ☺

- set (fading!) colours on pillars with roman numeral switch above grey box for painting corner HINT:
1) I - Y/G
2) II - R/G
3) III - G/R
4) IV - G/Y
5) V - G/R
6) VI - G/Y
- painting corners:
G/R - R/G
Y-G - G/Y
- move painting (corners):



- use spade key from clock (grey box)
- GLASSES with same shapes (middle shelf at bar) = CODE:


- hint in bird CB:
I - N

P - C
- to type PICNIC, click squares:

- HINT in menu card:

- PAPER from heart key box
- wet paper at sink in bar for new card suit CODE to put under mask (click buttons:


Oh, dang, missed live game, but it was a GREAT one - as always!!!

cant find the SD the handle wont stay on.

I know I'm late but I just have to proclaim: "Hooray! A Tesshi-e game!" Made my day!

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 5:07 AM  

- SD is sticking in plant pot (in corner left of main door, where grey box is), you'll see a red handle
- handle goes (later) in panel behind counter, first you need the screws

thanks again finally out

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 6:00 AM  

way to go, sherry12!

(Btw: you posted
«thank you premiere didnt think to look there. finally out. Lke I said I need the WT»
in the dark room game - maybe it's better to delete the comment there to not to confuse people...)

Out with happy coin!

cannot input letters into bird safe :(
it won't let me do anything there
I lit candle put it in bird, got clue (close up) then went back to chairs got answer tried to input it into bird safe.....nada....is this a bug? going to try restart game.....:(

wonderful tomatea - please keep them coming

       Anonymous  4/25/12, 10:25 AM  

LOL, annaby,
(are you under some particular influence...?!)

oops - Tesshi-e - Great game!!!
(lol premiere, I was playing an old tomatea yesterday)

Tesshi-e games are always fun. Thanks

There are some pixel hunts:
1. a handle on the goblin mask
2. a menu on the bar (from picture/goblin view)
3. a candle on the second bar
4. Screwdriver in M52 tree

p.s. For English press the FUNCTION button and choose LANGUAGE

Thanks you @Premiere for the Solutions -- perhaps I should have called mine a Hint-through...

Thank you @Tiquer -- if you have trouble finding something, others will as well. And I completely forgot about the "FUNCTION/LANGUAGE" option by the time I was writing!

Great as always.Thank you Puzzledin and premiere for the WT-solutions!

Testing blogger log in

Great one, as usual!

*shakes hand with Puzzled*

Congrats, I'm relieved now =D

I would *never* have thought that I was supposed to take the shapes of the glasses as letters! Never ever.

Also needed hint for the picture - this colors-on-columns was both tricky and cumbersome. Plus, I just wondered if the dial was some temperature (!) control, and got quite astonished when nothing happened! ;)

Rest was pretty straightforward (uh, once I found that "micro-spot" with the candle LOL)

Wait, I should be honest and say that I did NOT find the menu either! I'm not too accustomed to hotspots being only accessible from one certain angle/view !!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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